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What is detoxification?

15 Aug 2018

Detoxication - destruction and neutralization of various toxic substances by chemical, physical or biological methods.

Detoxification is a natural or artificial removal of toxic substances from the body. Or a complex of artificial and natural measures to cleanse the body of toxins.

What is detoxification

Complex detoxification presupposes first of all an artificial stimulation of natural processes of cleansing the body, and methods of artificial purification that the body would never be able to use independently, in view of the lack of such opportunities and resources in it.

Toxic substances enter the body in the form of drugs or alcohol and gradually accumulate in it. The longer a person uses narcotic substances or alcohol, the more toxic substances accumulate in his body. In simple terms, detoxification is the removal of poisonous substances from the body, purification of the poisoned organism.

What is the purpose of detoxification?

Detoxification is needed in order to rid the body of harmful substances, withdraw them naturally, while replacing the substances removed from the body for new vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Detoxification is useful to everyone, but it should be done correctly, so as not to harm the body. Studies were carried out, during which it was found that detoxification presupposes certain norms of necessary vitamins and minerals, which must be taken only in the right proportions.

After all, if you use them unbalanced the body can be destroyed, and not restored. Therefore, detoxification is a very important program, which requires close attention of specialists in this field of knowledge. This is why before the program detoxification for the public, the most complex studies were conducted, after which, for about 50 years, people have achieved success and become freer and happier.

Detoxification for addicts
Detoxification is necessary for people dependent on something either because in the body of these people accumulated deposits of any drugs or alcohol, which prevents a person from getting rid of addiction. It was noticed that these deposits in the fatty tissue of a person from time to time can again fall into the blood of a person, and even years later again cause a state of euphoria or the need to take this or that drug. Therefore, an inevitable step for any dependent is detoxification.

Detoxification involves running, sweating in the sauna, and filling the body with the necessary vitamins and minerals (Heptral, cyanocobalamin, B1 etc) that are washed out on the program. Detoxification becomes a simple and natural process, if we start with only these components. Detoxification should not be difficult, and its purpose is very simple, to remove toxins and teach the body to independently in the process of life get rid of those that in the future accidentally fall.

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