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Children of Kadyrov presented the coach ... Porsshe

19 Dec 2016

Sons of the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, Edilov Abdul-Kerim, who recently turned 24 years old, said that Ahmad, Ali and Adam gave him a car Porsche Panamera.

"Praise be to God that has given me everything in this life, and the most important of these brothers, Ahmad, Ali and Adam ... Yesterday, on my birthday, they made me a gift that I could not even dream - gave the car Porsche Panamera" - he wrote in his coach Instagram.

Aediles - mixed style fighter. Man is the champion of Russia in an integrated arts, champion in universal fight the world, as well as Moscow champion in combat sambo. In October 2016 the US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) Edilova disqualified for 15 months for use meldonium.


Boxer Deontay Wilder expects to fight against Tyson Fury

19 Dec 2016

Fury had to fight a rematch against Wladimir Klitschko on July 9, but the fight was postponed to October 29 due to injury of British boxer.

Champion of the world by the World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight champion American Deontay Wilder expects to spend a duel with former world champion in three prestigious versions Britisher Tyson Fury.

Fury had to fight a rematch against Wladimir Klitschko on July 9, but the fight was postponed to October 29 due to injury of the British and 24 September promotion company "Hennessy Sports", representing the interests of Fury, he reported that the boxer due to depression is not He will enter the ring in October. Later it became known that the doping test boxer tested positive for cocaine, the sportsman has confirmed that consumed the banned substance, and on the night of October 13 announced the failure of the championship belts at the World Boxing Organization (WBO), World Boxing Association (WBA ) and International Boxing organization (IBO), to "focus on the treatment and fully recover from its present state."

We must try to understand it, each with its own character - Wilder said. - May God be with him, I was looking forward to his return. Our fight should take place regardless of whether he will own titles or not. "

Russian Alexander Povetkin was supposed to fight with Wilder in Moscow on May 21 but the match was postponed due to the fact that traces of meldonium were found in the body of the Russian athlete. Later WBC has completed investigation into the doping Povetkin and decided not to apply sanctions to Russian. But Wilder was injured and became a Canadian contender Povetkin Bermeyn Stivern in a duel for the title of "interim" WBC champion of the world, which will be held on December 17 in Ekaterinburg.

Fury's unbeaten professional boxing - 25 wins (18 by KO). Wilder, who is also undefeated boxer, won 37 victories (36 - KO).


Stivern going to knock in the upcoming fight versus Povetkin

19 Dec 2016

Canadian boxer also noted that it is necessary to be very attentive and careful to all food and beverages in Russia.

Canadian boxer Bermeyn Stivern said he was going to knock out Russian Alexander Povetkin in a fight for the interim title of world champion by the World Boxing Council (WBC) heavyweight champion, which will be held in Yekaterinburg on 17 December.

"I did not go to Russia in order to win on points I'm going to Russia to cut down Povetkin And, of course, I understand that in Russia, I have to be very attentive and careful to all food and beverages.." - Stivern said .

In mid-November Stivern doping test gave a positive result, but the fight against Povetkin will take place, as this is the first doping case for 38-year-old Canadian.

Povetkin on May 21 had to fight with the version TBR world champion American Deonteem Wilder in Moscow, but the fight was postponed due to the fact that the body of the Russian athlete Meldonium traces were found. Later TBR has completed investigation into the doping Povetkin and decided not to apply sanctions to Russian. But Wilder was injured, and Stivern became Povetkin’s contender.



19 Dec 2016

Caffeine - a psychostimulant with a small therapeutic window, since peripheral effects significantly more pronounced than the central. Mechanisms of action - indirectly (through cAMP) increases the production of adrenaline.

Vitamins - do not apply to medicines, and dietary supplements. The positive effect of B vitamins (B1 and B12, Methylcobalamin) on cognitive function is indicated only in patients with the appropriate vitamin deficiency usually - people are in long binges.

Other effects are absent in healthy individuals.

Glycine - a single study with normal design, show the efficacy of the substances to improve brain cognitive functions have been conducted.

Ginseng tincture - on health is not affected. For people with weak manifestations of the apathy and drowsiness can have a positive effect. However, the likely side effects as anxiety, insomnia, irritability, increased blood pressure. Also shown cancer increases the risk of blood, especially in children. The same can be said of Eleutherococcus.

Rhodiola rosea extract, tincture (extract) the fruits of Schisandra - the effect is not proven, normal studies have been conducted.

Mildronate - the effect is not proven.

Because not listed, but the current proved.

Nicotine - a weak psychostimulant with a small therapeutic window. Mechanism of action: increase dopaminergic transmission and blocking monoamine oxidase.

Amphetamines - stimulants. Stimulates the release of dopamine in the synaptic cleft and norepinephrine.

Cocaine and its ilk - psychostimulants. Mechanisms of action: increases the concentration in the synaptic cleft of such monoamines like dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine.

Pirovalerone, qcbl, n-bom - effects similar to cocaine, with more side effects. The mechanism of action and long-term effects have not been studied properly. These substances are often a part of "Spice", "salt", "speeds".


For doping caught dozens sportsmen from Kazakhstan

19 Dec 2016

In Kazakhstan in 2016 was accused of doping athlete 71. This is three times more than in the past year. Specialists of the National Anti-Doping Center say that the requirements will be tightened from next year.


According fighter Kairat (name changed), participating in the international competitions from Kazakhstan, the recent increase in doping checks in the country. He says that after the doping scandals this year, coaches and specialized federations strictly control athletes.

- Before this there was no rigor, checking just before departure abroad. Now check the steel and internal competitions and during training. We are also more likely to meet with experts advising about nutrition. For us and it's good for our sport career - says Kairat.

In Kazakhstan this year, traces of illicit drugs were found in 71 samples of the athlete. Last year doping were caught 25 athletes. According to the director of the National Anti-Doping Centre Myra Bakashovoy, during inspections in 2016 revealed that 40 athletes used meldonium buy.

- Our center has identified 56 athletes doping. 15 athletes were caught in competitions abroad. Many meldonium preparation and anabolic steroids were found in the samples. Since most meldonium level was detected in small amounts, they did not remove from the sport for a long time, - says the expert.

According to the National Anti-Doping Center, this year have been caught doping ten athletes in sports such as canoeing, swimming, wrestling; seven weightlifters, six boxers. Traces of prohibited substances found in skaters, wrestlers, - for four people at the track and field athletes, bodybuilders - three men. Among caught for doping have two players, one biathlon, tennis player, hockey player and power-lifters.

The doping in this year also caught two Kazakhstani athletes Anastasia Kudinova and Florida Miniyanova - participants of the Olympics in Rio. Both athletes excluded from participation in the competition until 2020.

To prosecute?
Kazakhstan intends to intensify efforts to combat doping at the national level in 2017. The Ministry of Culture and Sports is developing an amendment to the "On Physical Culture" law aimed at tightening the responsibility for the use of performance-enhancing drugs. Changes and additions to the law intend to submit for discussion in Parliament. For example, in the current law we are going to be amended, providing for criminal prosecution of an athlete and his coaches for doping.

- Requirements Anti-Doping Code, WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency -. Ed.) Must be carried out equally by all athletes. The Code, which should know all the athletes, coaches and officials in sport, parents, and the list of prohibited drugs in Russian is on the Internet. We are required to comply with the Code requirements. Starting next year, the world's and Kazakhstan are tightening requirements. In Kazakhstan to account will now involve not only the athlete applying dope, but his coach and doctor.

Since 2017 the Ministry and the National Anti-Doping Center intend to introduce rules under which doping tests Kazakhstan sportsmen are taken in the country, will be kept for ten years. The participation of athletes of doping checks.

- Now WADA and the International Olympic Committee is considering preventing the Olympic Games athletes disqualified for doping at least six months. In the future, may any athlete involved in a doping scandal, perhaps for life deprived of the right to participate in the Olympic Games.


Sharapova and Puig will hold an exhibition match

19 Dec 2016

The former top-ranked Maria Sharapova soon hold a dress rehearsal of her upcoming return to the court.

December 15, Puerto Rico within Monica Puig Invitational event Sharapova will play with a sensational winner of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro Monica Puig.

For the Russian, this match will be one of the important stages of the forthcoming return to tennis. The last time Sharapova played at the official level in the beginning of the year, losing in the semifinals of Australian Open Serena Williams.

Recall, Maria Sharapova for the use of Meldonium for two years has been disqualified by the International Tennis Federation. In October the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne has reduced the suspension to one year and three months.

The return of five-time winner of Grand Slam series will be possible not earlier than 26 April 2017.


Take a pill - become smarter

19 Dec 2016

Is it necessary to stimulate the brain drugs or energy drink?

Can I prepare for the session for one night with the help of "pills for the mind", what is the most effective way to get the brain to work and why energy is not pedal "gas" and " anti-brake" - to these and other questions are answered by the science department.

Approaching the end of December - a time when pupils and students begin to prepare to pass the exam, enroll in universities, the protection of student projects and, of course, the delivery of the sessions. And if students usually prepare for the exam throughout the year under the watchful eye of parents and teachers, it's students prefer to postpone training for the last day, and even on the night before the exam. To learn in such a short time, a few dozen tickets - the problem is not the easiest, so the most advanced young people decide to help the brain cope with suddenly surging flow of information and go to the pharmacy for "pills for the mind" - Glycine, Phenotropil, Piracetam, Semax and other neuroprotective drugs. Science Department decided to investigate whether it makes sense to drink these pills and whether it could lead to undesirable consequences.

How it works

Neuroprotective drugs (Nootropics)have the following definition: "The funds that have a specific positive impact on higher integrative functions of the brain. They improve mental activity and stimulate cognitive function, learning and memory, increases brain resistance to various damaging factors.”

Different nootropic drugs act on the body in different ways: some directly affect nerve cell (having a direct effect on it), some - improves cerebral blood flow, having anti-hypoxic effects, causing the body to better dispose of oxygen (ie, have an indirect effect on the brain).

Today, it is believed that one of the main mechanisms of action of nootropic drugs is their effect on the neurotransmitter systems of the brain. Neurotransmitters - a biologically active chemical substance, due to which electrical pulses are passed from one brain neuron to another via synapses (connections between neurons). Neurotransmitter provides postsynaptic cell activation (i.e., one that receives a signal), and whereby the signal is transmitted.

Changing the force of the synapse is called synaptic plasticity and is the main mechanism responsible for memory formation and learning.

In addition to effects on neurotransmitter nootropic drugs may affect the utilization of glucose and oxygen to the brain, improve the exchange of nucleic acids, activate the synthesis of certain proteins or ATP (adenosine triphosphate - a substance that serves as a universal source of energy for all processes occurring in the body).

How it all began

The first nootropic drug appeared in 1963 - it was then the Belgian pharmacologists created Piracetam, which is now known under the trade name "Nootropil". Initially nootropics (by the way, the term itself was introduced only in 1972) have been used in the treatment of brain function in the elderly, but is now used much more broadly, in psychiatry, Addiction, for the treatment of the effects of head injuries.

Piracetam (as well as many other nootropics) is not registered as a drug in the US and European countries, since its effectiveness has not been proven.

In some other countries, including the Russian, Piracetam widely used in medical practice, particularly in the reduction of stroke or dyslexia.

Not to be confused with drugs!

In addition neuroprotective drugs, there is another group of stimulants called "stimulants". Some of them belong to the Narcotic Substances and their action is similar to the action of nootropics.

One of the most common are psychostimulant drugs such as Adrafinil, Modafinil, Ritalin, Adderall, all these drugs are banned in Russia, but widely used, for example, in US for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and fatigue.

Adderall and Ritalin enhance the action of dopamine released by certain nerve cells and increases the susceptibility of cells to other neurotransmitters.

These drugs have a pronounced effect, and that is why in the United States, many students and schoolchildren specifically asked doctors to write them a prescription for this drug before important exams and sessions.

Another drug banned in Russia under the name "Modafinil" should be used for the treatment of sleepiness associated with narcolepsy, but the Office of the Food and Drug US Administration approved its use for the treatment of sleep disorders associated with shift work. On Modafinil pay attention to the military and police in some countries of the world, in order to suppress the need for sleep in their employees. There is also evidence that the drug improves the ability to memorize new information.

Do "Mind Pill" Effective

The effectiveness of drugs prohibited in Russia proved, in contrast to those "pills for the mind", which can be easily purchased at your local pharmacy and take before the session. One of the cheapest and most popular products - glycine - is the simplest amino acid, which really is a neurotransmitter. Glycine Manufacturers claim that the drug has a mild sedative effect, increases efficiency, and stimulates mental activity, but the problem is that the neurotransmitter gets into the brain from the gastrointestinal tract is very slow. This makes glycine normal dietary supplement, and its effectiveness in terms of improving brain function has not been proved, and what was reported on the website RxList - intended for physicians and patients a resource, which contains information on pharmaceuticals.

Glycine - is, of course, shit, chicken egg in it ten times more than in tablets. I do not know who came up with glycine for brain drink. It's like starch is from gout.

Another popular among students preparing for the session, a drug called "Phenotropil" is worth more than a glycine, and should be sold by prescription, but you can buy it without any problems. Previously, the drug included in the list of vital and essential medicines, but was expelled from it. It also is prohibited and the World Anti-Doping Agency, as it stimulates the human motor responses and increases physical endurance.

Phenylpiracetam was created in the USSR, the Institute of Biomedical Problems, as a stimulant for the astronauts. The developer of the drug calls Phenotropil not nootropic, but a neuromodulator.

This means that it does not directly stimulate neurons and alter their response to neurotransmitter action.

On the question of how Phenotropil effective, a definitive answer is not: for example, March 16, 2007 was published the resolution of the presidium meeting formulary of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Committee, which stated: "Immediately remove from the list of drugs, which is used by drug provision program DLO, older drugs with unproven efficacy ", was subsequently listed and Phenotropil. Publications in international peer-reviewed journals, that would indicate the effectiveness of the active ingredient of the drug Phonturacetam, no (to the extent that is usual in the case of drugs with no doubt about the effectiveness).

Content is not because nobody cares about Phenotropil abroad. "Reality exists independently of scientific articles. Have you tried Phenotropil? This is not a placebo. He just does not interest anyone outside of Russia.

In general, the ability to remember - too broad concept. It happens that the episodic memory works well, consolidation is mediocre, and skills do not digest. It happens the other way around. Sometimes remembering, modulated locally simple neuromodulation, and there are complex state of attention (memory problems - this is usually a problem of attention).

Trying something to stuff into one variable - it's like trying to classify all the people on the length of hair. You can, of course, but it is one-billionth of reality.

I stand on the fact that trying to gain a diet of psychoactive substances for scientific articles - a great folly. Even if they are, they say very little, and can not in any way reflect your response. All people are different. From tablets Phenotropil or Adderall no one has died, "- he says.

Before the exams I sometimes drank Phenotropil, especially when you do not have time to properly prepare, - says Andrew, an economics student at the Higher School of Economics. - Once per day drank five tablets. Cheer, of course, very much - at night for six hours, was concentrated on the tickets. But then he departed for a long time - a headache, could not sleep, and do at the same time also nothing like it was a state of complete apathy. But I think it's because of the five tablets when drinking one, everything was normal. In general, a lot of my friends drank the pill: most just before the exams, some - course. In the second case, as I was told, the effect is not as bright, but longer.

Energy drink is not the "gas" pedal but "anti-brake"

Less radical students prefer tablets energy drinks: the brain, they do not stimulate, but not sleep help. On why it is not necessary to experiment with them, the Department of Science said Alexei Vodovozov, physician-toxicologist, blogger and member of the Club of Science Journalists:

"The best way to get the brain to operate at maximum efficiency - to give him a rest. Normal sleep is not replaced by any pills.

But sleep during the session, according to many students, not comme il faut. To maintain the vigor used all the available arsenal of chemical, including, for example, "Energy". But the trick is that the main component of these drinks - caffeine - no "gas" and "anti-brake" he only temporarily postpones the braking process in the brain. Yes, somewhat improved the ability to remember, but it is fair at best, in respect of the first banks "energy". And then accumulates a snowball a variety of negative consequences, including fatal. In the database of side effects of the use of FDA caffeine products have information about several fatalities after the abuse of "Energy". Severe complications that required hospitalization, and are described for an extremely popular drink in Russia.

The scale of the problem is not so small. Only in the US and only 5 thousand overdoses "Energy" was officially registered in 2007, with half of them fell on the youth under the age of 19 years. Russian toxicologists also repeatedly faced with the consequences of abuse, "liquid energy". Experiments on the brain's own rarely result in something good, if the brain itself is not used for its intended purpose.


Dopamine Super Motivation

19 Dec 2016

Hello everyone, today's release of the project for the development of the brain devoted to lazy bums! Have you ever wondered why the evening sometimes decide to do something in the morning (or Monday), but in the morning the full score - so just sleep a little more. This lack of motivation! Responsible for motivating Dopamine in our body. But we must not think that, "so that's why I'm so lazy - dopamine little," no, you just lazy, because lazy or do not need to strain. Dopamine is produced for "motivation", not in front of her. Because there is no desire - it means no dopamine. There is a desire - that dopamine to help, only to act. Yes, people are different, someone may have overstated the nature of the background of dopamine, impulsive people who five minutes ago, and decided to buy a mobile phone already ringing in the shops, even if they do not need. But the vast majority of the same - live stably and smoothly and strain, there is no need to try.

Dopamine - a neurotransmitter that "warms up" the excitement and interest. You know those jokes like: "I decided to wipe the mirror in the car, I do not remember anything, but washed the whole car." Dopamine helps to go further in their own interests, and creates a sense of reward for fulfilling goals. But dopamine has a big problem - it will improve the mood even while lying on the couch and fantasizing what accomplishments are coming tomorrow, so it can create the illusion of success. Ie, nothing positive has not happened yet, but the brain has already accepted the award.

How does the dopamine act?

Dopamine is produced in the hippocampus and substantia nigra (black substance) in the brain. There are at least 5 dopamine receptors, each with its own function. D1, D2, D3, D4, D5, they are conventionally divided into two subgroups on the similarity of structure, first D1 and D5, the second D2, D3, D4.

D1 - the most common in the central nervous system. Along with D5, they participate in expression of neurotrophic factors, ie increases the number of nerve cells, and are participating in the processes of energy through stimulation of adenylate cyclase, which cleaves ATP.

Unit D2, D3, D4 is associated with emotional and intellectual properties of dopamine. By the way, the increased activity of these receptors provokes the development of schizophrenia. Cocaine and Amphetamine seriously increase the production of dopamine, and blocking its reuptake. Increased load on all dopamine receptors, so regular use of drugs and stimulants stamps loonies each other.

If briefly summarize, the D1 and D5 is attached to energy / forces, and 2, 3 and 4 - emotions.

Lack and excess dopamine

Dopaminergic system - it is the whole matrix, although structurally similar to a tree. Produced dopamine in certain parts of the brain, then it has several distribution paths for the brain, is like thick branches on the tree, every path branching / crushed further.

It may be a situation that one way dopamine gets too much, the other little, but this deviation, and dopamine, without serious pharmacology, increases and decreases in all ways is roughly proportional. Paths of the lot, the head will not score, look at the main and the first - it nigrostriatal, 80% of the dopamine is moving this way. Use Mildronate.

Lack of neurotransmitter will mean a reduction of motor activity, decreased attention.

Deep negative effects are shown at approximately 85% inhibition of receptors on the way. In normal nutrition lesson in intellectual work and sports probability of bad effects is extremely low.

Excess dopamine in the nigrostriatal pathway - tremors, hyperactivity.

The 2-nd and 3-rd path of the neurotransmitter: meso-limbic and meso-cortical. They already control the level of motivation, pleasure, and reward.

When dopamine in the way a little - apathy, suicidal thoughts, do not want and do not need anything, everything is meaningless. When a lot - all something from me, all enraged, obsession, dependence on anything.

In medical practice there is such a syndrome as an obsessive-compulsive disorder. It correlates with the temporary excess of dopamine in the mesolimbic and mesocortical path.

It means obsessive-compulsive disorder. This disorder is present in 3% of people on a regular basis. If you see a man who every day puts things in a certain order or wipe the dust to 2 times a day and falls into hysterics, if something goes wrong, it is a bit crazy) This disease is defined differently, can a person love in childhood or in the years of his youth, can binding comes to physical places (bench, street, house), can to the things / objects.

And the line between normal and neurotic habit thin. If I am suspended, used fried eggs for breakfast, but this morning they do not, and I can safely eat something else, then that's fine if run faster in the shop - the neurosis.

Another interesting point: in stress, an excess of dopamine is converted to norepinephrine and epinephrine.

Pros of Dopamine

+ Dopamine makes a person more determined and enterprising

+ Dopamine improves mood

+ Dopamine improves memory

+ Dopamine creates more energy.

Cons of dopamine:

- the unpredictable behavior

- regular change of desire, I want everything at once.

Supplements that increase dopamine:

- Bromocriptine

- Ladasten

- Phenotropil

- Tyrosine


- Cabergoline

- Narcotic stimulants

- Some Ampakines

Supplements, that reduce dopamine:

- Antipsychotics

- Haloperidol

- Aminazin

- Acetylcholine (excess)

- GABA (excess)

To date, only your Mom and Dad lay genetically dopamine level. In the vast majority of situations, the dopamine level is within the reference range. It is different from all, and even determines the type of character. Therefore, to understand in advance that will likely have the neurotransmitter normally.

Maybe soon people will be able to choose their own natural amount of dopamine through changes in the genetic code, with the arms is already possible. Time will show, for better or worse.

Bottom line:

- Dopamine - an important neurotransmitter and hormone, it is often the level is responsible not only for intellectual ability, but also for the success, in general, in life. It is important not only to get false positive emotions associated with dopamine, ie useful to do something that improves a person in the long run, not to deceive the brain, playing some stupid game on the phone.

- Dopamine - is the main active substance while taking stimulant drugs.

- As with any substance it has pros and cons, we try to neutralize the cons)


Total Ban on Meldonium for athletes came into effect on October 1

19 Dec 2016

Since that date, the drug Meldonium may not be in the analyzes of athletes

The final Meldonium for sale ban came into force on 1 October. In July, the World Anti-Doping Agency has introduced the "transition period" of three months, during which athletes could "fall" on Meldonium, but if its content is less than 1 microgram per milliliter.

And after it was over, more than any "excuses" can not be accepted. The more that WADA in edited for 2017 the list of banned substances, leaving such preparation as Meldonium.

Note that Meldonium buy was caught a lot of athletes from Russia. Most of them - were acquitted. However, still bears the burden of disqualification strongest Russian tennis player Maria Sharapova.


Doping: faster, higher, more honest?

19 Dec 2016

Doping scandals involving Champions slowly transformed into something commonplace. And, although most of doping history, it is today more than ever like a sport than human competition with man, but on competition between technologies doping and anti-doping agencies.

The boundaries of human physical abilities, according to scientists, are almost exhausted. Human capacity is limited and in part to adapt to the ever-increasing training and competition loads. Therefore, modern athletes break records more and more difficult. However, the intense rivalry in the tournament makes do in order to win everything possible and impossible. In addition, professional sport has long been transformed into a business with big money - and to make them, it is necessary to win.

It is here that there is doping. Natural and synthetic, and even drugs that help the athlete improve the body's work and achieve outstanding results by increasing endurance, stimulate the nervous system, increase the pain threshold, etc. More often than not, the dope used in cyclic forms such as cross-country skiing, cycling, marathon running or rowing, as well as light and heavy athletics.

From time immemorial
The word "doping" comes from the English "dope", that is - "drugging". In the XIX century "doping" is a mixture of drug opium destined for racehorses. In turn, «dope», according to the most common version, the name comes from the stimulating drink that is used during religious rituals of the peoples of South-Eastern Africa.

Various stimulants - prototypes of doping - in the world have started to use for a long time - to improve the combat capability of soldiers. They were used and the participants of the first Olympic Games in ancient Greece. In particular, they believed that sesame seeds increase the endurance race.

In modern history, the first doping was widespread at the races. It happened at the beginning of the XX century, when Britain and the US horses have become massively to inject stimulants. Then these substances have been actively used by persons. In this particular the fight against doping at first was not conducted. She initiated the International Olympic Committee (IOC) after a series of incidents that show how harmful many drugs can affect health. So, at the Olympic Games in 1952 serious medical aid was required to consume doping skaters. Four years later, a similar incident occurred with cyclists. And in 1960 at the Games in Rome during the competition died Danish cyclist Kurt Jensen. The first doping samples were taken at the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 1964. Since 1966 the International Federation of cycling and football began to make doping tests at the world championships. And finally, in 1967, the IOC released the first list of prohibited substances. Now this list is updated annually - about 200 positions.

Types of doping
Many illegal doping products can be purchased in regular pharmacies, because they are drugs. Take dope usually either tablets or via injection.

The most common doping are following types of drugs:

These include, for example, amphetamine, ephedrine, Phenotropil. Stimulants can be used in all kinds of sports as stimulate the activity of the central nervous system, reduce fatigue, and increase stamina.

Pain relievers (analgesics)

Competitors are allowed to take ordinary painkillers. But some prefer them steroidal analgesics, which increase the pain threshold, relieve pain from injuries and help reduce the recovery period.

Anabolic steroids
Preparations on the basis of male sex hormone testosterone, responsible for physical strength and stamina, - one of the most popular means of doping. Attempts to raise the level of this hormone were undertaken by the ancient Greek athletes, who for this purpose ate lamb testicles crushed.

In 1935 he invented the injection of testosterone, which began to prescribe the Nazi soldiers to make them stronger and more aggressive. In 1955, specifically for the US national team in weightlifting developed "Breakfast of Champions" - the drug dianabol that athletes consumed in large quantities by simply seizing bread.

Anabolic took many athletes, despite the fact that testosterone has stepped up the development of male sexual characteristics in addition to other effects. Steroids are generally used in weightlifting and other strength sports, in some kinds of athletics, as well as swimming and skiing.

Peptide hormones
Growth hormone and erythropoietin. Last increases the hemoglobin content in the blood, allowing it to carry more oxygen. The result is improved endurance and other physical indicators. Apply these drugs, usually in cyclic forms such as cycling, skating, cross country skiing and biathlon, swimming, long-distance running.

Furosemide or acetazolamide. They can help improve the appearance of the gymnasts, skaters and other athletes, and quickly reduce body weight in those species where there are weight categories (such as weightlifting or wrestling). Finally, they help rid the body of the other dopes.

This drugs that slow heart rate (HR) and calming the tremor. They also promote muscle recovery. They are used in those forms, particularly where concentration and tranquility needed, such as in diving and shooting.

In some cases, athletes still legally allowed to use these drugs - when it is medically necessary. If you apply the rationale that specific medication only necessary to restore the health of the athlete may allow its reception. It is not surprising that, for example, among the skiers and biathletes sometimes there are asthmatics.

Meldonium for Sale
Meldonium - a tool that supports the energy metabolism of the heart and other organs, improves cerebral blood flow. It was invented in the 70's of last century Ivars Kalvins, professor at the Institute of Organic Synthesis of Latvia. Meldonium buy used in the treatment of coronary heart disease and cerebrovascular events, in patients with chronic heart failure, as well as reduced performance, mental and physical stress, and so on.

The drug was listed as banned by WADA in September 2015. Anti-Doping Service felt that the reception Meldonium improves athletic performance, endurance, improves recovery and protects against stress and stimulates the nervous system of athletes. The official ban on its use as a doping substance effective from 1 January 2016. Buy Meldonium part of the "Mildronate" drug, as a rule, is used by sportsmen. According to some reports, the drug was used mainly from the CIS countries and Eastern Europe.

This explains the fact that after the ban meldonium was found in a doping test many Russian athletes, including not only a tennis player Maria Sharapova, but the skater Ekaterina Bobrova, cyclist Eduard Vorganov, short trekisty Semen Yelistratov and Ekaterina Konstantinova, skater Paul Pavel Kulizhnikov, swimmer Yulia Efimova, volleyball player Alexander Markin, biathlete Eduard Latypov, athlete Nadezhda Kotljarova and some Greco-Roman style. M0inistr sport Vitaly Mutko expressed the opinion that the number of athletes caught on meldonium in the near future will grow even. While in his hand caught about 120 athletes, 27 of them - the Russians.

The ban on doping dictated not only by a thirst for justice - that all athletes in competitions on an equal footing - but also the harmful effects of drugs. Since the appointment is not for the treatment they produce a lot of side effects. In addition, the negative impact of these funds is often amplified in conditions of increased physical activity. Thus, the use of performance-enhancing drugs can cause metabolic disorders and hormonal disorders, problems with blood circulation and bone structure, cardio-vascular diseases, loss of consciousness, mental illness, drug and drug addictions, alcoholism, failure of internal organs, deaths.

Control the use of doping in sport has been the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and National Anti-Doping Agency. During doping control in athletes taking tests (samples) of blood and urine, which are then examined in the laboratory. Samples were divided into two equal parts - A and B. A sample of the check immediately. If there are traces of prohibited substances or products of their transformation, then reveal the sample B. If there are also these substances, then appropriate sanctions applied to athletes. During the competition doping control is required to pass all the winners, as well as some athletes lot, not prize winners.

In most sports and most of doping sanctions include a two-year disqualification of the athlete for a first offense, a four - for reuse, and then and lifelong exclusion from the competition. In addition, if a positive doping test taken during the competition, the results and award the athlete they are canceled.

Now, by the way, there was a practice of long-term storage of doping tests - with the aim of at least the appearance of a new generation of banned drugs and methods of their determination, have the opportunity to re-examine. So it happens that the sanctions applied to athletes retroactively depriving awards won a few years ago.

On the question of ethics and humanity
In addition to the tablet-injectable forms of doping, there are several. For example, autohemotransfusion - the so-called blood doping when an athlete is transfused with his own blood. This procedure, such as erythropoietin and increases the level of hemoglobin and facilitates the transfer of oxygen and consequently - increase endurance. The ban on it was introduced in 1987.

There are other dope, which formally prohibit not. But there is a question of ethics of their application. For example, it is believed that sex before competition helps to improve outcomes for women. So one time strongly encouraged the athletes to have affairs. Specially sometimes conducted joint collections of women's and men's teams. One of the most egregious incident occurred in 1997, when Paul Hickson, British Olympic team coach in swimming, was brought to trial on charges of corruption of minors athletes. In his defense, he said that he wished victories to their pupils.

It was also found that the physiological changes that occur in the female body during early pregnancy, contribute to the growth of the results in a sport requiring stamina. This explains the cases of recurrent pregnancies and subsequent abortions frequent among athletes. Loud victory, being pregnant, for example, scored a Soviet gymnast Olga Karasev and Larissa Latynina. In an interesting position to act at competitions or even won their world champion in orienteering from Finland Liisa Veyyalaynen, skeletonistka Diana Sartor of Germany, Swedish biathlete Anna Carin Olofsson and others.

Also today, more and more we hear about genetic doping, although cases of its application has not yet been recorded. Specialists have one hope: Because of the complexity and cost it will be able to use a few. Because of the side effects of doping can only guess.

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