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13 Dec 2016


Superdrol is a trademark of an anabolic steroid of metildrostanolon.

This steroid which is also called metasteron is the powerful oral anabolic agent who was never made as a commercial medical product. Medicine was for the first time mentioned medical reference books in 1960, and its last mentioning, apparently, appeared in 1965.

Besides very short period of mentioning of a steroid in literature, metildrostanolon all rest of the time it was forgotten. Only recently it repeatedly appeared in the gray market of anabolic steroids in the USA.

In its chemical structure it is very close to Masteron (drostanolon).

The unique difference is metil group, dopolnenitelny with-17 an alpha, modification which gives to this steroid high availability in case of oral application. In many cases with-17 an alpha alkylation changes nature of a steroid, in this case it doesn't occur.

Also as well as its parent drostalone, it isn't flavored, thus there is no distinction in estrogen of these two steroids. Any shan't have estrogenic side effects. Besides both steroids are keeping very favorable the relation of anabolic effect to androgenic. Laboratory researches showed that its anabolic activity is 4 times higher than at oral methyltestosterone and that its ratio of anabolic effect to androgenic 20:1.

The effective dosage of metildrostanolon, begins in the range 10-40mg in day for men. But don't expect to receive 10-15 kg of weight on this steroid; generally the increase constitutes 3-6 kg of high-quality weight in case of use it solo.

In determination of an optimum daily dosage, some really find that medicine is more effective in the range to 30 mg. In case of higher dosage medicine hepatoxicity potential begins to develop. In many cases the best choice will apply 20 mg of metildrostanolon a day + some non-toxical injection steroid like nandrolon or boldenon.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity: 400
  • Androgenic activity: 20
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogen): no
  • Toxicity for a liver: moderate
  • Progestagen activity: no

Information about SUPERDOL

Superdrol was known long before this strange name appeared. Personally I learned about it from a discussion concerning other medicine of IP laboratory with so unsuccessful name - "oral Masteron" who was a simple mestanolon (17 - alpha and methyl dihydrotestosterone). Actually, mestanolon is oral dihydrotestosterone, of course, to assume that adding 17 - alpha and methyl group says that this medicine – oral variety of the main steroid, though it isn't absolutely correct. Then I marked that to be called "oral Masteron", this substance owed be 2 - an alpha and methyl mestanolon or, even better, 17 - an alpha and methyl drostanolon (drostanolon name Masteron). Quite so we also called this substance – 17 - alpha and methyl drostanolon. There was it a few years ago. It seems doubtful that this medicine wasn't probed for several decades before so it, most likely, has much more continuous history, than we think.

According to information above it is possible to conclude that superdrol is actually result of connection of drostanolon and mestanolon as enters him 2 - alpha and methyl group of drostanolon and 17 - alpha and methyl group of mestanolon. And ocsimetolon and other substance which differs from superdrol in the fact that he includes 2-hydroxymethylene group instead of 2-methyl. The group of methyl is absolutely inert as it is nepolyarna. She doesn't give to substance any special biochemical characteristics, forming simple weight, and in it and her mission consists. This weight represents obstacle for 3 alpha and 3 - beta and hydroxysteroid enzymes of degidrogenaza therefore unlike mestanolon, superdrol is deactivated in muscular tissue not so quickly. Mestanolon is almost not suitable as anabolic steroid as he is very quickly deactivated, breaking up to 3-hydroxy-metabolites. 2-metilny group weakens communications between the enzymes causing such reaction and slows down rates of deactivation therefore superdrol, unlike a mestanolon, shows some anabolic activity. You can also like Bonomarlot.

Oksimetolon contains hydroksiliron carbon connected with one more carbon that forms chemically jet polar group. Besides, this carbon has double communication with a kernel of steran that increases reactivity of atom of oxygen. Though the mechanism of action of these communications is fully not studied yet, it is possible to claim that they give to oksimetolon some unique properties that speaks, most likely, by interaction of this substance with other structures with which the majority of anabolic androgenic steroids don't interact in general or do it in very limited measure.

Anabolic activity

As is a part of superdrol 17 - alpha and methyl group, this substance is less subject to metabolic deactivation and doesn't form 17 ketosteroids; the probability 16 hydroxylations is low too. From this it follows that superdrol, perhaps, remains active longer, than drostanolon, and it is removed from an organism more slowly. Unfortunately, the 2-metilny group also weakens communications with an androgen receptor that is aggravated with availability in structure of superdrol 17 - alpha metil groups. For this reason efficiency of superdrol considerably decreases, on the level of anabolic activity bringing closer this substance to drostanolon. So superdrol is impossible to consider efficient means for building-up of muscles will suit only men of low growth and those who have no experience of the use of other anabolic androgenic steroids yet. It puts superdrol in a row other weak oral androgenic steroids which don't have the flavoring effect – such as Anavar (Oksandrolon), Vinstrol (Stanozol) and Galotestin (Ftoroksimesteron).

Androgenic activity: In comparison with the mentioned weak steroids, androgenic activity of superdrol is much lower, than at galotestin, but is much higher, than at vinstrol and anavar. This results from the fact that despite hyperactivity of medicine in comparison with mestanolony, in muscular tissue deactivation happens quicker (the 2-metilny group lowers, but doesn't exclude completely reducing 3-keto functions). The deactivated dihydrotestosterone provides in muscles the same level of activity, as in those fabrics to which action of androgenic steroids is directed in spite of the fact that idea of the return is widespread. Though at young healthy men in case of acceptance of androgenic steroids side effects are seldom observed, to those who has bases to be afraid of their manifestation, once the superdrol prefers anavar or vinstrol. Nevertheless, many athletes claim that use of more powerful androgenic steroids increases density of muscles in case of the low level of content of fats in an organism. Though it is right not for all, it is possible to assume, as superdrol has similar effect. In this case superdrol is more preferable than other oral steroids mentioned here.

Estrogenic and progestagen activity

As well as the majority of steroids on the basis of 5 - alpha reductases, superdrol doesn't show estrogenic activity. Mestanolon and drostanolon havn’t flavoring effect. Producers of these substances are liked to be emphasized that they have no the estrogenic effects peculiar to oksimetolon, but it is worth to remember what first, ñóïåðäðîë has nothing in common with oksimetolon, and secondly, still it isn't proved yet that estrogenic effects of oksimetolon have estrogenic character: despite the sensation lifted around this phenomenon, in case of acceptance of oksimetolon in combination with other anabolic androgenic steroids estrogenic effects are shown very poorly and if to accept this medicine separately, aren't shown in general. Whether this substance shows anti-estrogenic activity as drostanolon, remains obscure. I wouldn't expect it.

Hepatic toxicity

Hepatoxicity of this medicine is quite high – perhaps for this reason earlier similar substances weren't advertized and weren't considered as suitable for pharmaceutical use. Personally I in all cases of acceptance of superdrol (four rates on 40/mg a day within 6 weeks) observed substantial increase of level of content of toxins in a liver in comparison with the periods of acceptance of other widespread oral steroids in the same (dianabol) or even high doses (Anavar, Anadrol, Vinstrol). Thus, it is recommended to accept no more than 30 - 40 mg of a superdrol a day not longer, than within 6 weeks. In case of excess of the specified dose or term of acceptance of medicine it is regularly necessary to measure the level of content of toxins in a liver.


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