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Sport And Doping

17 Oct 2016

"Sports and Doping" is the second part of the book "Anabolic steroids: the elimination of illiteracy." There are articles on sports medicine and traumatology, nutrition and sports nutrition, theory and methodology of training in strength sports. An athlete cannot hope to win in major international competitions, if one does not use Anabolic Steroids.

Sport and doping, doping and sports - in recent years, these two concepts have become inseparable. However, why only recently I dare say that doping in sport has always been. Furthermore, with all responsibility declare that doping in sport will always be. These two have no one to share. Then why is this the fight against doping, this artfully fanned hysteria, this flame, which killed one and which does not affect the vast majority? In order to answer this interrogation, we try to ask another question: "Who benefits?" Always, when you're trying to get to the root of the problem, try first to think, "Who benefits from it create?" So we did, we seek those fight against "windmills" brings the greatest benefit. But first – there is a brief history of doping in sport.

A brief history of doping in sport

The history of doping in sport has its origins long before the creation of anabolic steroids. We will not touch the ancient mythical athletes participating in no less mythical "Greek" Olympic Games, and consider only the documentary evidence.

The first documented case of doping refers to the distant 1865, when stimulants were used by the Dutch swimmers. By the end of the 19th century and include the use of doping agents facts cyclists from various countries: these funds range from extended caffeine to wine enriched cocaine. The first modern Olympic Games, held in 1896, were no exception to the doping saga - Olympic athletes used a very wide arsenal of "chemistry", including codeine and highly effective sublethal strychnine as a stimulant. At the Olympics in 1904 he was miraculously brought back to life the American marathon runner Thomas Hicks, once poured a mixture of brandy to stimulate cocaine and strychnine. I must say the potion turned out really excellent - runner won, but almost at the cost of his life. But it was "dabbling". This era of doping in sport, it began with the creation in 1935 of Synthetic Testosterone. Tom is no documentary evidence, but it is believed that their unexpected success at the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Nazi Germany sportsmen owe this drug.

History repeated itself, like two drops of water, on the Olympic Games 1952 in Helsinki here for Soviet athletes for the first time took part in the Olympic Games, we have a completely unexpected and overwhelming success. I must say that in our former homeland skillfully used the knowledge and experience of the prisoners of German experts and the area of sports was not an exception. Again, the documentary evidence of the use of testosterone by Soviet athletes does not exist, but the syringes, sweeps in large enough quantities of the rooms in which lived the USSR team, speak for themselves. The Americans, of course, such a resounding slap in the face of the enemy was already number one for a reason could not carry, and began their own research in the field of androgenic drugs, the benefit and they captured German experts enough. The use of testosterone went at full speed, but soon the US experts drew attention to the fact that testosterone is an ideal doping is not for all athletes, athletes of the sport, which is of paramount importance impeccable technique or endurance were from it is not thrilled.

Not thrilled with the new drug, to say the least, there were also athletes in one, not a day of joy, suddenly finds himself in a whole bunch of secondary sexual characteristics typical of men. On the agenda there was a question on creation of new doping agents, comparable in strength with testosterone, but deprived of its negative traits. Sequentially they were established Nandrolone, Norethandrolone, Oxandrolone, Oxymetholone and, of course, everyone's favorite Metandrostelon. Last practically revolutionized the sport, it came to the fact that the traditional oatmeal for breakfast athletes throwing a handful of "Methane" pill - called a "breakfast for champions". After the production of Methandrostenolone was established in large quantities in the Soviet Union, this product has become the basis of preparation of national athletes. In the GDR - remember, it was once and a country - went their own way and created original drug called Oralturinabol. In general, the sports professionals of East Germany could be called pioneers in the use of performance-enhancing drugs - the level of its application GDR athletes had no equal. But this was only the beginning.

This pandemic has Doping in Sport started in the year 1968. Ironically, it is this time that the introduction of doping - control. In 1967, the Anti-Doping Committee headed by Prince Alexandre de Merode. Being a man of extremely honest, but naive uncontrollably, the new head of the committee decided to declare war on any strong doping. At the initiative of Alexander de Merode at the Olympic Games was introduced mandatory drug test. It was created a list of banned drugs, which included Anabolic Steroids.

All teams all over the world together ignored declared war - Games in 1968 became the "steroid" in history. And - the most spectacular, gave the world a lot of unforgettable achievements. For the "fighters against doping" thing on top it was complicated by the fact that there was no equipment that can accurately detect the presence of metabolites of a substance in the urine, but without a precise definition does not go far - the results of doping - test can be easily challenged. Yes, and in a sufficient amount of money they did not yet exist. Oddly enough, but the money was soon found - the main "sponsor" of anti-doping agencies have become ... the United States. You will ask why? It's very simple - the US was then Methandrostenolone detection technique, make up, as you remember, the basis of preparation of the various teams of the USSR. National same US team, especially in swimming and athletics, getting ready to Stanozolol - Anabolic steroids, which detect then considered impossible. You can also like Phenotropil pills

Meanwhile, the socialist camp is also not standing still. By 1985, it includes the creation of reliable tools to detect the presence in urine of athletes stanozolol metabolites. For the first time this technique has been tried at the Olympic Games 1988 in Seoul - it was "donated" to the organizers of the Soviet side. But it turned out that the secret of Soviet specialists helped them not, and their arch-rivals in the fight for the Olympic "precious metals" - the Americans. In fact, the only one who suffered from the large new technique was Canadian Ben Johnson. It was his retirements opened the way to perhaps the most prestigious Olympic "gold" - in the women's 100 meters in men - the American "legend" Carl Lewis. Lewis, both before and after the scandal at every corner declared his impeccable "clean" in terms of doping, not forgetting to water your main opponent mud flows. He risked nothing - in the United States on the preparations leading athletes "on Stanozolol," by the time began to slowly forget.

Even after such a pathetic statements in the anti-doping laboratories, doctors noticed one very interesting fact: in the urine of almost all the winners in athletics and swimming were found metabolite of the same substance. They found Genabol - Anabolic Steroid synthesized in 1984, but industrial production for various reasons have not started, and therefore escaped from the watchful eye of "fighters for the purity of the sport."

In the world of synthesized each year thousands and thousands of new drugs and anabolic steroids are no exception. Most of the commercialized and misses, as a rule, because of the high cost of a potentially negative impact on the human body. But what is money when it comes to the prestige of the country! And in the most developed countries began to emerge laboratories engaged in synthesis of small amounts of anabolic steroids or rejected by the pharmaceutical industry, or newly created. The purpose of such laboratories - meet the needs of the leading athletes in the most prestigious Olympic sports - athletics and swimming. As far as I know, these laboratories in Germany and the UK, even publicly funded. In the early to mid-70s of the 20th century in the GDR conducted the first experiments with growth hormone, then the pituitary obtained from cadavers. Later, when the Somatotropine learned how to synthesize it has become firmly established in the practice of training athletes. Then, experiments started with insulin later - with insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). All these types of doping and is still virtually impossible to detect. On the agenda the creation of gene doping - quite expensive, but find that it will be impossible, even in theory.

Do not stand still, and the method of concealing doping. Found among existing products and the newly created "screens" that allow to hide from the watchful eye of chromatography-mass spectrometermetabolites known anabolic steroids. And all of this money goes, money and money. Millions and millions of dollars. Naturally, they consume only those who can afford it.

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