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What is the "sportsmanship"?

18 Oct 2016

A small digression. Interestingly, in the early 60-ies of the last century doctors prescribed Methandrostenolone simply to raise the tone - even women! Bodybuilding magazines of the time were full of recommendations on the use of certain pharmacological agents - well, a hair's breadth the same way as is happening with various additives such as Creatine and Glutamine.

Fighters against doping is, as a rule, two arguments in favor of the rightness of their cause: the first - a drug has a negative impact on the health of athletes, and the second - doping violate the rules of fair competition, the so-called rule of "sportsmanship" or “fair play”. Let's take a little "stroll" on these two items. Point one - the health of athletes. It is interesting that fall under the ban not just a harmless procedure, and often healthy, to take at least the same "blood doping" or for example Mildronate. With regard to Anabolic Steroids, they are to some extent attenuate the huge negative impact training load on the body of the athlete. And the fact that these loads without reducing pharmacological agents may result, and sometimes lead to death of athletes, especially young ones, a fact. And, pray tell, whether steroid can - "modificants", which has not passed clinical trials to be more harmless than proven drug well in practice? But banning public anabolic steroids "fighters against doping" push athletes to test themselves with unknown drugs.

The second point - a fair fight. Tell me, what kind of fair competition may be involved, when some athletes for financial reasons, simply do not have the possibility use those drugs that are used with impunity other ?! Does anyone really think that no one ever caught champions prepared without doping? But no - they just huge funds allocated by the state or the sponsors, allow to hide it. As a result, athletes from developed countries are put in a much better position compared to the athletes of those countries that can not afford to spend on the creation of undetectable doping means extra money. The latter fall and post-Soviet countries, and the states of Eastern Europe, let alone Africa. And all this is called "fair game"? Let that, then, "unfair game"?!

So who benefits?

In the first place - the USA, this is the country actually holds on "the financial hook" anti-doping committees, often simply dictating them, someone to catch on doping, and to whom a blind eye. Yes, and the other industrialized countries, too, because they can afford to spend on Olympic sport (in professional sports anti-doping if it is present, it is only in order to temporarily withdraw from the game some objectionable athletes) many millions of dollars, creating new and new ones are not defined using a drug - test preparations and methods of avoiding doping - control. This puts them in a clearly more advantageous position than its competitors.

Advantageously it and those who have made a drug test their business. They do not care, by and large, in the interests of the sport - self comes to the body, and the money, as it is known, does not smell. It's a pity only that this break the fate of any innocent people - athletes, coaches and doctors. One thing is clear: neither the athletes and their coaches, especially those from countries that are not sparkling, say, economic development indicators, not to you and me - ordinary viewers eager to see this fight, not sorry for her imitation or unconditional domination of one athlete over the other - this not profitable.

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