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Sports Pharmacology – Pharmacological Sport preparations

04 Nov 2016

Macroergic (phosphagen)

Universal source of energy in the cell (including muscle) is the free energy of the energy phosphate bonds of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), liberated by the hydrolysis (breakdown) of ATP to adenosine - and adenosine diphosphate (ADP and AMP) and inorganic phosphate.

However muscle ATP contained enough to provide work for no more than 0.5 seconds, so in the muscular energy of ATP used, directly synthesized during operation using the power of other caged high energy phosphates (phosphogens).

Phosphocreatine (PC) is as a source of energy for muscle contraction plays a leading role in the work in the anaerobic zone alactatic power when its reserves in muscle cells limit the duration and intensity of work.

As pharmacological correction performance of athletes from the group phosphogens interest currently available drugs in the pharmacy network Neoton, Ðhosphaden and Adenylic acid. Perhaps the use of creatine phosphate, which exists in a biological additive.

ATP (synonyms: atriphos (Hungary), miotriphos (Poland), fosfobion (Romania)) is a drug derived from of animals muscle tissue. For medical use of the produced solution of sodium adenosine triphosphate 1% Injection. Currently recognized as ineffective preparation in the sphere of sports and is not considered here.

Neoton is a drug phosphocreatine (Italy) Neoton available in vials containing 200, 500 and 1000 mg of phosphocreatine (PC), administered intravenously. Following a single intravenous infusion of a rapid dose-dependent increase of its content in the blood up to a maximum level within 1-5 minutes. The process of excretion FC is divided into two phases. First, the fast phase, characterized by half-time, FC, is 30-35 minutes. The duration of the second phase of the slow elimination, is a few hours. FC content in urine starts to increase after 30 minutes, reaching a maximum at 60 minutes after administration. Pay attention to Mildronate, active components Meldonium.

A significant part of phosphocreatine imposed from outside is captured by different bodies. Analysis of the distribution of exogenous FC in blood and other tissues showed that this compound accumulates specifically in skeletal muscles, myocardium and brain - tissue in which intracellular FC plays an important functional role. Elimination from tissues FC is slow, and this is determined by the duration of the second phase of elimination from the body.

Acid adenylic (synonym MAL - musculo-adenylic drug) - a drug derived from beer yeast and a mixture containing adenosine mono-phosphoric, fructose diphosphate and other biologically active acids. Available in bottles of 100 ml, is taken orally and 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.

Phosphaden (synonyms: AMP, Aden, adenosine monophosphate) - regulates redox processes. It has a vasodilating effect, involved in the biosynthesis of porphyrins. Available as tablets and 0.05 to 0,025 g, and 2% solution for injections. The daily dose is I to 0.15 g and inwardly to 0.12 g intramuscularly, I duration for 2-4 weeks.

All of these drugs are contributing to the number of energy-uveliche¬niyu compounds in the body, are most effective when working in an anaerobic zone alaktatnoy power, and their use for the purpose of correction of physical performance shown during the event and on the stages of the training process, which aims at developing a high-speed endurance and there is significant work in the anaerobic mode.

But without these drugs and is difficult to work in the aerobic zone.

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