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Instruction for use: Antitoxin venom vulgaris

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Trade name of the drug – Serum contra Viper berus equinum purificatum concentratum liquidum

The Latin name of the substance Antitoxin venom vulgaris

Antitoxinum veneni Viperae (genus. Antitoxini veneni Viperae)

Pharmacological group:

Vaccines, serums, phages and toxoids

Model clinical-pharmacological article 1

Characteristic. Containing a specific Ig protein fraction of the blood serum of horses hyperimmunized with viper venom, purified and concentrated by peptic digestion and salt fractionation. 1 ampoule contains 1 treatment dose - 150 AE.

Indication. The viper is an ordinary bite (in humans and animals).

Contraindications. Hypersensitivity to horse protein (development of anaphylactic shock with the introduction of 0.1-0.25 ml of serum).

Dosing. SC fractional (on Bezredko) to any part of the body. In the case of particularly severe intoxication, after hospitalization, the serum is administered iv. The total dose is set depending on the degree of intoxication.

Side effect. Not described.

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