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Instruction for use: Norkolut

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Active substance Norethisterone

ATX code G03DC02 Norethisterone

Pharmacological groups

Estrogens, gestagens; Their homologues and antagonists

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

D26 Other benign neoplasms of the uterus

Fibromyoma of the uterus, Myoma, Uterine fibroids, Fibromyoma, Myoma of the uterus, Fibrrios, Meigs syndrome, Tumors of the uterus

N64.4 Mastodinia

Mastalgia, Soreness of the mammary glands, Cooper's disease

N80 Endometriosis

Endometrioid endometriosis

N85.1 Adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia

N91 Lack of menstruation, meager and rare menstruation

Amenorrhea, Amenorrhea hypogonadotropic, Amenorrhea is prolactin-dependent, Oligomenorrhoea, Shortening of the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle, Menstrual disorders, Menstruation disorders, Prolactin-dependent amenorrhea without galactorrhea

N92 Abundant, frequent and irregular menstruation

Metromenorragii, Menorrhagia, Menorrhagia primary, Polymenorea, Idiopathic menorrhagia, Menorrhagia, Functional metronormorragia, Primary menorrhagia

N93 Other abnormal bleeding from the uterus and vagina

Atonic uterine bleeding, Prolonged menstruation, Blood loss during menstruation, Bleeding from the genitourinary system, Bleeding uterine dysfunctional, Bleeding from the genital tract of organic etiology, Uterine bleeding, Menorrhagia with fibroids, Functional uterine bleeding, Abnormal bleeding from the genitals in women

N94.3 Premenstrual tension syndrome

Pronounced premenstrual syndrome, Menstrual psychosomatic disorder, Menstrual syndrome, Premenstrual tension, Premenstrual status, Premenstrual period, Premenstrual syndrome, Menstruation syndrome

N94.6 Dysmenorrhea Unspecified

Pain during menstruation, Functional disorders of the menstrual cycle, Menstrual cramps, Emmeniopathy, Pain during menstruation, Painful menstrual irregularities, algomenorrhea, algomenoreya, Pain smooth muscle spasm, Pain spasm of smooth muscles (renal and biliary colic, intestinal spasms, dysmenorrhea), Pain spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs (kidney and biliary colic, intestinal spasms, dysmenorrhea), Disalgomenoreya, dysmenorrhea, Dysmenorrhea (essential) (Exfoliative), menstrual disorder, menstruation painful, metrorrhagia, Violation of the menstrual cycle, Menstrual irregularities, Prolaktinzavisimoe menstrual disorders, Prolaktinzavisimoe menstrual dysfunction, Pain spasm of smooth muscles of internal organs, Spasmodic dysmenorrhea, Primary disalgomenoreya

Z30 Monitoring contraceptive use

Local Contraception, Contraception oral, Local contraception, Episodic prevention of pregnancy, Hormonal Contraception, Contraception, Prevention of Pregnancy, Prevention of unwanted pregnancy, Contraceptive intrauterine, Contraception in women with androgenization phenomena, Installation and removal of the intrauterine device, Prevention of pregnancy (contraception)

Z30.0 General advice and advice on contraception

Safe sex, Intrauterine device contraception, Contraception, Contraceptive intrauterine, Oral contraception, Oral contraception during lactation and with estrogen contraindications, Postcoital contraception, Prevention of Pregnancy, Prevention of unwanted pregnancy, Emergency Contraception, Episodic prevention of pregnancy, Contraception in adolescents, Prevention of pregnancy (contraception)

Composition and form of release

Tablets 1 table.

Norethisterone 5 mg

each of 20 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacological action - progestagenic.

Promotes the transition of the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle into the secretory. Inhibits the secretion of gonadotrophin by the pituitary gland, preventing the maturation of follicles and ovulation.

Indication of Norkolut

Premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea with a contraction of the secretory phase, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, cystic glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, mastalgia, prevention and cessation of lactation, contraception.


Malignant tumors of the mammary gland and genital organs.

Side effects

Dyspepsia, nausea, headache, fatigue, paresthesia, mastalgia, intermenstrual bleeding, swelling, changes in body weight.


Preparations that activate microsomal liver enzymes (barbiturates, etc.), accelerate metabolism and weaken the effect; On the contrary, inhibitors (cimetidine and others) - strengthen it.

Dosing and Administration

Inside. With premenstrual syndrome, mastalgia, dysmenorrhea: from 16 to 25 days of the menstrual cycle of 5-10 mg per day in combination with estrogens.

With dysfunctional uterine bleeding, cystic glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium: to stop bleeding - 5-10 mg per day for 6-12 days; To prevent bleeding - 5-10 mg per day from 16 to 25 day of the cycle for 6 months.

To stop lactation: the first 3 days - 20 mg per day, then 4 days - 15 mg, then 3 more - 10 mg.

Contraception: 1,25-2,5 mg per day from 1-5 days of the menstrual cycle for 21 days (in combination with ethinyl estradiol), then break for 7 days.

storage Conditions

At a temperature of 15-30 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life

5 years.

Do not use after the expiry date printed on the package.

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