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Proanthocyanidin - Extract of grape seeds

19 Dec 2016

Proanthocyanidin also the condensed Tanninums is a class of flavonoids, potent antioxidants are known as protsianidin, oligomerny proantotsanidin, leicotsianidin, leicotsianidin (is 20 times more powerful than ascorbic acid, and then vitamin E is 50 times more powerful). Protsianidin is being a polymer chain of such flavonoids as a catechol. The last was opened in 1936 by professor of Jacques Masquelier and called as vitamin P and though this name didn't gain official recognition, it is used so far, emphasizing importance of these substances. For the first time protsianidin was extracted from plants by professor of Masquelier. Since 1980 and till present proantotsianidin widely are on sale in Europe as natural biological additives, with antioxidatic effect. Nevertheless to the USA, additives containing protsianidin practically don't meet.

The concept of proantotsianidina is frequent associate with extract of grape seeds, the most part of additives is made of them.

Grapes (including grape seeds, a cuticle, crests) are a rich source of protsianidin. Concentration of a protsianidin in grapes reaches 1,2 – 2,5 g/kg (fresh grapes), 150-400 mg/litre (white wine) and 0,8 – 2,5 g/litre (red wine). Protsianidin of grapes release at hydrolysis of catechol, epikatekhin, epikatekhrin the galatian and epigalokatekhin.

Proantotsianidin effects

Dark chocolate

Protsianidin promotes depression of level of the harmful oxidized forms of lipoproteins of low density (known as harmful cholesterol). You can try Vezugen.

Proantotsianidin reduce rate of oxidation and transformation of lipoprtein in a similar form and enlarges contents in a blood plasma of high-molecular lipoproteins. The factor promotes depression of risk of cardiovascular diseases.

As the restoring substance, Ppotsianidin participates in prevention of cancer diseases of digestive tract and internals.

According to researches, proantotsianidin enlarge time of aggregation of thrombocytes and a blood coagulation and can stimulate vasodilatation that leads to improvement of blood supply of a tissue.

As an ion-helatoobrazovateli, proantotsianidin of grapes influence bioavailability of a series of toxic metals.

As showed the last scientific research, protsianidin promote weight loss and 2 types prevent development of Diabetum. For this reason it is considered that dark chocolate positively influences a figure. Dark types of chocolate contain protsianidin in a large number.

Recommended doses

It is recommended to accept 100-200 mg of protsianidin in days.

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