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Antipsychotics, Neuroleptics. Part 1

14 Dec 2016

About the history of drug discovery of chlorpromazine, which can be considered the bread of psychiatry, I said. It is time to continue the story of the other antipsychotics. If we reject the romance and high-sounding words, the psychiatrist can be compared with a plumber. Yes, thus plumber who came with his magic suitcase do some magic over expansion tank in your loft, so as not to drip from under the roof.

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Here we also have a magical suitcase. However, on the drugs that are in it, it is not written "on the dope", "sclerosis", "from bitchis" and "from involution psychosis," but in general something similar is expected. Unfortunately, we still have not reached such heights and Zen, to act directly on the cause of most mental disorders. And few people in other industries reached. Infectiologist feel well, they micro-killer skill more or less perfected. And we have to beat in the main by the tails. More precisely, according to symptoms.

So I try to give a general idea of what antipsychotic use and what is assigned. Especially emphasize that this opus in any case does not claim nor depth, nor scientific. Although a novice or intern psychiatrist may well come in handy. And just to improve the educational level goes. Traditionally remind: do not use the goods received knowledge in practice, if you are not a psychiatrist. What will be read - just the tip of the iceberg, it is enough for underwater part of a caravan of "Titanic"! So, let's begin.

Haloperidol. In the course of 1957. Widely used until now. Most selectively acts on hallucinations - that visual, auditory up, and on their other types too. And regardless of what these hallucinations are caused by - delirium tremens, the next (or first) exacerbation of schizophrenia, hallucinosis with organic brain damage, dementia when there - it does not matter. We must close windows and closeoutlet in the beyond - haloperidol closes. Therefore, it can be taken as a standard of reference in regard to actions hallucinations.

In addition, the haloperidol use, if it is necessary to reason with the patient in a manic state. Zen acquired hard, but very specific. If at hand is nothing else, haloperidol can interrupt the agitation in large doses. There is an interesting pattern: in a large dose, it crestfallen, in a small - on the contrary, activate the (sometimes disinhibited that it is necessary to take into account, selecting treatment). Haloperidol in microdozes sometimes used for the treatment of nervous tics, chorea, the syndrome of Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, hysterical and hypochondriac neuroses.

However, it should be remembered that the drug is quite hard, and all of the other drugs of this series it more and more (with the exception of three or four representatives) gives neuroleptic syndrome.

Triftazin. Stelazin. Or trifluoperazine, if you use the international non-proprietary name. If haloperidol can be called standard in the fight against hallucinations, then triftazin - the same standard in the crash delusional systems. Yes, he has, and anti-hallucinatory effects - but not nearly as impressive as in relation to nonsense. World behind the scenes, bad neighbors, bloody relatives bad oriented government and even the ZOG - all at once become white and fluffy.

In fact, of course, nonsense is not always easy here and so inferior to their ideological positions, but nonetheless. A more selective in this regard the drug in the last century (as it sounds, as well!), It was necessary to look for more.

In small doses triftazin good acts on obsessive thoughts and actions, so it is often used in the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder - but, again, in small doses. Remember that a drop of nicotine makes the horse? So she did hamster tearing apart! Because he, too, can cause neuroleptic syndrome - albeit somewhat less frequent and weaker than haloperidol, but also a little pleasant.

Have triftazine and antiemetic effect. And even 20 times stronger than that of chlorpromazine. But something I have not seen even once, so it was given to those who are swayed in an airplane or car. Even a quarter of the tablet.

Tisercinum. Or, as it is called in the international nonproprietary - levomepromazine. As chlorpromazine, does not have any particularly outstanding effect on nonsense or the hallucinations. But good brakes. Just like the emergency brake for an armored train. And at the same time and soothes. However, this should not be taken calmdown someone who just a little alarmed, watching news on TV. For cut down so that after a few days will have sway. No, the thing for those who are agitated is not a child. Or anxious, but so that no one really does not take a tranquilizer. No, it is also too large-for panic attacks.

Therefore, it applies under the Tisercinum psychoses that occur here and now with the good so agitated, strong anxiety and intense fear. In addition, it can be used when anxiety and feelings interfere with such a patient to sleep. That is, in fact hypnotic effect (by the way, like Phenazepam) of this medicine is not, but good facilitate falling asleep to the patient, reducing anxiety, calming and causing inhibition.

Neuroleptic Syndrome This medicine is given less and weaker than, for example haloperidol or chlorpromazine, but it greatly reduces the blood pressure, which should be considered, too.

Soon I will continue to acquaint you with other antipsychotic drugs, and talk about why they are needed.

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