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The brain is the organ that we think it is thinking

03 Jul 2017

It is these provocative words of the famous American writer and journalist Birs Ambrose that can not be better portrayed the current situation in the world of science regarding the study of the brain. What is we, our mind and intuition?

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What does the science of the brain say today?

The sensational discovery that the brain makes a decision 30 seconds before a person realizes this decision, once and for all destroyed the established system of our being. 30 seconds is a huge period of time for brain activity. Therefore, we can not firmly state that the decision belongs to us, we can not. Also, we can not say that the brain is us, because if we are guided by the latest discoveries, it controls us, and not us. This news was voiced in early 2016 by a Russian scientist in the field of neuroscience and psycholinguistics Tatyana Chernigovskaya.

Mechanisms of intuition

So what happens? We are not our body or our brain. But at the same time, it seems to us, we live in reality and are guided day by day by signals coming from the head. In doing so, we also distinguish these signals as the voice of reason and the voice of intuition.

Yes, the brain is cunning, not wishing to immediately reveal all its secrets, that's why a person receives information from him consciously, in a reasonable, logical way, and the other part - unconsciously, that is intuitively. What does this lead to? To the flashes of insight that suddenly overtake us. It seems to us that we for no apparent reason heard our inner voice, but in fact the brain gave us the information that had accumulated secretly from us long ago. After all, the table of chemical elements was not dreamed of by a baker or locksmith, but by a scientist who worked on this issue. It follows that intuition is not magic, but the ability of our clever head organ to gather information bit by bit, put it in the right box, and then - as a rule, this happens when we are either relaxed or very tense - giving everything away.

Intuition is the visible result of a long, "invisible", unconscious brain work. Goethe was very fond of repeating that thoughts should come to us as God's children and say: "Here we are!" But once again I want to emphasize the important thesis of scientists that ideas do not come without invitation, they need to "ache."

Intuition and prophetic dreams

Here is another interesting example of the mechanism of our intuition - the phenomenon of prophetic dreams. Do you know that our dreams are built from what was once fixed by the brain and what we have long forgotten? Or from what our brain caught, but did not let us realize? The psychologist Veronika Stepanova, reflecting on the question of intuition and prophetic dreams, once told the following example, which perfectly reveals this phenomenon. Once she dreamed of her husband's illness. Living abroad and being helpless in domestic matters, she asked her husband to help her understand domestic matters, telling him about a strange dream.

My husband was extremely surprised by this news. In his opinion, he had excellent health - like an astronaut. A week later the dream came true. Her husband Veronica had a heart attack. From the point of view of science, the phenomenon of this dream is perfectly understandable. How? At an unconscious level, Veronica began to notice that her husband's hands are swelling, the skin color becomes slightly earthy, a strange smell appears, and movements slow down. That is, in a dream the brain gave her those signals that she did not notice at the level of consciousness. It turns out that nothing supernatural happened. The brain showed what was needed. The brain cares for us, warns against danger. He is generally well done.

Where is the intuition?

Physiological studies show that it is the right hemisphere of the brain that is responsible for our "sixth sense". Psychologists say that intuition is everywhere and nowhere: this is an insensible phenomenon. As the world sees a person who has intuition developed, it is not clear, it is equally incomprehensible how people with developed logical thinking see the world. Because there is no entrance to someone else's head. As Tatyana Chernigovskaya says, if we take a conditional chicken, we pose in her brain electrodes or chicken the brain like a cabbage, we still will not see anything except the tissue. And no instrument will help, because the equipment is about the other. We can investigate neurons, but this too will not give us the opportunity to look at the world through the eyes of another person or through the eyes of the same chicken.

How to step over from neurons to Shakespeare, that is, to understand how a person perceives this world, where his intuition still resides, how a person can manifest his hidden abilities - all this is not yet known to us. But in spite of the fact that the question of intuition is little studied, we can still use it for the good of ourselves and others. The question arises - how?

How to start using intuition?

The ability to extract information hidden by the brain in the subconscious is the ability to use one's intuition. That is, creative inspiration, illumination, "eureka" can indeed be called. Everyone can learn this. It's enough just to relax. And it's not a joke. Our brain works on several levels: beta, alpha, theta, delta. As can be seen from the table below, the voice of intuition can be heard at the alpha and theta levels. For this it is necessary to fall into a state of light or deeper sleep. Now it is understandable why Salvador Dali sat in front of a clean canvas, holding a metal spoon in his hand over a plate. In an easy manner, he dropped it, the one clinked on the plate. The artist woke up, grabbed a brush and transferred to the canvas all the images seen in the meditative state.

To find a non-standard solution to their problems, today many successful businessmen, doctors, scientists use the meditation technique: Karl Simonton is a pioneer in cancer therapy, Cleve Baxter is a scientist, the founder of the theory of primary perception in plants, Steve Jobs, with the only one downloaded on the iPad The book "Autobiography of a Yogi," constantly engaged in meditations at work, and many others. Also, this method is used to lose weight, quit smoking, improve the learning achievement in school. And it really works! Our possibilities are great! So, the famous psychologist, hypnosis researcher Jose Silva, doing meditation with his children, was able to improve their perception of school material to such a level that even the youngest could understand and solve problems several classes higher without difficulties. Although 10 children did not please José with his good grades, they were absent-minded, and it seemed that their studies were never interested.

So, Tsiolkovsky, the father of Russian astronautics, was right that from the point of view of interplanetary communications the study of the human brain and psyche is more important than the development of space vehicles. What will happen to mankind when it learns to use all the information accumulated by this strange and cunning brain that has settled in the head? Perhaps even Luc Besson, who shot sensational sci-fi action "Lucy" in 2014, where the main role is performed by the beautiful Scarlett Johansson, did not fully reflect the possible changes!

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