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Actovegin injection – if the cells suffer without oxygen

04 Jan 2017

Advantages: versatile for different diseases, good drug

Disadvantages: possible allergies, pricey

My dad is an elderly person has a lot of senile diseases (hypertension, ischemic heart disease, encephalopathy, diabetes). It hurts the heart, headache, sore feet - the cells are not getting oxygen. Actovegin injection - really generic drug because it is natural and administering to the "feeds" the first to suffer from a lack of oxygen cells, and therefore it is administered in a wide variety of seemingly cases.

Dad puts “Actovegin” injections twice a year in spring and autumn 5 ml intravenously once daily for 10 days. The doctor said that it is better in the vein, as it immediately enters the bloodstream. It spreads throughout the body and has an effect on all the diseased organs.

After a course injections consistently observes the state of improvement: less dizzy, less "thrilled" feet, less sore heart. After the injections would be good to also go on the pill for 2-3weeks. Before the introduction of the first must-make sample as Allergic reactions are possible.

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