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Protect Nerves

22 Dec 2016

There are effective compounds peptide able to prevent such terrible diseases such as stroke, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

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Investigation of mechanisms of functioning of the nervous system cells, and regulatory factors allows them to better understand the process of neurodegeneration associated with such widespread diseases as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke and others. The Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of somatic cells Institute of Molecular Genetics concerned with the regulation of the nervous system functions, studying peptides - molecules produced in our body as a result of certain chemical reactions and can affect various body functions, in the Soviet Union program "Neuropeptide" was launched, in which actively worked on research of the impact of these molecules on the nervous system.

Scientific reserve

Research scientists at the regulation of the nervous system functions attracted the attention of the military: professionals working on the ground, submarines, guided missile involved needed drugs that improve attention, having anti-stress effect. Errors operators strategically important objects lead to serious consequences, and the possibility of further concentration and memory would have a great importance. In 1978, the experts on the structure and synthesis of peptides IMG Academy of Sciences under the leadership of Vladimir Nezavibatko and Nicholas Myasoedova began work on the creation of the drug having such properties.

It is known that all the regulatory peptides are quickly degraded. A medication based on these molecules needed to make a stable. Scientists have created a few short unique regulatory peptides - fragments of adrenocorticotropic hormone, consisting of seven amino acids. Amino acid sequences have been modified so that the peptides are synthesized in the body decompose more slowly than the natural. After much research and testing necessary to market a new drug Semax was launched - a highly effective brain function correction (including the treatment of severe stroke), the gain of a number of cognitive processes, treatment of optic nerve dystrophy. Today on sale there are two formulations of different concentrations of the drug, "Semax 0,1%", intended for correcting various disorders of attention and memory, some post-traumatic lesions of the nervous system, and "Semax 1%" for the treatment of severe forms of stroke.

Final victory neurodegenerative diseases is impossible. There are several drugs against stroke, but not completely effective. So there is no end of work

Continuing the battle against stroke

Today this work continues in the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of somatic cells in two ways: as studies actual somatic and stem cells.

- In the fight against stroke already done a lot, but finally win neurodegenerative diseases today is unreal, - says Igor Dimes. - There are several drugs against the disease, but there is no one hundred percent effective. So there is no end of work, and we are working on this problem. It is likely that we will be able to find more effective peptide compounds inhibits or prevent various neurodegenerative processes. Our laboratory has been studying the action is unique regulatory peptides mechanisms, with counterparts not only adrenocorticotropic hormone, and other classes of compounds. We learn what the structure of regulatory peptides may be active, looking for which amino acids must be included in the synthesized structure, so that it is protected from the action of proteolytic enzymes - substances that break down proteins.

These studies led to the 2008 appeal of the laboratory staff to the Federal Target Program "Research and development on priority directions of scientific-technological complex of Russia for 2007-2012".

- We were able to synthesize peptides and explore, and did so, but we needed a system that would allow to quickly select the connection of a certain type of activity, - says Igor. - Chemists synthesize a huge number of derivatives of various classes of compounds, not knowing which of them would be able to eventually treat a particular disease. It is understood that the primary selection is conducted on a fairly simple systems; you need to try as much as possible connections to select promising because when it comes to testing on animals and then on humans, testing will become more expensive, and can not lead to clinical trials of hundreds or thousands of connections. Therefore, the money allocated to the federal program, enabled us to develop a relatively simple and effective system for the screening of compounds that they have neuroprotective activity. For this, we used primary cultures of neuronal and glial cells derived from mammalian brain (in this case, rats). In these models, we analyzed which compound increases cell viability in vitro. This gave the opportunity to test a large enough range of compounds and to select promising. Next, we studied how the selected compounds affect the expression of certain genes, the growth processes, axons and dendrites of nerve cell division and so on. If in the course of fundamental research, we noted that the test compound affects the protein molecules, causing the expression of certain genes, we were talking about this combination as a promising in terms of future development on its basis of the drug that can slow the neurodegenerative processes in a number of pathologies of the nervous system .

The money enabled us to develop a relatively simple and effective system for the screening of compounds that they have neuroprotective activity.

Nerve cells are able to regenerate?

The second direction, which involved employees of laboratory of Molecular Genetics of somatic cells, is associated with the study of the differentiation of embryonic stem cells. While the research is carried out on the model is not human, and mouse cells, however, it is fully possible to trace variations differentiation of mammalian cells.

- Embryonic stem cells are able to multiply indefinitely in the laboratory, and they do not lose their ability to differentiate into all organs and tissues of the body. If we talk about a person, then, as you know, running the embryonic stem cells in a certain type of differentiation, they can be used for transplantation in the affected organs. If the cells take root, there is a regenerative process. We can expect that the affected or lost functions in any way restore the cells differentiated into neurons, although to date there still ambiguous. Despite the fact that the animal model we have seen a partial recovery of disturbed functions in stroke, the problem is very complicated, because unlike other organs - liver, kidney and even heart - brain transplant can not be: it will be a different person. We can only try to fix the affected areas. When transplanting the cells is important not only so that they remain viable, but also to establish the right connections with existing neurons. Only then can we talk about the restoration of brain functions. To this aim, and our research.

It can be expected that the cells differentiated into neurons in any way restore the affected or lost functions, although to date there still ambiguous.

The quality of life

From the research topics we turn to the question of quality of life. The difference in the approaches of the scientists of the Institute of Molecular Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences and foreign laboratories to modify unique regulatory peptides was outlined in the late 70s, at the beginning of work on this problem.

- Above the structures composed of natural amino acids, at the same time started to work for us and the West - says Igor. - Particularly strong was a school of Dutch scientists led by De View, which is also engaged in analogous regulatory peptides. Which way went the Europeans? They also have modified the sequence of these molecules, but there was added D-amino acids - compounds which do not occur in the human body. Either type of substituents used specific fatty acid residues, carbon chains of different lengths. This could lead to undesirable side effects, including the development of cancer. In our institute we used only natural L-amino acids. With this approach, the body does not introduce anything foreign, and when the drug was divided, were only conventional amino acids, of which our body is largely composed. This is an ideal approach, as they say now, provides the correct quality of life. He was already in full developed in our country, although today it is called differently and believe that these principles work came from the West. In fact, Western civilization is very closed, she wants to take everything from around the world, and particularly from us, but listens only to himself. It is, so to speak, arrogant - in the best sense of the word.

Intellectuals and farmers?

We develop the theme of "Western arrogance".

- They engage in expansion, - says Igor. - If people say every day, you need to eat, "Snickers", and they will eat it. What's on TV? You will find, for example, what percentage of western gear, films show us? I once asked. Up to thirty percent of the Western (particularly American) films. I do not think that on American television may be thirty percent of Russian transmissions. You have to understand the reality: there is no cooperation between us and the West, which is often say no; there is the use of our resources, any - natural, intelligent, others. They do not do anything illegal, just pursue their own goals, and also we need to pursue their. Why walk at the end, and will always trail? Because we do not produce a final product that can be consumed and sold.

Why walk at the end, and we always will? Because they do not produce the final product. I think you should start with the fact that has long been done in Europe and America: with agriculture.

I think you should start with the fact that has long been done in Europe and America: with agriculture. Maybe those words someone rebelled (ostensibly nothing else we do not do), but when a person is hungry, he stops to think about how to feed their families, and thinks like something else to develop. In the meantime, in our conditions, we must begin once again on the same circle. Especially since the only place, where now it is possible to establish, first, clean production, and secondly, no genetically modified additives, it is for us.

There are figures showing that annual global losses from a variety of neurodegenerative diseases, stress, schizophrenia and other diseases of the nervous system account for hundreds of billions of dollars. According to statistics, for example, in Russia in the year there about five hundred thousand strokes. Man has become incapacitated, not come to work - it's a big loss for the state. We are talking about socially important work, we have the venerable national objective: to help people to be healthy. Therefore, research in areas such as oncology, stroke, neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases should be state orders. If the scientist is always to look for the money, which means that it is degraded as a scientist and ceases to fully think about the experiment. The Ministry of Education and Science, to a certain extent provides order, but requires more applied output. This is the right direction, but fundamental research is also necessary to develop and maintain.

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