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The effect of peptides in bodybuilding, powerlifting, athletics

28 Nov 2017

Peptides are amino acids in the form of chains connected by amide (peptide) bonds.

For a long time, only scientists and biologists heard about them, but today it is an integral part of the sport, especially of the professional. If to simplify, the peptides are very short proteins that serve to transport information between the cells of the body. For example, a peptide tells the pituitary - you need growth hormone! - and the pituitary gland produces it. Each of the peptides has a narrow, directed specialization. For the first time in a laboratory way peptides were obtained more than a hundred years ago, and today they are known about 2000 - all with their properties. The human body itself creates peptides to regulate almost all processes - the production of hormones, the functioning of endocrine glands, all levels of metabolism. Almost all age-related changes are attributed to the shortage of peptides.

So the question is: do the peptides work? - there can be only one answer. Yes, they do! Precisely because they strengthen the already existing functions of the human body and selectively affect the natural processes in it. Not surprisingly, they were attracted by athletes. After all, hormone drugs and steroids, which are determined by doping control, are forbidden for them. Peptides are allowed for sale, their sale in most countries is not restricted by law. Today they are even added to cosmetics (some are able to penetrate through the skin or mucous membranes) and in dietary supplements.

The main effects of peptides in sports and bodybuilding

Enhancement of anabolic processes by stimulating growth hormone, testosterone, etc. ·

Aiming fat burning (without affecting the muscles and other tissues) ·

Acceleration of recovery and regeneration, improvement of immunity ·

Improving the quality of life and appearance (sunburn, healthy sleep, increased libido, etc.)

Peptides are not only allowed, they are also much cheaper than synthetic hormones! They do not leave traces in the body and are not determined by doping control. It is behind the peptides that many see the future of bodybuilding and fitness. The effectiveness of a number of peptides in sports has already been proved not only by research, but also by the experience of numerous athletes. It is enough to study the reviews on peptides on the Internet to make sure that due to them the impossible becomes possible. It is easy to gain muscle mass, part with excess weight quickly and without painful kickbacks, recover from injury, find a healthy dream ...

All this is a new word in sports pharmacology, peptides!

Are peptides harmful or have side effects?

Some certainly do. However, only those peptides that do not have a detrimental effect on health can be found in the sale and free use. 9 of the 10 drugs that you will find in our store, the only side effect is redness at the injection site. But the positive effects - sometimes a dozen! Unlike many doping drugs, peptides do not deplete the body, but only activate its functions.

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