Best deal of the week




21 Dec 2016

Rastan is one of the first recombinant growth hormones (GH) of national production. Rastan is registered as medicine in Russia and is available in drugstores.

Rastan, recombinant growth hormones

The strain and technology of obtaining were developed by scientists of Institute of bioorganic chemistry of RAS of a name of academicians M. M. Shemyakin and Yu.A.Ovchinnikov under the leadership of the academician of RAS A. I. Miroshnikov.

Indicators of quality of substance conform to requirements of the American and European pharmacopeias. You can also like Hepatamin.

Clinical trials based on Institute of children's endocrinology of ENTs Russian Academy of Medical Science showed outstanding performance and safety of medicine.


  • Jintropin (Dzhintropin) from Gensi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Ansomone (Ansomon) from Anhui Anke Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Neotropin (Neotropin) from Neo Laboratories Ltd. (China)
  • Getropin (Getropin) from Zhongshan Hygene Biopharm Co. (China)
  • Kigtropin (Kigtropin) from Kigtropin Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Dynatrope (Dinatrop) from Dynamic Development Laboratories Co., Ltd. (Mauritius)
  • Genotropin (Genotropin) from Pharmacia & Upjohn AB (Sweden)
  • Saizen (Sayzen) from Serono (Switzerland, Belgium)
  • Humatrope (Humatrop) from Eli Lilly and Lilly France (France)
  • Norditropin (Norditropin) from Novo Nordisk (Denmark)
  • To Blue Tops (Bl Tops) from Shanghai KeFei United BioTech Co., Ltd. (China)
  • Haygetropin

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