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Sibutramin (Goldlayn)

26 Dec 2016

Sibutramin (trade names Goldlayn, Meridia, Reduksin) is pharmacological means for suppression of appetite during weight loss. Sibutramin is included also in the Forbidden list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (2010) and carried to the substances forbidden during the competitions. In Russia original medicine and its analogs is available. Not to confuse "attention" with reducsin light.

Sibutramin is made by Abbott Laboratories under brands: Meridia, Reduktil and Sibutreks. In the USA it is classified as means capable to cause dependence though that isn't. Its abuse as anorectic, receiving who for the first time according to doctor's instructions is the unique reason of control people begins then to continue unauthorized acceptance for weight loss independently.

Sibutramin's action

Structurally sibutramin is similar to a class of amphetamines though has no their biological properties. Sibutramin is a drug of the central action, is an inhibitor of the return serotonin reuptake (53%), Noradrenalinum (54%) and Dofaminum (16%) owing to what enlarges the level of these mediators in space. Enlarging, thus, concentration of a serotonin in the center of hunger and saturation drug suppresses appetite.

Main effects of sibutramin:

  • 1.inhibition of presynaptic return capture the monoaminergic neurotransmitters in the central nervous system and appetite suppression;
  • 2.activization of secretion anorexigenic and depression of secretion oreksigennykh of neuropeptids;
  • 3.augmentation of power consumption and activization of sympathetic effects of a peripheric nervous system.

Sibutramin can cause change (improvement) of mood because in control of a power homeostasis and mood the blocked sites of a brain (for example, serotonin system) are often used . Sibutramin is approved by FDA in 1997 only as drug for depression of body weight.


  • Mental diseases
  • Drug addiction
  • Hypersensitivity
  • Heart disease and arteries
  • Idiopathic hypertension
  • Angle-closure glaucoma
  • Prostate hyperplasia
  • Pregnancy, lactemia and children's age
  • Concomitant use of inhibitors of MAO (antidepressants)

Harm and side effects

Rather often there are side effects from cardiovascular system (about 10%): increase in arterial pressure upon 2–20 mm hg, increase in heart rate by 3–20 beats/min . In 2010 FDA expressed concern about high risk of heart diseases and strokes in case of Sibutramin's use at people with cardiovascular diseases. Also the side effects connected with its noradrenergic stimulation of a hypothalamus of the mechanisms regulating appetite, and simpatomimetichesky to properties are observed: dryness in a mouth, nausea, taste change, disorder of digestion, constipation, sleeplessness, concern, algomenorea, muscle and joints pains, difficulty of urination, sight violation.

At young age, in the absence of a disease of heart and vessels Sibutramin is considered safe medicine. In case of side effects, after cancellation all symptomatic disappears without harm for health. Heavy complications arise seldom.

Scientists consider that the person is exposed to bigger risk staying in an obesity condition, than in case of Sibutramin's use.

Sibutramin as drug

High level of control of medicine in the West generates false rumors that Sibutramin drug. This medicine doesn't cause dependence as doesn't increase release of dopamine from synapses, and the high level of control is connected with the unauthorized use of Sibutramin as means for weight loss that can speak only about outstanding performance. You can try Ventramin.

Rather often there are side effects from cardiovascular system (about 10%): increase in arterial pressure upon 2–20 mm hg, increase in heart rate by 3–20 beats/min. In 2010 FDA expressed concern about high risk of heart diseases and strokes in case of Sibutramin's use at people with cardiovascular diseases. Also the side effects connected with its noradrenergic stimulation of a hypothalamus of the mechanisms regulating appetite, and symptomatic properties are observed: dryness in a mouth, nausea, taste change, disorder of digestion, constipation, sleeplessness, concern, algomanorea, muscle and joints pains, difficulty of urination, sight violation.

At young age, in the absence of a disease of heart and vessels Sibutramin is considered safe medicine. In case of side effects, after cancellation all symptomatic disappears without harm for health. Heavy complications arise seldom.

Scientists consider that the person is exposed to bigger risk staying in an obesity condition, than in case of Sibutramin's use.

Sibutramin as a drug

High level of control of medicine in the West generates false rumors that Sibutramin drug. This medicine doesn't cause dependence as doesn't increase release of dopamine from synapses, and the high level of control is connected with the unauthorized use of Sibutramin as means for weight loss that can speak only about outstanding performance.

Legal status

Since January 24, 2008 sibutramin enters the list of strong medicines approved by the government. It means that its sale is resolved only in drugstores according to the recipe.

In spite of the fact that in 2007 sibutramin didn't enter this list, Svetlana Sukhorukova was condemned for sale of sibutramin in 2007 for 5 years according to Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation — illicit trafficking in strong substances. Sibutramin is included also in the Forbidden list of the World Anti-Doping Agency (2010) and carried to the substances forbidden during the competitions.

The actions limiting free sale of the medicines containing sibutramin took place in 2008 — 2010 not only in Russia. The companies on suspension of sales it was developed in the USA, a number of the European Union countries and Ukraine. This measure is applied after receipt of results of a research where in case of prolonged use (several years) of 15 mg of sibutramin at the patients with hypertension and had heart attack and stroke a number of heavy side effects is revealed. The feedback of the documents granting the right to trade in drugstores, according to formulations of the regulating bodies is temporary, before clarification of special circumstances. In Ukraine this prohibition doesn't extend to the dietary supplements containing sibutramin in bigger to a dose (35-50 mg) in view of lack of legal procedures of the proof of availability of this component in a product for weight reduction. There are researches claiming that side effects are connected with availability in racemic sibutramin of S-isomer. On the contrary, R-sibutramin has twice smaller risk of development of undesirable consequences. Availability optically of the net dosage form containing R-sibutramin could, in case of sufficient evidential base, influence positively the current situation.

The Ministry of Health reports that the medicines containing sibutramin as the unique active ingredient are subject to accounting and calls them Slimiya (capsule), "Meridia" (capsule), Goldlayn (capsule) and Lindaksa (capsules). At the same time the Reduksin trademark (capsules) isn't subject quantitatively to accounting as contains a combination of active agents: sibutramin + microcrystalline cellulose and therefore doesn't treat strong substances. 

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