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Under cover of the Olympics

04 Aug 2016

Olympic Games as a pretext and cover

Since the beginning of its history, the Olympics has been a symbol of peace. Spartan kings introduced the tradition of the Games, so as to unite Greece. Therefore, at the time of sports stop all wars and conflicts. Following an ancient tradition, Pierre de Coubertin revived the Olympic movement in the late XIX century, the slogan "On sports, you - the world!" Sport has been declared out of politics. This rule only once Hitler violated by trying to turn the 1936 Olympics in Berlin in the triumph of the German nation and the Aryan spirit.

The loudest scandal in the history of the modern Olympic Games was the boycott of the Moscow Olympics US 1980. So Washington has expressed its protest against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979. The Soviet Union responded symmetrically and boycotted the 1984 Games in Los Angeles. Throughout history there were only two Olympics, which were held at full strength participants. Olympic success in those years was devalued - because gold has real value for money, only if produced in the fight against all the strongest

Ever since the policy began to mix in a sport on the rise. And that's why.

These days, the Olympics - it is the world of media and a tidbit for TV channels, news agencies and online media and the blogosphere. It is long lasting and very significant newsworthy. It is known that the events of the world's news are short-lived, a couple of days to discuss such resonance, even those as terrorist attacks, disasters, military conflicts, comes to naught. Create the global news, which would have told the whole world, it is very difficult.

Another thing - the Olympic Games, which for two weeks keeps the interest of fans around the world. And it is not only newsworthy, it is an investment, huge profits and - the ability to create a more favorable image of the host country and its government. That is why the right to host the next Olympics is produced in a desperate struggle. And every time this fight very actively involved the United States, and if the right to host the Olympic Games gets some other country, it has the problems begin.

Washington has always made a lot of effort to spoil the impression of this global celebration and use it as a cover to solve their problems. This was the symbolic date of 08/08/08, when, during the opening of the Olympic Games in Beijing to launch a military invasion of Georgia in South Ossetia. The news about the Olympics was immediately displaced from the front pages of the world media. The effect of the Olympic Games was pretty spoiled.

By a similar scenario develops The situation in Brazil. US are already trying to do anything to dampen the impression of the Olympics, and all because Brazil is a country, not quite friendly States, but is an active member of the BRICS and maintains good relations with Russia and China. The blow is applied at the same time and Brazil, and Russia, for which two years of the sanctions regime because of the annexation of Crimea. Let me remind you, the runaway success of the Winter Olympics in Sochi also tried to overshadow the news reports about the alleged rusty water and poor organization of the event. But it did not help. Unable to challenge and resounding victory of our team.

And then doping came to the aid.

On the eve of the Brazilian Olympic detractors recruited a certain number of Russian athletes, which must now be regarded as traitors. They do not even hide that they received money in exchange for information that supposedly all competitors in Russia are taking a drug, and analyzes their secret ways substitutes FSB. This horror story could be useful for the tabloids only serious people, it would not be interested. Nevertheless, the topic is inflated, written reports, the world's leading TV show about this subjects. In parallel with developing the theme Meldonium (Mildronate) - now it is also announced as doping, although athletes from other countries are its analogs, without any consequences. In other words, everything is done to minimize the number of medals that would get all the Russian athletes.

Meanwhile, the discrediting of the Russian team - one of a number of problems solved in this way. Another task - to destabilize the situation in Brazil.

Recall that just before the Games Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff was suspended from his post before the final vote in the Senate on the issue of impeachment, previously scheduled for September 2.

The charges stemmed from allegations about the involvement of the Head of State to the scandal surrounding the Brazilian oil company Petrobras and the possible financing of campaigns for re-election of President by public funds. There are demonstrations of supporters and opponents Rousseff. The situation in Brazil is now so tense that resembles the situation in Ukraine two years ago. Against this background, enhanced economic uncertainty and rising rate of the national currency, are not paid salaries and pensions. Many observers in Brazil and abroad believe that the destabilization of the country to a large extent the result of Washington's policies to offset Rousseff.

And the main task of course discrediting the Olympic Games in any country except the United States.

To do this, the whole world media information campaigns unfold - to recall the notorious Zika virus or threat LIH (the organization banned in Russia) to blow during the Olympics "dirty bomb" ...

Whatever problems may try to solve the United States, using the Olympic Games, the joy of the upcoming Olympics is already spoiled. And Washington is using it as an extra argument in favor of the fact that the Games should be carried out on their territory.

Can we hope that the US will change its policy in relation to the Olympic Games? Hardly. The only thing that can sober American politicians - the emergence of alternative activities in the framework of the SCO, BRIC and ASEAN.

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