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Instruction for use: Ferrous sulfate + Folic acid

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Trade name of the drug – Gyno-Tardyferon

The Latin name of the substance Ferrous sulfate + Folic acid

Ferri sulfas+Acidum folicum (genus. Ferri sulfatis+Acidi folici)

Pharmacological groups:

Stimulants of hemopoiesis in combinations

Macro and trace elements in combinations

Model clinical-pharmacological article 1

Pharmacotherapy. Combined drug. Fe sulfate replenishes the deficiency of Fe in the body, is part of Hb. Folic acid in the body is restored to tetrahydrofolic acid, which is a coenzyme involved in various metabolic processes. Stimulates erythropoiesis, participates in the synthesis of amino acids, nucleic acids, purines, pyrimidines, in the exchange of choline. The rapid release of Fe ions and their excess local concentrations lead to a decrease in the degree of absorption of ionized Fe and irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. To avoid this damaging effect, easily soluble and rapidly absorbed Fe sulfate (Fe2 +) is connected to mucoproteosis - mucopolysaccharide derived from the intestinal mucosa, which increases the bioavailability of Fe ions and improves drug tolerance.

Pharmacokinetics. Absorption of Fe ions - 10-20% of the administered dose. Gradual release of Fe allows to prolong its absorption. TCmax - 7 hours. Non-sucked Fe is excreted through the intestine. Folic acid is rapidly absorbed and accumulates in the proximal part of the small intestine. It is excreted by the kidneys.

Indication. Iron deficiency anemia, deficiency of folic acid; Prevention of deficiency of Fe with simultaneous deficiency of folic acid (including during pregnancy).

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, hemolytic anemia, hemosiderosis, hemochromatosis, aplastic anemia, megaloblastic B12-deficiency anemia.

Dosing. Inside, after a meal. Treatment - 1 tablet 2 times a day; Prophylaxis - 1 tablet once a day (with pregnancy starting from 24 weeks); During lactation - 1 tablet a day during the entire lactation period. The course of treatment - until the normalization of Hb content with the subsequent administration of 1 tablet per day for 1-3 months.

Side effect. Nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, constipation or diarrhea.

Overdose. Symptoms: irritation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment: induce vomiting, rinse the stomach using 1% aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate or prescribe deferoxamine; Take inside the raw eggs and milk, which will ensure the binding of Fe ions in the digestive tract and their subsequent excretion.

Interaction. Mutually reduce absorption when combined use of tetracyclines, D-penicillamine, tea, egg yolk. Anthracides containing salts of Al3 +, Mg2 + and Ca2 +, reduce the absorption of preparations of Fe.

Special instructions. It is effective only in iron deficiency anemia and is ineffective in anemia of other etiology.

Avoid concomitant administration with other Fe-containing medications (risk of overdose).

Staining of feces in a dark (black) color against the background of taking Fe-containing drugs has no clinical significance.

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