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Instruction for use: Lenograstim

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Trade name of the drug – Granocyte® 34

The Latin name of the substance Lenograstim

Lenograstimum (genus. Lenograstimi)

Chemical name

Genetically engineered glycoprotein, consisting of 174 amino acid residues (human glycosylated granulocyte colony-stimulating factor)

Pharmacological group:

Stimulators of hematopoiesis

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

C90 Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms: Retikuloplasmocytosis; Rustitsky's disease; Rustitskogo-Kahler's disease; Plasma cell myeloma; Myelomatosis

C91 Lymphoid leukemia [lymphatic leukemia]: Lymphatic leukemia; Lymphoproliferative diseases; Neuroleukemia; Refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia; Refractory lymphoblastic leukemia; Transformation of preleukemias; Chronic lymphocytic leukemia; Lymphoproliferative disorders

D46 Myelodysplastic syndromes: Myelodysplasia; MDS; Myelodysplastic syndrome; Bone marrow dysplasia syndrome

D72 Other disorders of white blood cells: Lymphocytopenia; Hereditary neutropenia

CAS code



Mode action - Leukopoietic.

Strengthens the activity of the bone marrow, accelerates the formation and yield of ripened neutrophils, increasing their number in the peripheral blood. Significantly reduces the risk of infectious complications. The stimulating effect on the hemopoiesis system, the acceleration of the maturation of leukocytes and the intensification of their anti-infectious functions can significantly reduce toxicity and improve the tolerability of high-dosage chemotherapy.

Bioavailability with SC introduction - 30%. The volume of distribution is 1 l / kg, T1 / 2 is 3-4 hours. In the body it is hydrolyzed to oligopeptides, only about 1% of the dose is excreted in the urine unchanged.

The intensive leukocyte yield in the peripheral blood begins very quickly (towards the end of the first day). Reliably reduces the number of patients with deep neutropenia and infection, 2 times reduces the need for repeated hospitalizations and the need for antibiotic therapy. Against its background, it is possible to significantly increase the intensity of antitumor chemotherapy. The probability of neutropenic fever is reduced by 5 times. When administered to patients with idiopathic, cyclic and congenital neutropenia, the number of neutrophils increases from an average of 500 to 1500 / mkl, with a 5-fold reduction in the duration of infectious episodes and a 3-fold decrease in the frequency of mucositis. Reduces the number of postoperative infectious complications and postoperative lethality during oncological operations (resection and plastic of the esophagus, etc.). Increases fungicidal activity of neutrophils, which in some cases excludes antifungal therapy. Effective in combination with fungicides in the treatment of deep mycoses. Increases the survival rate of patients with recurrence of malignant lymphomas and edematous-infiltrative forms of breast cancer. In patients with severe pneumonia with a normal number of neutrophils, lethality, the frequency of complications (respiratory distress syndrome, disseminated intravascular coagulation, empyema of the pleura), accelerates the positive radiological dynamics.

Application of the substance Lenograstim

Neutropenia: after chemotherapy (primary and secondary prophylaxis), idiopathic, congenital, cyclical, in AIDS patients; Neutropenic infection, intensification of chemotherapy, obtaining stem hemopoietic cells for subsequent protection of hemopoiesis, prevention of infection after surgery, severe infections in non-oncological patients (in combination with antibiotics).


Hypersensitivity, myeloproliferative diseases, severe violations of the liver and kidneys, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Side effects of the substance Lenograstim

Myalgia, ossalgia, fever, leukocytosis, thrombocytopenia, tenderness at the injection site.

Routes of administration


Precautions for the substance Lenograstim

The total duration of treatment with a daily administration should not exceed 4 weeks. Regular monitoring of the number of leukocytes and platelets in peripheral blood is shown. In the presence of severe leukocytosis (> 50 · 109 / L) a break is necessary. When there is pain in the bones or fever, it is recommended to prescribe an NSAID. Against the background of antitumor chemotherapy, lenograstim is started 24-48 hours after the end of chemotherapy and is canceled on the last day before the start of the next course.

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