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Start of anabolic process

29 Nov 2016

The majority of anabolic steroid hormones are men's androgens. Many people suffer because of the low level of androgens and the wrong diet, abuse of drugs, chemical impurity, an overtraining or presenilation.

The understanding of the basic biological processes which involve production of anabolic steroids will help to be protected from decrease in hormonal level and will allow to keep the maximum intensity of anabolic processes.

Testosterone is considered as the very best anabolic men's steroid hormone from capital letter of T. No actually it, alas, isn't. Some researchers believe that testosterone is only pro-hormone because of its rather weak actions in comparison with other androgens, in particular with dihydrotestosterone.

Testosterone bears responsibility for many vital signs, of which determination and development of characteristic men's signs, including sexual maturing and fertility is most important.

However actions of an anabolic steroid of testosterone both related sexual desire and aggression are considerably adjusted by other androgens, many of which are as powerful as testosterone, and even stronger.

Androgens, as a rule, can be transformed from one form to another, from an initial product in hormones. For example, adrenal pro-hormone can be transformed to testosterone or estrogen. Certain enzymes allow other androgens to be transformed to testosterone and further to dihydrotestosterone.

Digidrotestosteron is the most powerful men's steroid hormone. Digidrotestosteron contacts androgenic receptors of fabrics much stronger, than initial connection (testosterone). Its action ten times stronger, than the action caused by testosterone. Digidrotestosteron called "bad testosterone". From testosterone in tissue of a prostate connect a hypertrophy and giperplasia of a prostate, development of adenoma of a prostate with the increased formation of dihydrotestosterone and, perhaps, increase in probability of development of a prostate cancer. The last scientific research showed that dihydrotestosterone isn't this regulator promoting increase in a prostate, and female sex hormone estrogen is the real reason of increase.

When estrogen is present much at a male body, it as it was told above, causes feminization of a body and breaks a metabolism, causing increase in a prostate.

Unfortunately, now doctors often prescribe medicine which literally chemically castrates men. Any treatment, medicine or substance which forbid transformation of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (it the drugs intended for treatment of prostatitis and loss of hair) can also suppress anabolic effect of dihydrotestosterone, exerting a negative impact on a libido and sexual activity. Add some Hondramin to your daily training.

To put it briefly, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone play important roles in formation of a body, a potentiality and accumulation of fatty deposits, but when the question costs about muscular development, dihydrotestosterone remains the main thing.

However fat-free, low-calorie and plentiful diets can reduce the level of steroid hormones. Whereas the high-calorie food with the high content of fats promotes activization of steroid processes.

Anabolic processes

The number of the people (especially men) accepting steroid anabolic steroids increases every year. Neither spots, nor a womanly breast, nor liver pains, nor even impotence stop them from reception of wonderful means for extension of muscles.

According to data of National institute of the USA on a research of medicinal dependence, the number of the people who are regularly accepting steroid anabolic steroids constantly grows. Means for fast accumulation of muscle bulk enjoy wide popularity among children and teenagers. The palm among all list of the medicines used by youth is strongly held by steroids, conceding in popularity only to ecstasy.

Emergence of steroid anabolic steroids in medicine isn't accidental. Doctors know about positive effect of male sex hormones on the organism weakened by an infection, a cancer tumor, an injury or a burn long ago. In addition to the main functions causing growth of hair on the person, a breast and legs, a sexual passion, etc. testosterone promotes synthesis in a protein organism, to increase in muscle bulk, and also holds calcium in bones. In a word, promotes what in medicine it is accepted to call anabolism, that is synthesis and recovery of construction substances of an organism. At the same time the main male sex hormone makes a certain impact on kidneys in case of which they don't pass a set of the substances which are a construction material via the filters.

However because of the main action men can only apply testosterone and that not always. So the synthetic analogs of testosterone possessing anabolic action and deprived of "men's" action were born. They were called steroid anabolic steroids.

Steroid anabolics are so-called anabolic steroids (synthetic gormonalnoaktive medicines).

Athletes, heavyweights, body builders and veterans of martial arts know that the actual growth of muscles and force requires a large number of time and considerable efforts. While combustion of fat can be begun immediately by means of a diet and physical activities, growth of muscles — slower process. The understanding of it is extremely important for effective muscular development.

Anabolic processes have two stages: stimulation of body height and completion of body height. The first stage starts activization of the hormones and substances stimulating body height of muscles (peptide hormones, epinephral hormones, the tsAMF cellular regulator and Prostaglandinums). The second stage reduces the actual gain of muscle bulk, suppresses work of steroids and Somatotropinum which were sped up at the first stage of an anabolic cycle earlier.

Duration sufficient to finish both stages of an anabolic cycle, corresponds to that amount of time which is necessary for effective muscular development.

Body height of muscles happens under the following three conditions:

  • existence of hormonal cocktail which includes steroids, Prostaglandinums, hormones of a thyroid gland and insulin;
  • consumption of a full-fledged nutrition which includes all essential proteins, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants;
  • existence of high energy potential of cells which is required for restoration and building of tissues of muscles.

If one of above-mentioned conditions isn't carried out — irrespective of, the investigation it hormonal deficiency, malnutrition or low energy potential of cells — body height of muscles will be significantly slowed down.

Muscular development is a part of the mechanism of survival which originally helped animals and people to adapt to physical activities and serious conditions of existence.

Each of us has the internal code which controls our responses to ecological changes. The most primitive unicells, amoebas and bacteria, respond to changes in an external environment (for example, change of temperature or absence of nutrients). More advanced multicellular live organisms shall react to similar changes too to survive.

Human survival depends on carefully thought over network of cellular communications. Different signal agents require that different threshold values caused the connected processes. Duration of process depends on from what agent the signal arrives. Some processes, for example with an involvement of prostaglandins, occupy a fraction of a second whereas others, for example with an involvement of steroids, last for hours or even days.

In other words, agents of growth have either direct, or delayed, an impact on an organism. The understanding of it as a result will help to cause growth of muscle bulk.

Short and long anabolic processes

It is possible to call various amount of time required to different hormones for activization of the activities that regulator which causes a method and duration of growth of muscles. Studying of the regulator of activization of anabolic processes will help you to exploit anabolic cycles that it is more effective to develop muscles.

As it was already mentioned, hormones have the short or long periods of impact on an organism. Of course, those hormones which have the short period most often directly influence an organism. And hormones which exert longer anabolic impact work most often indirectly, and action is dragged out in time.

Fast impacts on an organism make peptide hormones (adrenal hormones, insulin and the stimulating hormones) whereas long, delayed impacts make steroid hormones.

Operations of the tsAMF cellular regulator and prostaglandins depend on their activators, adrenal hormones and, respectively, on irreplaceable fatty acids. In this respect impact of tsAMF directly depends on activity of adrenal glands. As activity of adrenal glands mentions the short periods of time, action of tsAMF short-term too.

Nevertheless under certain conditions, such as malnutrition and loadings, activity of adrenal glands and the impact of tsAMF connected with their activities is significantly prolonged.

As for prostaglandins, even while their impact happens for a fraction of a second, the accumulating effect of impact of irreplaceable fatty acids on production of prostaglandin provides process duration.

The hormones of adrenal glands stimulating peptide hormones tsAMF and prostaglandins make direct and short impact which can last from a fraction of a second to several minutes and even hours. Nevertheless this impact can be prolonged under certain conditions, such as hunger, malnutrition and physical activities.

Steroid hormones have a delayed, but deep impact which can last within many hours or even days.

Management of anabolic processes

Direct, but short influences of the stimulating hormones, certainly, indicate that the first stimulating stage of an anabolic cycle quickly, but is short and extremely unstable. On the other hand, delayed, but long influence of steroid hormones indicates that the second stage though is slow, can actually continue during many days.

Nevertheless, as you are convinced soon, long and deep anabolic effects of steroid hormones directly depend on preliminary short, but unstable effect of the stimulating hormones.

Often people aren't able to make active the first stage of an anabolic cycle completely. This preliminary stimulating stage is quite unstable and can be stopped right at the beginning. Physically active people having bad preferences in food and practicing the wrong mode of loadings (a lack of the intensity and complexity) which isn't able to make active completely the first stage of an anabolic cycle. As a result they aren't capable to reach the second final stage of a cycle, to increase muscles and to find force to which so aspire.

Use of anabolic means is an easy method to bypass the first stimulating stage of an anabolic cycle. But at each easy short way the high price. The dark side of anabolic means is known and described in medical literature. Except destruction of production of own hormones anabolic means can make negative impact on arterial pressure, level of cholesterol and a metabolism, to cause increase in level of enzyme of an aromatasia with destructive estrogenic influence on an organism.

Other side effects of anabolic steroids — loss of hair, spots, cancer, growth of internals (a hypertrophy of heart, intestines).

Following to an anabolic cycle — slow process, but more effective and safe for an organism.

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