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The main rule for creating an excellent memory

20 Dec 2016

It has long wanted to make a short release cycle on the theme of memory, and that this moment has come! Accumulated a lot of information from various sources, it will now have to organize and present to you!

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The cycle will be different themes, and one of them - how to forget. Agree, sometimes this knowledge is not enough.

Thus, the memory - one of the functions and capabilities of the brain. And to the question, why develop it, each person will respond differently. In general, we want to use it to develop expertise in any computer game, be allowed fewer mistakes in the future, and to do again what brings joy into our lives. We want to remember the good things and forget the bad. From this perspective, there are 2 ways: you can have a bad memory and forget everything, and can be good, but to learn how to change its settings on the storage and reproduction of data, what is the meaning of this cycle.

Where is the memory

It is now believed that the memory associated with the part of the brain like the hippocampus. Especially long-term memory. Operational and short-term memory begins at the physical layer to become the long 15-30 minutes after some experience. This is not to consider that there is any hard drive in the head.

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The hippocampus - a part of the brain in which to prove neurogenesis exists. Roughly speaking, with the hippocampus you can be sure that it really pump up the muscles by 100%. Here in the cerebral cortex, where the thinking and planning is no conclusive data neurogenesis. Ie it lends itself to the development of memory is much easier than logic.

It was found that the hippocampus of London taxi drivers has been greater than that of men of the same age of the control group. Specificity of work in a taxi means seeing new places and new people every day, and trains memory. You can use Honluten.

No, it is not necessary to go to the taxi drivers, because the memory is not only a space. The hint is clear!)

What should I do to create a great memory

People often complain of poor memory, but in most cases and can be no question of any serious violations at the age of 50. We so to focus not see the main reasons for the deterioration of some intelligence. And it's a lifestyle! I, as the author has repeatedly written by people that have noticed a significant improvement after a simple change of meals.
Drop all your stereotypes just try to follow the recommendations given below. They have to act as a potent nootropic!

  • Bad habits. It is a slippery place, because there is evidence of the benefits of nicotine and alcohol in small quantities and are rarely taken. Because if you do not smoke or drink - continue in the same vein, if you have the habit - to reduce their consumption. The big misconception that starting to treat the head, regardless of the body like the brain some separate substance, and if we say light cigarettes are sick liver and decomposed by alcohol, the brain supposedly right. As if passes through the liver is not the same blood, and through the brain. In general, the logic is clear: treat the body - is treated and mind.
  • Sleep. At the age of 20 years need to sleep 7-8 hours a day, 14-20 years, 8-10 hours. in sleep needs vary by age, state of health and stress. Popular justification: no time. But you can not imagine how to increase the productivity of the day, if you add on a few extra days hours.
  • Food. Subject beaten, will not repeat.
  • Physical activity. Useful for a good blood circulation, including the brain. This topic also at the hearing, specifying only that the load can be different, someone likes swimming and someone skiing and biking. The only condition is to prevent too high a rate, which implies light and medium loads. No championship level, if the desire is limited to a good appearance, and brain and body health.

Sometimes it helps to alternating loads. Personally, when I would sit for a long time at work, to the extent that the rebate began walking up 5-6 floors up and coming down. Strange, but was thinking immediately better, can someone come in handy.

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These actions - is the foundation! On this basis, we will create a smart memory. Then a few points for the understanding of the following issues:

  • 1.Memory is deceptive.

Over time, you begin to believe that "this used to be good", this feature is especially apparent in times of negative or depressive state. Just remember, when you start to think so, when at the moment everything is fine, or when life is something you can not regularly.
Memory tends to downplay and exaggerate events. Keep this in mind when you remember something.

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A great way to control memory - take notes, paying attention to the emotions rather than facts. You can every day to write a little bit, you can every couple of weeks the most striking events.

  • 2.Memory can be improved over.

What does not argue, the cells that make up the brain, neurons are able to provide processes and communicate with other cells. When you learned to drive a car or a bicycle - it was hard because it was not stable chains of nerve cells. Then, from the constant recollection and training - these chains as if cemented. The question is the most effective techniques for rapid creation of these chains!

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Bottom line:

Remember the good events and relevant facts is always a pleasure. Sometimes a negative experience is an excellent lesson. So, where to start's transformation of the hippocampus and memory: Lifestyle.

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