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Depression in our lives

16 Dec 2016

The word "depression" is widely used in our lives. It can be heard in everyday life. It often comes in the diagnoses that put psychiatrists and psychologists. It is not without reason. As a mental disorder, depression is one of the most common.

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Domestic use of the word due to the fact, that the intuitive meaning of the term seems to be clear:

  • Reduced mood?
  • Decreased of self-esteem?
  • Almost not pleased that sooner filled life with meaning?
  • In this regard, the future is in dark tones?
  • And, of course, difficult to force myself, to do anything?

Then it is clear - you have depression!

The meaning of the term in everyday life and has a similar medicine. The most significant difference is that in everyday life, it can be used in relation to the light, unexpressed forms. Sometimes even that is that is that it is not present. But for the diagnosis "depression" is necessary for symptoms meet the criteria of ICD and prolonged their presence. To reduce depression buy – Afobazol, Selank, Phenazepam, Phenibut.

Let's take a look inside, expand the "depression" into components. They will have three and they all begin with the letter "A": apathy, anhedonia and abulia.

Apathy can be simply translated as insensibility. Insensitivity to their own experiences and what is happening around. Detachment, indifference, disregard.

Anhedonia is an inability to experience pleasure. We have already mentioned this state of the previous list. Not only that, nothing pleases, so more and the desire to enjoy life comes to naught.

Abulia is translated as lack of will. Of course, lack of will, rather the outward manifestation, that noticeable to others. Well, a man can not bring himself to do that either.

The latter, of course, may be due to the fact that just does not want. And he does not want to, because I do not feel pleasure. And so on. We immediately see that our three "A" to each other very closely related and intertwined. As, however, and everything that happens in our souls.

In what cases, you can say, "I have depression"?

If you want to justify their behavior to their families or just to scare them, then of course you can say that word with gusto and observe the reaction.

If you want to really understand their condition or state of others, then we need some caution, prudence and knowledge of the case. To do this, first of all, you should know that in extreme, severe cases of depression, a person may hold on his bed, resting his eyes on the wall, weeks, months and even years.

If you go to work, communicating with friends and family laugh, at least occasionally eat, including dessert, then the word "depression" should be used with caution. For the word "depression", so firmly ensconced in our life, may play a cruel joke. It is not, it will characterize your condition, and your condition will tend to your presentation about how to be a man is depressed. Believe me, it also happens, and very widely ...

On the other hand, in the judgments necessary to adhere to the golden mean. And if you notice some of these symptoms, then you already have the words that these symptoms can be called. And, accordingly, read about them on the Internet or by contacting them on a psychologist who advises you in person or online.


Action of Nootropic Drugs

16 Dec 2016

Welcome, today is mostly a philosophical topic in which such issues will be discussed such as: what a body, I have to change its settings should be, why some nootropics act so that there is a strong motivation, others - poker face. Why do some feel side effects, others get only advantages.

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Everything around us is both simple and complicated in the same time. There are simple laws. Gravity: even when people thought the world was flat, no one denies the fact that jumping from the tree, the man soon fly down than up. Want to lose weight - do not eat anything. Perhaps there is no person in the world who would not eat anything and not losing weight, except for the hundreds of thousands of girls who have the nature of "hormones" and "extensive bone." Want to be clever - read a book, learn the skills. Do you want to get fat - eat like a hippopotamus. Inflate? Yes, no question: there is a behemoth, competently train 1-2 hours 3 times a week. This foundation is a simple side of life.

What is the difficulty?

The settings of each individual organism. Now we will have a subtle psychological turn: imagine that you are in your favorite game on the position of the linear unit. You will live there, according to the rules of this game, with its laws. If this game is the possibility to fly, you can achieve this, if the original can not swim, then, alas, "spent"))

What if everyone in this game is to think of his own head? Add to that more sophisticated mechanisms like biological laws. Birth and death, neurotransmitters that are produced, depending on how you act with other characters. The genetic code, which is transmitted from parents to children. Height, body type, talent, intellectual ability.

Here you can add features such as the psychology of our game. One and the same person can cause irritation and admiration, even more! One and the same act is capable of it. The same brand of mobile phones may enrage and be loved.

Life is a game!

And there are many different substances in this game, that change your settings "by default". It seems mysterious and interesting. These myriad substances. Opioid drugs can cause pleasure, change system settings, but, say, heroin addicts live an average of 2-4 years, so bad they change the settings. Nootropics, make the brain work better, by nootropics do not die, it would seem a plus, but suffer liver and kidney. Anabolic steroids make man more man, they are also not die, although they knock hormones and negative effect on the liver.

All of this speaks to the fact that there are no substances that only positively change these settings. Only a positive effect on the body has a light and medium physical activity, and good food. If you want to go beyond what your inherent nature, then there will be minuses.
Now it is too early to judge the impact of such interventions, but they just need to be.

Basic moments

Taking Nootropic drugs (Piracetam, Cogitum, Semax, Noopept, Phenotropil, Cerebrolysin) longer read the contraindications and fewer side effects. Our psychology can make you believe that will be caused drowsiness or irritability. Remember that even the written ascorbic acid has its own side effects.

It is advisable once a year guzzle hepato-protectors, if you really love tablets. Who knows how strong is your kidneys and liver. One can have all the years in a row and did not know the problem, the other in a few years will detect any sore with these bodies.

Before use, what else, women should think about 2 times more. Especially at a young age. Nootrops are so little studied and, on the background of the whole of human history, there is not so long ago, some 50 years, and the impact on the fetus, studies are lacking. And then more risk than benefit.

How to help nootropics work better

If Nootrops make the brain work, to help them, it is necessary to support the work of the brain. With all due respect to conked-out old car, but if you put the engine from Ferrari at it, then it would not go as a sports car, even if you go, you will burn the brakes or wheel unscrew.
With the brain is the same, will have all garbage - consider worthless pour fuel. Whatever steep nootropics you can not find - at bad as the other systems of the body, there will be little sense. Despite the fact that our body is much more flexible than a car and can long endure a bad way of life, there are certain laws that gives the body and mind benefit, and that the damage.

To break through the ceiling of their genetic intellectual capacity, to say the genes, so and so, "you do not meet my expectations" - upgrade all systems, not just piracetam and reading books.

As for other drugs - should not take nootropics with antidepressants. If you do not understand what it is - so do not take))

About nootropic effects

After all the above described, it is easier to understand why one person or that nootrop not act or acts like something is wrong, or too well. There are many variables: lifestyle, diet, age, even while taking supplements and environment and make the experience a slightly different effect of the action on the brain. And how important are also the very same individual settings. Genetics, Psychology, hormones - all different.

Ie, the direction in nootropic actions may be true, for example, glycine, will in any case cause sedation, no one eats to cheer, but the depth of sedation, each different. This is a catch! Find right supplement, the exact dosage and time of receipt.

Bottom line:

  • each organism is unique metabolism, hormones, genes and other features;
  • taking nootropics, we are changing the setting of "Default" within our system;
  • As is known, when a PC configuration changes, the system remains the same, it is in any case change, the question is whether it will be better or worse after modifications
  • awake the brain, it is necessary upgrade all systems of the body, on the foundation of a barn one does not built skyscraper, even you got good construction materials. 



16 Dec 2016

There are many nootropics, some are more effective in the short term, while others - in the long term. But there are some supplements that miraculous properties and effects are credited almost immediately and they last for a long time. Pramiracetam is a something shrouded in a veil of mystery, that all will certainly want to try, but can not find) almost every fan of nootropics knows about it, it manages to create an image of the ideal tablet for the mind, which does not stimulate, not relaxes - namely brain improves cognitive abilities.

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Pramiracetam is a modified form of Piracetam, created in the 70s of the last century in the current Pfizer subsidiary. Now it is one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world, with a turnover equal to approximately 30-40% of the federal budget of Russia. Let us describe the work of Pramiracetam. You can buy Piracetam.

How does Pramiracetam act

By tradition, we will apply the methods of analysis for determining the basic principles of Pramiracetam work. Analysis - is breaking something big and complex to something more simple and clear. Therefore, to begin with a look at the molecule of the nootropic drug.

Nootropil, OPPA, Piracetam, Oxiracetam, Etiracetam, Nebracetam, Rolziracetam, Aniracetam, Pramiracetam, Piracetam, Racetam

We see a clear resemblance to the molecule of Piracetam, and because they are, of course, "relatives". As a consequence, will exhibit some common features.

  • 1.Pramiracetam has almost no effect on any neurotransmitters. This means that it does not violate the normal rhythm of life. No phenomena of hyperstimulation or sedation.
  • 2.There is a significant effect only on 1 neurotransmitter - acetylcholine. Then a little more about it.

In studies on rats was identified gain choline uptake in the hippocampus (part of the brain responsible for memory). It is known that choline is a precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is released during training (it is not important, the new city you walk or compose a report). A piracetam enhances the action of acetylcholine receptors.
That's the difference! To make it clearer, imagine that you need to get into the apartment, you are standing on the staircase at the entrance, and knock on the door, but no one hears you. Piracetam will make you knock harder and make Pramiracetam call friends and crowd clatter. That's what happens in the mind between neurons and neurotransmitters.

This nootrop Pramiracetam physically increases the amount of acetylcholine, circulating between neurons.

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Another study of the same rats. With regards to effects on memory. 3 groups of rats received 1st pramiracetam at a dosage of 7.5 mg / kg, 2-I at a dose of 15 mg / kg, 3-I do not get anything. Rats were placed in a maze, waiting for when it will take place, where they were waiting for goodies. Then, at regular intervals, once again put them there too. After 1 and 2 weeks there was no difference in nearly all groups were maze faster on average 60 and 65%, respectively. However, since the first week, the group that received nothing - was a few percentage points behind. On the 3rd week gap had widened to 15% and held about steady until the end of the study. The higher the dosage of just quickly reached the limit.

That is, there is reason to believe that Pramiracetam buy immediately improves memory, but only slightly, and after 3 weeks, at least rats, improve memory by 15%.

  • 3.There is easy AMPA activity that is at all racetam. The AMPA-receptor - it is the 2nd main "button" for the transfer of excitation between neurons, 1st - is the NMDA-receptors. In general, with the activation of AMPA receptors in the brain signals to be faster, as a result, "fly" a larger amount of data per unit time.
  • 4.Improve cerebral circulation. It promotes better delivery and utilization of oxygen in the brain.

Summarized as: Pramiracetam improves blood circulation, increases the absorption of choline and acetylcholine creates a greater extent than Piracetam acts on AMPA-receptors.

Course of Pramiracetam

Pramiracetam generally tolerated well, it has no serious contraindications, except for hypersensitivity to the drug, and, traditional, liver and kidneys.
Side effects are more common with piracetam. Irritability and lethargy, allergy and excitement.

Headache - this is the most probable side effect. Which can be prevented. Part of this has been said in another release later recall how.

The duration of the course of Pramiracetam - 2 months, repeat the course as 2 months. Dosage 1-1.5 grams / day. Half-life in Pramiracetam is about 5 hours, and the advisability of taking 2 times a day, such as morning and afternoon.

Take strict with food or after a meal, as the drug is fat soluble 85.2%, the highest rate among racetam, piracetam, by the way, is water soluble at 96.9%.

Effects of Pramiracetam

Improving of learning and long-term memory - it's 2 main effect Pramiracetam. If you dig on the western forums out there it is described as "piracetam on steroids." And if piracetam acted you well, pramiracetam will be even better, in theory, of course.

In the early 90's in the country of Italy conducted a study Pramiracetam on 24 healthy men. There are 2 groups, one received a placebo, the other Pramiracetam 1.2 g / day. On the 11th day, both teams entered Scopolamine hydrobromide (0.5 mg ), the so-called truth serum, which can be seen in various action movies. this substance causes a temporary disorder of memory and the person bears all that he comes to my mind, can start talking about the weather, but after 5 seconds alone pharmacology. Test solve simple tests on logic and memory. All were dull scary, but the band decided to Pramiracetam tests better.

The effect is slow, progressive way during the first 2 weeks, on the 3rd week of racing and will be plateau effect.

How can I help Pramiracetam

Chicken or quail eggs (at least 2 chicken eggs per day) will be your best friends during the reception of the course. It takes really a lot of choline, pramiracetam working with him. If the choline in the system is low - the head will hurt.

An interesting course is to Piracetam or Noopept. Do not overexert liver / kidney once again, less fast food, alcohol, more oatmeal and vegetables.

Bottom line:1. Pramiracetam - a strong nootrop of racetam group.

2. Pramiracetam powered by enhanced production of acetylcholine.

3. Effects of Pramiracetam : memory, easy learning, improving mood.

4. The course of Pramiracetam - 2 months. 1-1.5 grams / day, divided into 2 doses.

5. Be sure to take extra source of choline or choline as an additive, or the head may ache and pramiracetam will work worse. It can be combined with Piracetam or Noopept.

Good luck and see you soon)


The main Neurotransmitters

16 Dec 2016

You are on the site dedicated to brain development, the development of intelligence in all its manifestations. And now starts the release cycle of the main neurotransmitters. You will learn what are the neurotransmitters, how they work, when they work, their advantages and disadvantages.

The mechanism of the brain work

The amount of information about the neurons and neurotransmitters, since opening, has increased exponentially.

Nerve cells of the central nervous system - are those particles, which consists of the brain. Nerve cells "communicate" with each other through neurotransmitters, there is a small space, called the synaptic cleft between nerve cells. This is the passage between the cars on the train where the cars - a nerve cell.

Also we will mention today presynaptic and postsynaptic ending, as you might guess, is that "before and after" the synaptic cleft. Let it will be lobbies, between which passage.

Let the people be neurotransmitters. The above presented scheme is very, very simple, and it is designed to introduce! This is just a skeleton, but there is also fat, muscles, joints, etc.

Suppose, in the train were musicians and they play something in the style of Radiohead or The Beatles, ie a peaceful and beautiful music, they do not play in the vestibule or in the bridge between the cars, in the synaptic cleft in pre- or postsynaptic end, they only act on the nervous cell, and the cell becomes more quiet, then the same happens with the next and so on. Our musicians - it is calming neurotransmitters.

We continue. Neurotransmitters are either in a single neuron, or act on it from the outside, like adrenaline, for example. They then accumulate in the presynaptic terminal, where part of "fly" into the synaptic cleft, and where their catches 2nd neuron, absorbing in the postsynaptic ending.

What do neurotransmitters?

Very interesting question, they respond to the way you act with the world around you, it all goes through the multilayer filter of individual plants, through lifestyle and psychology. In addition, create neurotransmitters are responsible for human behavior. For example, an accident happened to you in the street X, the brain remember it through the glutamate and adrenaline. Then, passing this place again, even without the accident, the brain will remind the previous negative situation, do not worry there is no Ie, but the behavior is changing under the influence of memories. Similarly it happens with the positive. Maybe in the same accident, someone else did not hurt, but the rest of the day spent in a good mood with bright emotions.

Ie, these materials allow us to estimate the world through the prism of their own plants. If you are a true vegan, then at the sight of a juicy piece of meat, you will be a feeling of disgust and draw pictures as cruel killing of animals to a fat man got more excess food. If you are a meat-eater, why do think you need to quickly try it until a fragrance spreads.

The greater the judge of neurotransmitters - the more you realize that there is no good or bad events, except outright negative, and there is the way the brain perceives these events! This is a separate interesting topic, which will plot.

The main representatives of neurotransmitters

Now we put aside the attitude of every person to a specific question, as in the question "To eat meat or not," that was not different emotions. And concentrate on the fact that there are similarities in each neurotransmitter.

GABA - inhibitory neurotransmitter type, which perfectly "jamming" excessive excitement. For example, if you have, say, tomorrow is an important day, it is usually difficult to sleep at night, this is due to an excess of glutamate and other natural stimulants body. In this case, it is important to "cool down" to calm down, relax, concentrate, and helps in the GABA. If it is conditionally little – man is restless and irritable. You can find it in Picamilon and Ladasten.

Glutamate is antipode of GABA. The main excitatory neurotransmitter, this is it does not allow you to sleep on a pair or at work, acts on the NMDA and AMPA receptors. Especially a lot of it during periods of stress and nervousness. Glutamate helps to learn! Usually a little choleric initially overestimated the mediator, so they grasp the information, as they say, on the fly, if you have the desire and the normal development of other mediators.

Glycine is the younger brother of GABA, always to the rescue. Acts on the NMDA receptors, glutamate and the like, also helps to absorb information. On the body operates smoothly, not cut down, it does not cause drowsiness and lowers the heart rate, pressure, slows the transmission of signals to the limbs, causing "a glycine 'actions become smooth. Its concentration is partially regulated by the biorhythms, closer to a dream it anymore.

Dopamine - the main motivator, makes you wait, hope. That strange feeling when tomorrow will be a mega interesting day, in the evening you are lying in bed and can not sleep, fantasize, plan - it is dopamine. On the one hand, it is not excitement, you do not want to move, but there is almost no desire to sleep. If the condition to send to school, if it is present every day - though mastered Chinese, even the piano. Most stimulant drugs affect primarily on dopamine.

Acetylcholine - Helps to learn and memorize. Acetylcholine do not care what you learn: playing dota, Maths analysis, meet girls or turn the sun on the bar. It reinforces the experience! What it is, the better to assimilate the information. A good half of nootropics, especially racetam, working with it, hence the effects are taken like "Memory" and "learning.

Adrenaline is a stress hormone produced by the adrenal glands, and then enters the bloodstream and brain. Adrenaline actually increases strength and endurance, but for a certain period, but the brain of it is better not to work, perhaps even worse. But this hormone at copes with the task to survive, no matter where it was.

Norepinephrine - we can say that it is a positive and sensible adrenaline. Norepinephrine "sit like on the needle" and all fans of extreme sports gamblers. In action, it is a combination of dopamine and adrenaline. That feeling when you want to scream, to dance, to sing, when there is nothing impossible. Ie, it is not euphoria, not happiness, but superbright events that are remembered: an unusual meeting, a trip to the "American" roller coaster, jumping with a parachute, performance at any sporting or non-sporting competitions, a feeling before the aircraft take-off, climb the rock, and so on .d. In all these states, on the one hand, scared and anxious (no euphoria), but on the other - you feel very cool.

Serotonin - a neurotransmitter and a hormone responsible for the enjoyment of life, and yet in many public things. Lack of serotonin is associated with depression. But the causes of depression, in addition to the objective, to the end is unknown. It is believed that if you eat right, talk with people (friends of the opposite sex), doing vigorous activity and spend a lot of time in the sun - that serotonin you everything is fine. In terms of brain chemistry - this is happiness. As serotonin is responsible for the pain threshold. The happier you are, the more pain you will endure. However, many of serotonin, too bad, it is called Serotonin syndrome, plus the fact that it is almost impossible to get without pills.

Bottom line:- neurotransmitters - it is a separate system in the body, which helps to better adapt to life on the basis of individual experience and expertise, the exact number is still not known;

  • "Bad" and "good" - a subjective concept for any organism.
  • "In terms of brain chemistry - this is happiness." Happiness is primarily dopamine. Those who drank antidepressants tied to serotonin know that serotonin does not give joy, not uplifting. whether it affects the mood? Yes, it does. He removes it. It makes no. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter brake. It soothes. With that he manages perfectly well. Removes the alarm. But the joy, happiness, euphoria - a dopamine in the limbic system (which is in it for other systems gives other effects).


Why do people have different pain threshold?

16 Dec 2016

Neurologist Dr. Doping speaks about the concept of the threshold of pain and factors reaction to pain.

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The threshold of pain - it's not exactly a concrete concept. The fact that this term is referred patients and physicians, is somewhat different.

Trying to summarize and generalize the concept of the pain threshold, we obtain the conditional degree of impact on the human body, above which we experience what is called pain. Pain - is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with current or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage (the definition of the International Association for the Study of Pain, IASP).

The value of the threshold of pain is somewhat exaggerated for practical life. For example, in research activity is an important component in a number of works with which explores the emergence of pain threshold, pain tolerance threshold, the threshold temperature pain threshold pressor pain. Also evaluated threshold of protective reflexes that occur in response to control by force of painful stimulus (nociceptive flexor reflex, blink reflex). In medical practice such techniques are rarely investigated due to the ambiguity of their understanding. In everyday life under the threshold of pain is often understand the severity of the visible - the motor or verbal - reaction to the pain, but it is not correct to use the term, it is more consistent with the notion of pain tolerance threshold.

The very threshold of pain is the perception of pain depends on many factors. On the perception of pain affects the previous experiences, including "painful history", socio-cultural factors, family traditions, the level of motivation of a person at a particular time, the presence of underlying emotional or mental disorders (depression or anxiety disorder), sleep disturbance, the overall level of fatigue person, the level of perceived stress and hormone levels (including the phase of the cycle in women).

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The reaction to the pain sensation - this behavior is even more dependent on environmental and cultural factors, as well as individual notions of acceptable behavior, demonstrative level and other factors. So, there are religious layers in which pain is perceived as a redemption, there are patients with serious spinal cord injuries, which informed that the presence of pain - this is a mandatory component of "restoration" of neural structures (which is not quite true). Unknown pain, which the patient has not previously been a "sign" to cause a greater reaction than the known or expected. The pain of physical activity in the gym can be expected as a "symbol" of successful training and the expected addition of muscle mass (which is also not true). The pain with which women meet regularly, rarely perceived as a reason for seeking medical help, as it is a pain, had previously met with the well-known reasons and duration.

In medical environment, the use of the pain threshold concept and its application is possible in patients with chronic pain syndromes, including headaches, with the possible presence of emotional disturbances living in conditions of chronic stress, and so on. It is believed that a group of drugs that modulate the level of support and pain threshold, are antidepressants and anticonvulsants.


Autoimmune Encephalitis

16 Dec 2016

Neurologist Dr. Doping speaks about studying autoimmune diseases, encephalitis and diagnosing tumor effect on the nervous system.

Autoimmune encephalitis - a condition in which a person in a matter of days and weeks developing quite vivid memory impairment, behavioral disorders, psychosis, any unusual movement. This is due to the formation of antibodies against its own nerve cells. Perhaps most clearly, this situation has been described in 2012 in a book by Suzanne Kehelen that she was ill with the disease. She has released a book "My Month of Madness", and, in fact, in this title is the essence of this disease. The author - a young girl who became ill, doctors have long tried to find out the causes of her condition. She was in a frenzy, as she herself says, and then, thanks to the correct diagnosis, is fully recovered - recovered so that I could write an interesting and fascinating book, which became a bestseller in America.

To reduce stress and anxiety – buy Phenibut, Afobazol, Selank and Phenazepam.

The disease itself was described a few years earlier. In 2005, the first cases were identified among young women, who both suffered from behavioral disorders and unexplained nature of ovarian tumor. Accordingly, it has been suggested the so-called paraneoplastic nature of the disease, ie a disease that is caused by cross-reaction of the immune system between the tumor and its own nervous system.

What is paraneoplastic nervous system, what they are and why there was such an assumption? They were described and other paraneoplastic disease. There are diseases that damage the brain and spinal cord, damaging the neuromuscular division, damaging peripheral nerves. At the same time developing the clinic, ranging from encephalitis, that is an acute condition in which a person properly behaved: he psychosis, his unusual movements, he loses his memory, it can run into catatonia, coma, - up to myelitis, when human damaged spinal cord. It can be nerve damage and neuropathy dipole when developing weakness or disorder of neuromuscular transmission when coming develops fatigue and impaired muscle strength.

All this is due to formation of autoantibodies to various structures of the nervous system, namely, to intracellular antigens - is an antibody which in practice is called Anti-Ku, Anti-Jo, Anti-Ro, is intracellular antigens of the nervous system. Any antigen located on the surface of nerve cells of the central nervous system. One of them - it is the NMDA-receptor, which we will now speak in detail. There antigens located on neuromuscular synapses as calcium-dependent channels in the syndrome of Lambert - Eaton, for example.

Thus, in order to confirm the nature of the disease paraneoplastic need several factors, namely the presence of the tumor itself, the presence of antibodies and evidence that these antibodies bind directly to the immune system and cause the same neurological syndrome that we see in the patient. And in 2007, ie two years after the first description of acute cases of mental disorders of young women with a tumor, Professor Dalmau was confirmed this relationship between tumor formation of antibodies and the corresponding clinical manifestations. He gets in antibodies derived from blood, cerebrospinal fluid of patients in the sections of the nervous tissue of animals and noted that the antibodies of these biological fluids are associated primarily with hippocampal tissue. And then, thanks to the method of colocalization with known antibodies added to the same cuts, it became clear that this antibody to the NMDA-receptor.

NMDA-receptor - it receptors that transmit signals in the nervous system. Neurotransmitter is glutamate, and they are well represented in all parts of the nervous system. Currently cases sets 300-500 person been described, and that are directed toward the body NMDA-receptors, determines the clinical picture follows. These antibodies bind to receptors and cause their internalization, that is dipping into neurons, respectively, they go to the surface, and it turns out that degrades transmission through these receptors and attenuates the signal transmitted through the glutamate receptors. Glutamate - This excitatory neurotransmitter that serves conditionally positive signal between nerve cells. But since many of these receptors are inhibitory neurons and excites - GABA neurons, it turns out that the inhibition, ie a decrease in the excitation of inhibitory neurons, leading to disinhibition of front-strialnic ties in the system. It turns out, reducing the negative impact, that is, the inhibitory effect, leads to the fact that becoming more active front-strialnic system, which lead to the development of psychosis clinics, catatonia, to the whole of the unusual clinical picture that we see.

It is known that the determination of these antibodies in patients newly diagnosed with schizophrenia, such as schizophrenia, which was considered before, a positive result and 10% of cases. You can speculate and say that up to 10% of newly diagnosed schizophrenia in adulthood may be autoimmune, that is completely treatable, that at one time made a rather dramatic shift in consciousness as psychiatrists and neurologists regarding the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness. This disease is primarily manifested in women under 30 years, and more than half of them have a tumor, as we said at the beginning. Tumors - is primarily ovarian teratoma and teratoma, which are a variety of tissues. They are a generator of these antibodies, which subsequently cross-react with the immune system.

Treatment of this disease treatment corresponds to many autoimmune diseases, namely: immunosuppression with corticosteroids, leaching of plasmapheresis antibodies decrease B-cell activity, antibody producing monoclonal antibodies by introducing, for example, to receptors CD20, located on the B-cells; drug "Rituximab" or less-specific immuno-suppressive therapy in the form of injections "cyclophosphamide". And with regard to diagnosis and treatment is very important is to identify the primary tumor and remove it.

The most striking example to date of treatment known to me as a result of removal of the tumor is the case of a young girl who was 6 months in refractory, that is not curable, non-convulsive status epilepticus, which in itself is a very rare and life-threatening situation. Do not be effective or immuno-suppressive therapy, or antiepileptic therapy. She was diagnosed encephalitis induced antibodies NMDA-receptors, ovarian studies gave mixed results, but she, even though she was in a serious condition, laparoscopic surgery to remove the ovaries was carried out, and she came out of this status and relatively well recovered . That is such a dramatic improvement in the detection of possible tumors and their timely treatment.

Accordingly, in our country we are now conducting diagnostics of autoimmune encephalitis, and how researchers from around the world, and it becomes clear that not all antibodies are still unknown. Since, as in addition to those in the 2007, new NMDA-receptors as antigens these antibodies have been described, now apparently wider spectrum of these antibodies, which is known to us. Therefore, our work is that we diagnose some patients autoimmune encephalitis, but we collect the material, which is necessary in order to, in cases in which a high probability of the presence of a human autoimmune disease caused by antibodies to the cells of the nervous system, to accumulate the material to further identify new, hitherto unknown antibodies and hence the development of drugs, and more accurate diagnosis of these conditions. A treatment of these conditions, as seen in the example, can dramatically affect human life.


Why does a person need to assert himself?

16 Dec 2016

Psychologist dr. Doping tells about self-affirmation at the expense of others, psychoanalyst Alfred Adler and constructive ways of superiority.

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In ordinary speech, ordinary consciousness of "self-assertion" is often associated with negative traits, behavior, aimed at humiliating the other person. The famous psychoanalyst Alfred Adler called a personal affirmation and thought that in this case the value of increasing the I, the self-assessment of who is asserting itself, is done by the depreciation of the person of the Other, that is, in order to assert themselves com. Indeed, you can find a lot of cases, when a person publicly ridiculed, insulted, humiliated, and not for the purpose of his education, and to achieve a sense of self-worth. The object of humiliation are usually people who are inclined to assume the role of victim. For example, it is known that children who survived childhood situation of physical or emotional abuse as adults, continue to bear the stamp of the sufferer, thus, often without realizing it, provoking other people prone to aggression, ill-treated them.

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Assertiveness is not confined only to personal advantage over others. Thus, according to Adler, the man is able not only to personal but also to constructive self-affirmation, that is to superiority over himself. By asking a question about why the person needs to assert itself, we primarily associate the need for a constructive excellence, the desire of man to rise above himself. However, it is not just the development, change, personal growth, when a person changes for the sake of change - it's a meaningful change to the extent that one feels the importance, strengthening its I, expanding its capabilities, gets a new life experience.

In psychology, it is found a lot of paradoxes. One of them is that the more the person asserts his identity, referring to the design excellence processes, the more he values and cherishes other intercourse with them (personal, professional, family, and others.). In other words, self-assertion does not prevent the development of a human social feelings and even contributes to its strengthening. Why is this so? The fact that the constructive self-assertion of the individual human comprehension associated themselves and their possibilities and with the same attitude not only to themselves but to others. In this case, I'm a man I become an equivalent of another person, others by the association with which we obtain the so-called "Reflections" opinion about yourself. Thus, the need for self-affirmation due to the desire of man to self-discovery, to comprehend itself, including through open communication with society.

It is known, however, that the various circumstances of life can prevent this. So, difficult life situations, loss and failure, and largely unexpected and traumatic stressors psyche can make a person vulnerable and reduce his need for self-disclosure and self-affirmation. Human Personality "crystallized" and the potential for development is very limited. According to Nartova-Bochaver, man ceases to feel like this, who live in his time and is in the right place, no longer feel the sovereignty of his psychological space, because the feeling arises only in the course of the progressive development of the individual and his constant assertion value I, Me is as though the backlog person from the previous pace of life, violated the boundaries of psychological space. Instead of looking at myself through the prism of relations with other people, a person begins to attribute to itself uncritically assessment of others, it ceases to be himself.

Constructive self-affirmation creates the conditions for disclosure and confirm the value of the self as the ownership of the values of others, but not reducible to them. Self-affirmation man - is his way to his life-long, which interweaves and overlaps with the life of other people's ways, but which never merges with them completely and not stop halfway.


Sedatives: Calm and Fearlessness

16 Dec 2016

"In her mind calm of ignorance." Hello, today we are going to understand these nootropics that make us more prudent and less impulsive, but without the development of a "vegetable." Making Sense of additives, which are intended to add clarity of mind. If you are interested in, then you've come to the right place!

Features of sedatives

Sedatives can be called any substance that calms, but at the same time you do not lose health and does not cause drowsiness. Recently, we have made the release of stimulants, I must say that all of them a little bit easier than with sedatives. Become a vigorous body and brain can be, you will have to break out of energy, you can catch a lot, but you will make mistakes, because the efficiency will decrease in favor of speed. Just pour yourself with cold water and adrenaline make you at least a hundred meters to run. But you can not so easy to take and calm yourself.

With sedatives slightly different problem, in simple terms - "don’t-care development." Here, too, suffers from efficiency, but a lack of desire. That is, you think something like "Why do I need to do all this, because the couch is so soft and cuddly." Ie, nootropics, sedatives border with a complete lack of desire, and the brain, which does not develop - degraded.

Usually, by the action of sedatives similar to antidepressants and antidepressants is a very powerful drugs, they are designed to treat, we also want to help themselves, so we are only familiar with softer materials.

The stimulants was very important to get enough food and oxygen as well as high energy costs. With sedatives we probably will a little more slowly than in ordinary life, but if it is to work the brain, at high speeds, the amount of food you can not reduce in any way! Instead, improve nutrition, foods with a low glycemic index and high-protein work best. Do not forget the veggies!

As for the consequences

Sedatives are not overtaxed body, do not force him to work to the fullest. In this context, after a short course to 1-1.5 weeks, there should be no failures as stimulants. Rather, the body will return to a more "reckless, irritable." And in general - The less you take the pill, the less likely would any side effects- it is an axiom.


No more effective means! Do not forget about the fine line between a clear mind and efficiency on the one hand and on the other a full don’t-care. Contraindications you see by yourself. Dosage available daily, if taken independently, without additional additives.

  • 1.Glycine. The additive which can be used continuously. To become much more calm enough 2-3 grams per day. Approximately the same number we get from food. Glycine could be taken possible forever)
  • 2.L-theanine. Green tea extract. In 2014, it was a study that showed improvement in divergent thinking in people taking this supplement as compared to placebo. Divergent thinking - it is creative, unusual ways out of difficult situations. Just this additive enhances the alpha rhythm in the brain is what happens when you feel fine. That is, there moderate sedation. Dosage: 300-400 mg / day. Course admission is unknown, theoretically harmless additive. It is possible to replace the conventional green tea but not in bags. And brew several times per day.
  • 3.GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) . BAA, acts directly on the main inhibitory neurotransmitter of the CNS. Adds just the clarity of mind, it dulls fear. Alcohol, too, by the way acts on GABA, so drunk can with interest to talk about the world's problems, lounging on the floor or climb into a fight with several people at once. But alcohol is still a lot of things affect and make you generally dumber. Dosage: 2-3 grams.
  • 4.Picamilon. It contains vitamin B3, and GABA. Neuro-protective drugs, improves blood-circulation and gives strength (accelerates the creation of ATP) at the same time soothing. Usually takes up to 2-3 weeks at a dosage of 120-150 mg.
  • 5.Vinpocetine. Vasodilation, thereby reducing the pressure, as a consequence, reduced pulse. The physical embodiment of tranquility) If the improve circulation, corny poprisedat approach 7 per day and ventilate the room, the better will be created ATP (glucose and oxygen) as a pikamilon. Dosage: 20 mg.
  • 6.Phenibut. GABA and comprises a phenyl group. It soothes and gives the activity at the same time. Truly an terminator among nootropics. Receiving up to 3 weeks, ideally to 750 mg, likely to induce dependence. Although it occurs at long courses and high dosages, "better safe than sorry." You can buy online Phenibut.
  • 7.Hopantenic acid. Contains Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid) and GABA. Neuroprotective drugs, similar to Picamilon and Phenibut. Calm, but at the same time activates the mental and physical performance. Dosage: 1.5 gr.
  • 8.Encephabol. This drug does not act on neurotransmitters GABA or glycine. It "stabilizes" the circulation, transmission of nerve impulses. Promotes release of acetylcholine. This results in a smoother background in the brain. Average calm state. Dosage: 600 mg.
  • 9.Herbal sedatives. Tincture of valerian, mint, motherwort. All act in different ways, with different periods. Dosages and timing can be found in any grandmother at the entrance).

AdditionallyThe first thing that suffers from the pills - a liver and kidneys, so take care of these organs, as mentioned above, you need good, quality food. During the reception of nootropics, sedatives will be desirable sedentary lifestyle, otherwise, would be a kind of "Ping". Too little exercise does not mean inaction! Blood still circulates, but better - when it circulates well, so that charging or light physical activity during the day - a crucial factor for the good functioning of the brain and body.

Bottom line:

  • 1.Sedatives to encourage you to "slow down", without compromising performance and without causing drowsiness.
  • 2.These substances do not cause stimulation of the body, because of this, there is no such side effects as irritability and nervousness.
  • 3.After the course, or one-time admission become again a "fast and nervous."
  • 4.The sedatives problem is that they can "bring down your own settings" of the body, and settle down in the future will be more difficult. However, first, this effect is temporary. And secondly, it usually happens if you take a long time without thinking and in large quantities.


Stimulants: Superman for 1 day!

16 Dec 2016

Perhaps the most important words that you need to remember at once: "The higher the climb - the fall long." Hello, fellow nootrop addicts! A lot of words about the courses of nootropics, about their long-term action on how to develop the effects for days and weeks. Indeed, in terms of long-term development, if you plan ahead, the more than a "soft" drug you take, the better. And the project on the side of the forward progress of the know - "deliberate", but there are times when you must be out of their way to become king for a day. Today we'll show you how you can cram a huge amount of information in a short time and some nootropics suitable for this purpose.


The body always tries not to worry, lazy, once again not to strain. And if there is a serious stimulation, then you will long to recover. Average life over presupposes stress and rest, it is normal within reasonable limits. But we want to break through the ceiling and climb above the current capacity of the organism. Yes, you can force yourself to sleep for 2-3 days, but the brain will be blunt, you shall be scattered. Even one day you are exhausted, if you work hard from morning till evening. We're talking about stimulation with light head when you do not just fight fatigue and sleepiness, but also productive thoughts. Be aware that you can really catch a lot, but then it will fail.

That seemed like an hour you are on foot, you need a break. It was a bad day - you need a good night's sleep. And if not just a bad day, but also a strong mental capacity? The brain loves because energy is consumed. What you will then come to life?

The most important part

No, it's not a tablet!) Until we reach even tablets. What do the pills - stimulate, ie act on neurotransmitters and just cause the body to give energy. What we can assume the logical consequence? It takes a lot of energy to it though something was spent. The energy in the body and in the brain - is ATP, Adenosine triphosphate. The basis for the formation of adenosine triphosphate - oxygen and carbohydrates. Therefore, buy Oxygen tank and breathing, simultaneously absorbing carbohydrates.)

But seriously, on the day of X, when you turn on the turbo mode for itself, in addition to getting your head knowledge, walk around on the street at least a few times in 10 minutes, and eat at home regularly, but little by little. This is not just crap is subtracted somewhere in abstruse books, it is not the Ministry of Health said so, it just works! Pills make you plow, give strength, but not the energy! And when the energy starts to run, where to draw it? The most ingenious say that the energy is taken from the fat in the body. But this process, too, it takes time.

If too lazy to go out, open the window to drive the blood through the body, push-ups, press. This is not blunt tips are composed conditional "British scientists". About a dream! You should not sleep less than 5 hours, even if tomorrow mega important exam, not work all night with push-ups, sandwiches and windows open. Sleep consolidates the information.


  • 1.Regular supply of oxygen
  • 2.Regular, but small food intake, good food. There should be no feeling of complete saturation, and should not be growling stomach.
  • 3.Chase the blood through the body to warm up, squeeze. Ideally, walk around in the street, and then the blood and oxygen.

Magic Pills

Stimulant drugs are very popular, but still more harm, so cocaine and amphetamine derivatives you will not hear. Besides, you probably do not want to bathe on the laws and penalties. But you do not worry, you do not have enough stimulation will be!)

Here is a sample list of what may be to a greater or lesser extent, to stimulate you. Some have already been, or will be a separate subject. Dosage contains one drug per day. If you will combine and take several days - less dosage.

  • 1.Enerion. It is structurally similar to Vitamin B1. It accelerates the transmission of signals between neurons. Dosage: 600-800 mg / day.
  • 2.Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam). Dosage: 200-300 mg / day.
  • 3.Caffeine. Tonic effect. Dosage: 200-400 mg / day.
  • 4.Ladasten. It amplifies the release of dopamine inhibits its reuptake. Dosage: 200 mg / day.
  • 5.L-tyrosine. The precursor of dopamine, adrenaline and noradrenaline, it is in the food. The dosage of 1500-2500 mg / day.
  • 6.L-phenylalanyl. The precursor of dopamine, is also a food. Dosage: 1000-2000 mg / day.
  • 7.Cerebrolysin. Administered intramuscularly, 5-10 ml / day. You can buy online Cerebrolysin.
  • 8.Ampa-drugs. A new class of nootropics. The active development underway last 7 years. According Ampa-drug is a separate story. The theme is full of mysteries, by the way, also has Pyracetamum AMPA activity but weak. Short theoretically how they work: there is the NMDA-receptor is the AMPA-receptors in neurons in the brain, there is a glutamate neurotransmitter mediator between neurons, which is the causative agent. Glutamate acts on the NMDA receptors and AMPA but to a lesser extent in the past. And if it is activated by glutamate transmits signals to the brain more quickly as a result of you yourself will be "faster" to learn, to remember, to think, to act. These animals dependence and almost no side-effects (in the experiments).
  • 9.Adaptogens: Ginseng, Leuzea, Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola Rosea. Traditional, natural stimulating herbs. Marketed as tinctures, pills, herbs. Grovel there for a long time will not, to help guide).
  • 10.Also, many, many bypass the attention pre-training complex for athletes, and they have already charged the full variety of stimulants. And they can be charged for a long busy day. A great misconception that pre-training complex fit only for athletes. These sports centers are pushing the body, give strength, improve the energy supply of tissues, not just muscle. So they, too, are worthy of our attention. The most recognized and effective (the firm different, that no one in the advertisement did not rebuke): Jack3d, NO-Xplode, Fierce, Xpand Xtreme Pump.

A few words about drugs. The concept of drugs is very subjective, perhaps even need a separate volume on the subject. This list can include Modafinil, while in Russia it is officially added to drugs.

P.S. Stock up with glycine, to cut down myself in the evening, 4-5 grams of glycine for 20-30 minutes before bedtime.

Bottom line:

- Before you download yourself by stimulants - download a carbohydrate and oxygen;

- After increased activity needed rest - sleep, sleep at least 5 hours;

- Do not take more stimulants with a maximum dosage for a long time;



16 Dec 2016

Hello, today let's talk about this simple, we can say, even school Nootropil-amino acid of glycine. The very small sugary tablets that periodically flashed before our eyes, while we were at school.

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Glycine was opened already in 1820! year, the German scientist Henri Bracon. In general, this amino acid is present in many foods, so we say that glycine is "open" and not created. However, it would seem, a simple protein, the amino acid may even be synthesized by the body itself, but its drawback from your diet can lead to serious health problems, some time ago, people were dying from lack of banal vitamin C. In this connection, we can not ignore attention, this simple amino acid.

Glycine really heals, there are several studies that suggest that after 23 days of daily administration of a dosage Glycine 0,8gr / kg body weight, there are significant improvements in the fight against schizophrenia.

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A little about the products, where there is a glycine - meat, eggs, nuts, fish.

How does glycine act?

  • 1.You ate meat. In the digestive tract to digest meat, and is broken down into amino acids and fats.
  • 2.Our body is smart, he knows that you want to send into the rectum, and that is absorbed into the blood.
  • 3.Glycine in blood, then connects the BBB, blood-brain barrier, it regards glycine as "substance useful for the brain" and transmits it to the brain.
  • 4.Glycine "meet" glycine receptors that "grasping" increases its concentration, gives the start of "brake" neurotransmitters such as GABA. Thus, the entire body "slows down" even deteriorating neuromuscular connection.
  • 5.But that is not all! Glycine receptors bind to NMDA - receptors, increasing their activity.

It turns out that not only the glycine "inhibits" the body, but also activates certain receptors. Double action, is now a little more.

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To avoid confusion, we must remember that there is a Glycine - amino acid, Glycine – neurotransmitter, Glycine is a receptors.

  • 1.The inhibitory or calming effect of glycine is due to glycine receptors, it is suitable to them as the key to the lock. When one neuron is allocated, and the second took Glycine, the subsequent signal transmission chain slows down. This is called inhibition of neurotransmission, particularly wherein "good" signals are slowed down in the medulla and spinal cord. The spinal more or less clear, it is known to be responsible for the movement of the limbs, for the skeletal muscles. Oblong brain responds to such specific functions as the involuntary cough, sneezing, breathing. Nerve signals in these regions of the brain will slow down.
  • 2.NMDA-receptors are responsible for memory and learning. Already once we mentioned that the experiment was conducted with mice, which "turned off» NMDA-receptors, and they are not remembered banal things. Therefore, the activity of these receptors is important for good learning and as a result, for intelligence.

Summarize: Glycine is unusual in that it has a calming effect on motility and respiration, but, at the same time, activates the receptors responsible on learning and memory.

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Glycine course

Well, fans of magical pills, comrades nootropic addicts, wait! Glycine can eat forever without a break! We are all addicted to childhood Glycine, getting it from food. Now, an adult consumes approximately 2-3 grams of glycine per day just from food. If you are on the label of a product can access the E-640, do not grumble like grannies: "Here preservatives stuffed - people poisoned", it is glycine. Buy Picamilon, Phenotropil, Noopept and Piracetam for brain improvement.

At half-liter of milk it for about 0.7 grams per 100 grams of chicken breast - about 1.5 grams of glycine.

Glycine can be given even to children, it is necessary to say that it is never dangerous. Although no fatal dosage can, if you eat 80 grams at a time, then something will happen. Contraindications had written just to not leave the field empty - idiosyncrasy.

In a normal, healthy diet when diet every day eggs, nuts, milk, meat, then glycine objectively you do not need. Although you can add 0.5-1.5 grams in the evening to sleep better and faster recuperation.

You decided to take it? 1-2 grams per day, divided into several stages. Take lifetime, well, or until you get bored) In schizophrenia, we recall, had good effects when taking 800 mg per 1 kg of body weight and the course of 6 weeks, they say, after such treatment, soft toys and people around watching you less)

Guys, here is the mega-helpful advice, rather than tablets, buy yourself a walnut, almond, hazelnut and peanut, and eat during the day (100 grams of nuts = about 1 g of glycine)! Here, not only is glycine, but also a lot of other useful substances.

Effects of Glycine

With regards to the effects, then it is possible to note an improvement in sleep quality. An experiment when some people received a placebo, the other 3 grams glycine before bedtime. Both groups were awakened by 5.5 hours for several days. The result: those that took glycine, feel better.
Just effects: better learning and memory (thanks to the NMDA-receptors), tranquility, but you do not become a robot, an antidepressant effect. Effect is expected in 20-40 minutes.

How can I help Glycine

Glycine can be combined with anything, so experiment. Only the combination of known amino acids at higher dosages of 4 grams a day with other nootropic. Theoretically, high doses of glycine are partly suppress stimulants.

Bottom line:

  • 1.Glycine is quite cool nootropic virtually no side effects and contraindications.
  • 2.Effects: calm, relaxed, good sleep, ability to learn.
  • 3.The course of Glycine for a lifetime) When poor nutrition, take an additional 1-2 grams per day. Instead tablets can buy yourself nuts, and eat 50-100 grams per day. High doses (more than 3 grams at a time) are only permitted before bedtime.
  • 4.Combining can be anything if you consume glycine in the range of 4-5 g / day.
  • 5.Suitable for measured productivity.

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