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Glycine! Post-traumatic stress disorder

22 Jan 2017

Sometimes, it seems that the world turns upside down – reality is so much like a nightmare or a television thriller. Is it possible for a person to keep the emotions at bay, not to let them slop over? For some time, yes! But stress, when becomes chronic, keep you on your toes, and any insignificant situation can become exceeding for your psyche. Doctors describe such state as a post-traumatic stress disorder. Its classic examples are “Vietnam” syndrome in America, and “Afghan” or “Chechen” syndrome in Russia.

At first, it seems that those who have passed the horrors of war feel normal. They just become stronger! Soon, however, psycho-emotional status begins to change dramatically: a man is haunted by disturbing recurring flashbacks, hallucinations, anxiety; the working efficiency disappears; the quality of life declines; the depression develops; and all of this is a high-road to various diseases.

And for children it’s not easier. Not only global emotional stress can affect their psyche and induce a post-traumatic stress disorder, but either insignificant (for a lot of people) events: savagely broken toy, discord between the parents, family breakdown... As a result, there is a loss of sleep, decreased attention, inability to concentrate, restlessness... Progress in learning begins to decelerate, the conflicts appear in the relationship with teachers and parents...

Such conditions require the correction, and it must be carried out as required by the nature, by means of physiology – by Glycine and Biotredin. Natural amino acids, vitamins and carboxylic acids which are compose these medicines, act smoothly, without adverse effects; meanwhile, their help is prodigious.

It is reported that Glycine has a strong anti-stress effect. In order to defuse the tension, conflicts, aggression and at the same time increase efficiency, improve memory, it is important to take Glycinetogether with all members of the family (because irritation and intolerance are “contagious”!) regularly during the month, the recommended dose is 1 tablet 3 times a day.

Biotredin, by solving the internal biological problems, gives the opportunity to achieve the inner harmony: to weaken the internal contradictions, lighten the mood, and, together, ease the hidden depression (the most dangerous for our health).

It is better to take these metabolic drugs according to the following scheme: put one tablet of Glycine under the tongue (3-4 times a day), and in 10-15 minutes after its dissolution take one tablet of Biotredin, also sublingually (2-3 times a day).

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