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24 Jan 2017

How to behave in the exam, if you do not know anything

Students - a bright time in the life of every person. Friends, going to the movies, songs with a guitar, first love and the first serious disappointment. And, of course, the session! All students with horror expect this terrible punishment. And now winter is coming, and not just with her New Year's Eve, but also winter session, which looks menacing because of the Christmas holidays to all students without exception. And, as always, it is the usual scenario: the teacher - the beast threatened with expulsion, knowledge - zero vapor was about four times per semester, and on notebooks with lectures have long been sleeping cats from next door. And like it is time to get used to the standard annual story, but the fear is growing with every second closer phrase: "Pull a ticket!".

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Not all students know that there are some hard and fast rules that will help to successfully pass the exam or offset, keeping in mind a minimum of knowledge on the subject. It is their we consider:

1. Appearance. You should look neat and tidy: ironed clothes clean, pleasant smell from you - it's half the battle, if not, then certainly his third. Do not forget about the rules of etiquette: greeting, smile, benevolence and respect for the teacher to play you in good stead.

2. Correct and correct it. Forget about slang, where you hang out with classmates, today you - the embodiment of literacy, courtesy and intelligence! Swing can be any, the main thing is the right thing to do. Try to speak fluently, but not chattering. Teachers - the same people, are heard and how under hypnosis to miss much of delirium, of which you speak. Knowing anything on the subject and being able to speak beautifully, you can add a bunch of parts to two simple sentences and to receive a full response to the ticket.

3. Possess overall performance and terms. Many teachers - adequate uncle and aunt, who did not expect their students cramming. Some of this does not welcome. It is enough to understand the general topic matter and be able to take a punch. Logic and reasoning - your main weapon, never forget about them. Incidentally, this advice is not only for the session, but also in general for life.

4. Do not argue with the teachers. They do not like that. Anyway, most of them do not welcome the debate. And if the discussion is still opened, in the end agree with the examiner, losing his authority.

5. Psychology teacher. Learn to guess the mood of his interlocutor - and for this you learn in high school. Feel, listen, anticipate. But do not flattery. Teachers - the people intelligent and educated, and feel a sneak since the turnstile at the entrance in the educational building. Demonstrate their interest in the subject, ask counter-questions (but do not ask for you to answer the ticket), lead the dialogue, but show that worried and worried, as the responsible thing for you.

During preparation, write your answer on the card verbatim, to talk without stopping and stupid silence. Use the time allocated for training to the maximum, but do not meet the latest. While some teachers are respected " fast-talking" meeting without preparation, making them significant concessions. Again, see item ¹5.

7. If the preparation for the exam was only one day, then use it for other purposes. learn by rote does not make sense - do not have time, no matter how hard you try. It is better to read the material tickets and abstracts of the passages on the seminars, to understand, to talk about.

8. Of course, a huge amount remember one day information is difficult, but possible. To improve brain activity (especially in the crucial period), many experts recommend taking drugs that increase energy supply to neurons. The maximum effective and safe drugs to the body with the amino acid composition. For example, Biotredin containing the amino acid L-threonine, and pyridoxine, helps relieve nervous tension, improves short and long term memory, improves mental performance and has a general tonic effect, which is so important during the session.

Now you know all the secrets of the exams, so do not tremble like a leaf at the upcoming winter session. Be confident in your success, then the teacher will see that you are prepared.

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