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Instruction for Use: Ladasten

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Tradename: Ladasten

International Non-Proprietary Name (INN): Ladasten

chemical name: N- (2-adamantyl) -N- (2-n-bromophenyl) amine.

INN or grouping name: Bromantane.

Dosage Form: pills.

Each tablet contains:
Active substance: bromantane (adamantilfenilamin) - 0.05 g and 0.10 g
Excipients: potato starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate.

Tablets white or white with Valium a color shade, round shape, shyusko-cylindrical with a chamfer. The dosage of 100 mg - with the mark.

Pharmacotherapeutic group: anti-asthenic means.

Pharmachologic effect


Ladasten is adamantane derivatives, a positive impact on the performance of physical and mental performance. The spectrum of action of the drug combination of activating, anxiolytic, immunostimulant actions and elements actoprotective activity. There are no Ladastena hypnotic-sedative and muscle relaxant properties of the drug does not have the abuse potential. In its application, unlike a typical action of psychostimulants, almost no effects develop hyperstimulation and aftereffect of depletion functionality of the organism.Therapeutic effect of ladasten in patients with asthenia and anxiety-asthenic disorders manifested from the first day of its application in the form of a distinct reduction asthenic symptoms, indicators of emotional stress, somatic-vegetative manifestations; medication helps to restore the activity and increase endurance.
Ladasten mechanism of action associated with increased release of dopamine from presynaptic terminals, blockade of its re-uptake and biosynthesis enhancement caused gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, as well as its modulatory effect on the GABA- benzodiazepine-hloriono-forme receptor complex, eliminating decrease benzodiazepine reception, growing under stress . Ladasten enhances GABA-ergic mediation, reducing the expression of the gene controlling the synthesis of GABA transporter, carrying the reuptake of the neurotransmitter.Ladasten toxic (LD50 in rats is greater than 10,000 mg / kg, and more than 100 times greater than the effective dose).

The time to maximum concentration (Tmax) was 4.2 hours, the maximum concentration (Cmax) of 363.3 ng / mL, the drug elimination half-life (T1 / 2) - 11.21 hours.

Asthenic conditions of various origins, including at somatic diseases and after infectious diseases.Neurasthenia.

Pregnancy, lactation, children under 18 years of age, hypersensitivity to the drug.

Application of pregnancy and during breastfeeding

Health and Safety in pregnant women has not been studied, therefore, in order to avoid possible adverse effects on the fetus, use of the drug is contraindicated in pregnant women.Withdrawal of milk and effects on the health of the newborn have not been studied, therefore, if necessary, the drug should stop breastfeeding.

Dosing and AdministrationUsed inside, regardless of the meal. The optimal single Ladasten dose - 50-100 mg; DSA - 100-200 mg, distributed into 2 doses throughout the day. The drug should not be used after 16 hours of the day. The duration of a course of the drug is 2-4 weeks.

Side effects
Manifestations may include the excessive activation and sleep disorders, which do not require discontinuation of the drug, it is advisable to decrease the dose. With increased individual sensitivity to the drug may develop allergic reactions.

With substantial overdose may develop sedation. Treatment: nonspecific detoxification therapy.

Interaction with other drugs
Ladasten reduces the hypnotic effect of thiopental sodium, does not weaken the anxiolytic effect of benzodiazepines.

Release Form
Tablets of 50 mg and 100 mg. On 25 tablets in blisters of PVC film and aluminum foil printed patent.
1 or 2 blisters with instruction on use in a pack made of cardboard.

Storage conditions
In a dry, dark place at a temperature no higher than 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

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