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15 Dec 2016

Today we will examine to "the bones", another interesting domestic Russian nootropic product - Phenibut. Recall that our project does not call for you to use nootropics, without your active actions in terms of brain development, no one drug does not work.

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The story of the drug – Phenibutum.

As Phenylpiracetam, Phenibut was originally designed for astronauts, however, it is the exact opposite in action. If the first drug you "accelerates", the second makes you a terminator, but let's not rush things. Imagine yourself in space on some space station. Not normally eat nor drink, nor go to the toilet, to add the second half of the 20th century, you without the Internet, and you sit there, look at the Earth through the porthole no one more month. Stress? Stress! Looming question: "How to help astronauts overcome stress?". The fact that conventional sedatives or tranquilizers violate more powerful performance, added slackness and carelessness. To help, in 1975, Phenibut came, nootrop derived from GABA (details below), that helped to cope with steress and reduced efficiency.

How does Phenibut act?

GABA - gamma-aminobutyric acid, is a neurotransmitter that thing through which you can feel the peace and relaxation. GABA + Melatonin (a neurotransmitter responsible for sleep) = "asleep on a pair, do not remember ..". GABA - is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter. The problem of it is that the "use" of the neurotransmitter from the outside, almost nothing enters the brain through the blood-brain barrier notorious. This problem was solved by adding a phenyl group. The same group that is in Phenotropil.

The phenyl group has a unique feature - easily pass through the blood-brain barrier (BBB - the kind of thing that does not let go any trashes in the brain). It produces the production of dopamine (pleasure) and norepinephrine (the desire to act). Because it is often used in a variety of drug compounds. But the drug is in excess, which completely undermines your body, and hence the euphoria and dependence, put simply.

The phenyl group in the binding of GABA to produce very unusual effect. It "pulls" GABA molecule through the BBB, and also has an activating effect. It is not logical to tell you why to add a brake-type neurotransmitter activating substance, the result will be zero. The thing is different receptors, antagonists of these substances only in part. Judge for yourself, GABA - is a ready-inhibitory neurotransmitter, and phenyl group encourages other neurotransmitters in the "joy" and "desire to act." The result is a calm and moderate activity.

Just a small note vasodilatory effect of phenibut, in other words, the pressure you decrease that also helps in learning.

Does Phenibut Effective?

Yes, Phenibut is effective. It provides to the effects listed above also nootporic action of GABA and its expense "ennobling" effect on the body. This acid reduces all "nervous" hormones, creates conditions of complete peace of mind, eliminates external stimuli. A phenyl group creates a focus of activity. You can buy Phenibut.

Dosage, side effects, How much to take?

It is not recommended to take the drug for more than 3 weeks. However, the same specified in the instructions. This is not "almost harmless piracetam", the drug has a more serious activity. Consider receiving a course for 21 days. At the beginning of course listen to the body, mild drowsiness during the first days - this is normal. The dosage of the initial 250 mg 3 times a day after meals, no effects - increasing the dosage. But no more than 0.8 g 3 times a day, otherwise you will risk losing any functionality, and about any development can not be considered. Yes, and receive direct neurotransmitter is not desirable in the long term to its internal settings will not bring down to the end. Main side effects: drowsiness, and, rarely, nausea.

What will be the effect?

At the beginning of the article we have already vowed not to terminator. And this description is very untrue. You do not value your immediate problems, it's all so ... Fars, routine life, and you need to think about the meaning of existence, these things around your skeleton with skin, muscles and ligaments called Man. And if Phenotropil can be conveniently described as a fragile airplane flying to overspeed, the Phenibutum - is huge, the heavy, clumsy, slow tank, traveling somewhere? To Berlin! Be prepared that your positive emotions and dulled. Stress - it's not only a variety of problems, but also have some fun with your friends, go to a movie night in the horrors, etc. Only phenyl group in Phenibut will not let you go into meditation.

Taking full advantage of this product you will get the maximum effect of the strategic planning, concentration and lung don't-care all around to have no distractions from driving your huge tank.

Athletes! GABA as part of Phenibut increases production of growth hormone several times (up to 6), but you need to take after exercise.

When waiting for the effect?

After 30-70 minutes, is subjective. Your metabolism can give surprises in the form of onset of action even after 2 hours. The duration is about 5 hours. Nootropic effect stems from the basic effect.

To help Phenibut.

The drug is not advisable to combine with stimulating substances, with the same Phenylpiracetam and caffeine. It looks interesting bunch with glycine or neutral piracetam (it can interfere with the whole). And so, the required additives Phenibut not, everything is working fine. You can drink a complex of vitamins + Phenibutum, and eat well.

Bottom line:

  • The drug acts on the inhibitory receptors. You "slow down" from him, but will be present concentration. Nootropic effect you will feel.
  • Effects: "all right," I can, it's easy, I do not want, I do not care. "I'm slowly but surely creep towards my goal."
  • Effect after 30-70 minutes up to 5 hours Duration. Receive up to 3 weeks, from 0.25 g 3 times a day. Easy drowsiness - normal, strong - to reduce the dose.
  • Take your own or with "no psycho-stimulating" substances.
  • Taking Phenibutum, it is advisable to perform a measured monotonous work, which is not desirable to make mistakes. Yet it would be good in something thoroughly understand, to learn new things.
  • In Russia, selling similar products: Noofen.

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