Instruction for use: Boric acid + Nitrofural + [Collagene]
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Trade name of the drug – Hemostatic collagen sponge
Latin name of substances Boric acid + Nitrofural + [Collagene]
Acidum boricum + Nitrofuralum + [Collagenum] (genus. Acidi borici + Nitrofurali + [Collageni])
Pharmacological group:
Coagulants (including coagulation factors), hemostatics
Model clinical-pharmacological article 1
Pharmacotherapy. Hemostatic agent for topical application, has antiseptic and adsorbing effect, stimulates tissue regeneration. The sponge left in the wound or cavity is completely absorbed.
Indication. Capillary and parenchymal hemorrhages, trophic ulcers, pressure ulcers, skin lesions, nasal bleeding, otitis media, bleeding from the sinuses of the dura mater, alveolar bleeding; Hemostasis against the background of dental interventions; Filling defects of parenchymal organs.
Contraindications. Hypersensitivity, arterial bleeding.
Dosing. Locally, they put a wound. After 3-5 minutes, the sponge, saturated with blood, tightly adheres to the bleeding surface. In case of continuing bleeding, a second layer of the sponge is applied. After stopping bleeding, the sponge is fixed with a U-shaped seam. To enhance the haemostatic effect, the sponge can be moistened with a solution of thrombin.
Side effect. Allergic reactions; Secondary infection.
Interaction. Thrombin (with additional wetting) increases the hemostatic effect.