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Instruction for use: Epoetin beta

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Trade name of the drug – Vero-Epoetin, Recormon, Epostin, Epoetin, Epoietin beta, Erythropoetin, Erythropoetin human recombinant, Erythrostim

The Latin name of the substance Epoetin beta

Epoetinum beta (genus. Epoetini beta)

Chemical name

Beta- (1-165) -Erythropoietin (genetically engineered); A glycoprotein consisting of 165 amino acids

Pharmacological group:

Stimulators of hematopoiesis

The nosological classification (ICD-10)

C90 Multiple myeloma and malignant plasma cell neoplasms: Retikuloplasmocytosis; Rustitsky's disease; Rustitskogo-Kahler's disease; Plasma cell myeloma; Myelomatosis

C91 Lymphoid leukemia [lymphatic leukemia]: Lymphatic leukemia; Lymphoproliferative diseases; Neuroleukemia; Refractory acute lymphoblastic leukemia; Refractory lymphoblastic leukemia; Transformation of preleukemias; Chronic lymphocytic leukemia; Lymphoproliferative disorders

D63.0 Anemia in neoplasm: Anemia in chronic diseases; Anemia due to radiation damage; Radiation anemia; Anemia in patients with solid tumors; Pernicious anemia

D63.8 Anemia in other chronic diseases classified elsewhere: Anemia in chronic diseases; Anemia in immunological disorders; Anemia in peptic ulcer; Anemia in kidney diseases; Anemia with HIV treatment; Anemia in the background of chronic renal failure; Anemia in patients with myeloma; Symptomatic anemia; Symptomatic anemia of renal genesis; Anemia in HIV-infected patients; Renal anemia


Mode action - Hematopoietic, erythropoietic.

Increases the number of erythrocytes and reticulocytes, the content of hemoglobin, activates heme synthesis. Normalizes the reduced hematocrit: its increase begins in 4 weeks of regular treatment.

Bioavailability with n / to the introduction - 23-42% of the dose, T1 / 2 - 12-28 h, after IV introduction - 4-12 hours.

Application of the substance Epoetin beta

Anemia of various genesis (chronic renal failure, prematurity of newborns, chemotherapy of malignant neoplasms), an increase in the volume of blood intended for autotransfusion.


Hypersensitivity, refractory arterial hypertension, unstable angina, the presence of a history of myocardial infarction, stroke or thromboembolism, pregnancy, breast-feeding.

Side effects of the substance Epoetin beta

Flu-like symptoms (at the beginning of treatment), increased blood pressure, hypertensive crisis with the phenomena of encephalopathy (headaches, confusion, sensory-motor disorders); Increased serum potassium and phosphate concentrations, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, allergic reactions (rash, urticaria), reactions at the injection site.


Symptoms: hypertension, erythrocytosis.

Treatment: prevention of excessive hydration, venesection, antihypertensive therapy (against the backdrop of epoetin).

Routes of administration

SC or IV.

Precautions for the substance Epoetin beta

With caution should be prescribed for arterial hypertension, nephrosclerosis, chronic renal failure, epilepsy, thrombocytosis, malignant neoplasms, sickle cell anemia and vascular diseases. Weekly monitoring of liver function, metabolism, blood pressure (especially platelets, hematocrit, ferritin) is necessary.

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