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The cognitive benefits of bilingualism

13 Dec 2016

Linguist Dr. Doping tells about wonder-children, the importance of language learning in infancy and benefits of children raised in bilingual. What could be the difficulty in children raised in bilingualism? As the number of languages learned affects the life expectancy? Why minorities gradually lose their languages?

It is important to consider the consequences of bilingualism. There are many new studies that show that bilingualism gives people significant cognitive benefits. Let me give a couple of examples. One relates to a recent study, which was conducted in Florida. Florida - a place where people move when they turn 70, so there are a lot of older people. Many of these people live in nursing homes. In one of the nursing homes surveyed in which people were asked, they have grown in bilingualism or not. It turned out that the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease is 5 times lower in people who grew up in bilingualism. This is a good result, especially at a time when everyone is trying to live longer. Scientists have figured out how to treat heart disease and oncology, so we all have to end up in nursing homes. And it would be nice to never get sick Alzheimer's.

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Another example comes from another segment of life and has to deal with so-called miracle child. Several years ago, a study was conducted in the city of Trieste, which is on the border of Italy and Slovenia. This city is home to many Italians and as many Slovenians, and there are many mixed marriages. The researchers selected three groups of children. All the children were seven months. One group of children to speak Italian, the other - in Slovenian, while the third group was of mixed families. Children showed different dolls, and they have chosen different situations. Normally, when a seven-month baby has got used to certain conditions and situations, he needs some time to regroup them. It turned out that the Italian seven-month and seven-month Slovenian accustomed to the fact that the doll appears to the right of them, and when the doll was placed on the left of them, they continued to look to the right, as if nothing has changed. At the same time bilingual children quickly turned his head and noticed that the doll has changed position. Despite the fact that all other conditions of life of children were equal, it turned out that bilingual children have certain advantages.

It's only a couple of examples that show that people really develop when living in a bilingual environment, especially if it occurs from birth or at least the first five years of their life. This does not mean you have to drop everything and start learning a new language at 51. It will not help much. But if you are born in an environment where speaking in two languages or more, it definitely gives you an advantage.

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