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Instruction for use: Tardyferon

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Dosage form: coated tablets of prolonged action

Active substance: Ferri sulfas


B03AA07 Iron sulphate

Pharmacological groups

Macro and trace elements

Stimulators of hemopoiesis

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

D50.9 Iron deficiency anemia, unspecified: Iron deficiency anemia; Lack of iron in food; Insufficient absorption of iron from the gastrointestinal tract; Insufficient food intake of iron; Hypochromic iron deficiency anemia; Hypochromic anemia; Iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women; Iron deficiency; Disturbance of absorption of iron from the digestive tract; Combined iron-folic-B12-deficient anemia; Anemia due to violations of hemoglobin synthesis and iron metabolism; Anemia in disorders of iron utilization and reutilization; Impaired iron absorption; Impaired absorption of iron; Insufficient absorption of iron in the digestive tract

E61.1 Insufficiency of iron: Insufficient food intake of iron; Iron deficiency; Iron deficiency in women during pregnancy; Deficiency of iron and folic acid in pregnancy; Iron deficiency after surgery; Latent iron deficiency; Lack of iron during pregnancy and lactation; Inadequate intake of iron from food; Increased need for iron; Increased need for iron during menstruation; Disturbances of iron absorption from the digestive tract; Severe iron deficiency

O25 Malnutrition in pregnancy: Hypovitaminosis during pregnancy; Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in pregnancy; Deficiency of iron and folic acid in pregnancy; Iron deficiency in women during pregnancy; Iodine deficiency in pregnancy; Iodine deficiency in lactating women; Calcium deficiency in the mother's body; Calcium deficiency in pregnant women; Mineral deficiency during pregnancy; An additional source of folic acid during pregnancy; Correction of calcium metabolism disorders during pregnancy; Lack of iron during pregnancy and lactation; Pregnancy Period; Breastfeeding period; Increased need for vitamin B1 in pregnancy

Composition and release form

Tablets of prolonged action, covered with sugar coating 80 mg - 1 table.

Iron sulphate (II) sesquioxide 256.3 mg

In terms of iron, 80 mg

In the blister 10 pcs .; In a box of cardboard 3 blisters.

Pharmachologic effect

Mode of action - Hematopoietic.

Replenishes iron deficiency.

Indication of the drug Tardyferon

Prevention and treatment of iron deficiency conditions caused by pregnancy, lactation, impaired iron absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, prolonged bleeding, incomplete and unbalanced nutrition.


Hypersensitivity, conditions accompanied by elevated iron content in the body: hemolytic anemia, thalassemia, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, impaired iron utilization in hematopoiesis (aplastic anemia). Disturbance of iron absorption (sideroachrestic anemia, lead anemia, pernicious anemia - vitamin B12 deficiency), children's age (up to 6 years).

Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding

It is indicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

Abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, allergic reactions.


It is not recommended simultaneous administration with antacids, tetracycline derivatives and penicylamine (reduce absorption), with iron preparations (including for parenteral administration) to avoid overdose.

With simultaneous reception with ascorbic acid, iron absorption is improved.

Dosing and Administration

Inside (not liquid), with water, before meals or during meals. For medical purposes: children over 6 years of age - 1 table. Per day, adults and children over 10 years - 1-2 tables. in a day.

For preventive purposes: for pregnant women - 1 table. A day or every other day for the last two trimesters of pregnancy (or starting with the 4th month).

Duration of admission

Adult patients should take the drug during the period that provides correction of anemia and restoration of the iron reserve in the body. The dose for women is 600 mg, for men 1200 mg.

With iron deficiency anemia, the duration of admission is from 3 to 6 months, depending on the degree of depletion of the iron reserve: if necessary, in the absence of adequate control of anemia, it is necessary to increase the duration of the drug intake.

Storage conditions of the drug Tardyferon

At a temperature not higher than 30° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Tardyferon

3 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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