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Instruction for use: Vinpotropile

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Vinpotropile (Vinotropil) - is a combined drug. Its active substances are Vinpocetine and Piracetam. Vinpocetine has cerebro protecting properties and Piracetam has nootropic properties. The drug enhances micro-circulation and improves oxygen supply to brain cells. Vinpotropile has several actions, including increasing cerebral blood flow and metabolism, antioxidant, neuroprotection, cognition enhancement and anticonvulsant.

Trade name of the drug: Vinpotropile

Capsule Ingredients: 1 capsule contains active substance: 5 mg vinpocetine, piracetam 400 mg; Excipients: lactose (milk sugar), talc. Capsule shell gelatin titanium dioxide, quinoline yellow dye, a coloring agent sunset yellow, gelatin; composition caps gelatine capsules: titanium dioxide, dye azorubin, gelatin.

Contains: Vinpocetine + piracetam

Description: capsules yellow with a red lid. The contents of capsules - powder white or nearly white. Presence of individual crystals and lumps.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: nootropic and cerebral blood flow improving agent.


Vinpotropile - combined preparation. It has properties characteristic means improving cerebral blood flow (vinpocetine) and nootropic agents (piracetam).

As a means of improving cerebral blood flow:

Improves brain metabolism by increasing the glucose and oxygen consumption of the brain tissue. Increases resistance of neurons to hypoxia; enhances glucose transport - to the brain through the blood-brain barrier; It translates the process of disintegration of glucose to energy more economical, aerobic pathway; selectively blocked Ca2 + -dependent phosphodiesterase; increases the levels of adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) of the brain. It enhances the exchange of norepinephrine and serotonin brain; stimulates the ascending branch of the noradrenergic system, it has an antioxidant effect. Reduces the aggregation of platelets and increased blood viscosity; increases the elasticity of red blood cells and red blood cells block the recycling of adenosine; enhances the impact of oxygen by red blood cells. Increases cerebral blood flow; reduces the resistance of cerebral vessels without significant changes in indicators of systemic circulation. It does not have a "steal" effect and increases blood flow, especially in ischemic areas of the brain. It penetrates through the placental barrier.

As nootropic agent:

It has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain, significantly increases the concentration of ATP in the brain, enhances the synthesis of ribonucleic acid and phospholipids, stimulates glycolytic processes, enhances glucose utilization; improves the integrative activity of the brain contributes to memory consolidation, facilitates the learning process; changes the speed of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves microcirculation, without causing vasodilatory action, inhibits aggregation of activated platelets; It has a protective effect in brain damage caused by hypoxia, intoxication, electric shocks; It strengthens the alpha and beta activity, reduces delta activity on EEG, reduces the severity of vestibular nystagmus; It improves communication between the hemispheres of the brain and synaptic conductance in neocortical structures, enhances mental activity, enhances cerebral blood flow; no sedative, psychoactive influence. Effect develops gradually.

It has a pronounced effect on the symptoms of initial manifestations of cognitive impairment cerebro-vascular origin in patients with middle and old age. It recommended in psychogeriatric practice.


Vinpocetine is rapidly absorbed. The time to reach maximum plasma concentration - 1 hour. Absorption takes place mainly in the proximal gastrointestinal tract. When passing through the intestinal wall is not metabolized. The maximum concentration observed in the tissues within 2-4 hours after ingestion. Communication with proteins - 66% bioavailability when taken orally - 7%. Ground clearance 66.7 l / h, more than plasma liver volume (50 l / h), which indicates extrahepatic metabolism. Repeated receptions kinetics is linear. . The half-life in humans 4,83 ± 1,29 hours excreted by the kidneys and the bowel in a ratio of 3: 2.

Piracetam after oral administration is well absorbed and penetrates into the various organs and tissues. Bioavailability is about 95%. Maximum concentration in blood reached after 0.5-1.0 hours after ingestion. It crosses the blood-brain barrier, accumulates in the brain tissue after 1-4 hours after ingestion. Derived from cerebrospinal fluid is much slower than from other tissues. Virtually no biotransformation and 2/3 excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form within 30 hours of plasma half-life period -. 4.5 hours, from the brain -7.7 h.


Cerebrovascular insufficiency (recovery period of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke), encephalopathy of different genesis including alcoholism; parkinsonism vascular genesis, intoxication, brain injury and other central nervous system disorders associated with decreased intellectual-mental functions; psycho-organic syndrome with prevalence of signs of fatigue and adinamii, asthenic syndrome; labirintopatii, Meniere's syndrome; prevention of migraines and kinetoses.


Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, expressed cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease (Severe), acute stage of hemorrhagic stroke, renal and / or hepatic insufficiency, children under 18 years (due to lack of data). Patients with rare hereditary disorders such as galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take the drug.


Violation of hemostasis, heavy bleeding, benign hyperbilirubinemia (including Gilbert's syndrome), viral hepatitis, alcoholic liver disease, alcoholism, lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, epilepsy, elderly age.

Dosage and administration:

For patients 18 years and older, inside, before a meal 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day. Last reception - 4 hours before bedtime. Maintenance dose -1 capsule 3 times daily. The duration of treatment varies from 2-3 weeks to 2-6 months. Before you undo the dose should be gradually reduced.

Side effect:

Since the cardiovascular system: ECG changes (depression of segment ST, prolongation of QT interval), tachycardia, arrythmia, labile blood pressure, a sense of "tide".

On the part of the central nervous system: sleep disturbances, headache, dizziness, mental stimulation, motor disinhibition, irritability, lack of balance, decreased ability to concentrate, anxiety, depression, ataxia, extrapyramidal disorders (including hyperkinesia), convulsions, tremor.

From the digestive system: gastralgia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth, heartburn.

Other: allergic reactions, increased sexual activity, worsening of angina, weight gain, fatigue, weakness, sweating.


Symptoms: increased severity of side effects.

Treatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs:

Increases: the risk of hemorrhagic complications in the background of heparin therapy, the effects of thyroid hormones, antipsychotics (neuroleptics), indirect anticoagulants, psychostimulants.

Weakens: the effect of anticonvulsants (lowers the seizure threshold).

Despite the lack of evidence supporting the possibility of interaction, it is recommended to be cautious while appointing a central drugs, antiarrhythmic action.

Special instructions:

The presence of the syndrome of prolonged QT interval and receiving drugs that cause lengthening of the QT interval, requires periodic ECG monitoring. In case of intolerance to lactose should note that one tablet contains about 225 mg of lactose.

Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms: taking into account the possible side effects, caution should be exercised when driving and performing work with mechanisms.

Product form:


10 or 15 capsules in blisters.

2, 3, 5 or 10 contour of cellular packages 10 capsules, or 2, 4, 6 or 8, the contour of cellular capsules packages 15 together with instructions for use in a pile of cardboard.

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