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Nootropic Noopept

18 Feb 2017


"Remembrance - it is the means by which we will record and store information about past events in order to take advantage of it in the present."

Among the things and events that we remember, are stored not only our knowledge (acquired in school, college), but personal memories (a first date, wedding, birth of children), as well as our habits and skills. To achieve this, we need to code or process, the information that we want to remember, and to lay it in storage, and then retrieve the memories or skills in response to a stimulus or a key command. That is, there are three main mechanisms of memory: storing (or coding), storage and playback (or extract). If you breach any of these stages, memory loss will occur.

For the duration of securing and preserving the memory of the material is divided into short-term, rapid and long-term.

Short-term memory is characterized by very short persistence of perceived information, the amount of memory in each individual. It characterizes the natural person's memory and remains, as a rule, throughout their lives. The volume of short-term memory is primarily characterized by the ability to mechanically, ie. E. Without the use of special techniques, to memorize information perceived. The value of short-term memory is great: it is it allows you to immediately weed out irrelevant information and keep potentially useful. Short-term memory can be compared with racks in a large library: books that are taken from them, then put back depending on immediate needs. Long-term memory is more like a museum: there are certain elements selected from short-term memory, divided into a plurality of columns, and then stored more or less long time. But it should be noted that the short-term memory is not possible without the normal functioning of the long-term.

Memory allows you to store current information needed to perform a particular action; Storage duration determined by the time the present action. When transferring information from short-term memory in the operational happens its selection on criteria defined by the specific task that person decides.

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Long-term memory is able to store information for a long, practically unlimited period of time (this period is limited only by the time a person's life). The information which has appeared in the long-term memory storage can be played any number of times a person, without forgetting it. Moreover, repeated and systematic use (reproduction) of this information only strengthens its traces in the long-term memory. Long-term memory allows a person's ability to recall at any time that he needs. When using long-term memory to recall often require thought and effort of will.

Good memory - the dream of many and are often the basis for success in life. It is the memory of a particular distinctive feature of the human brain allows a person to learn and improve. The accumulated experience in the memory helps to find the correct solution to the problem in a given situation.

But not always enough just to have a good memory, it is important to use it and be able to train properly for effective memorization there are so-called laws of memory.

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