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Noopept - increases the concentration

19 Nov 2016

Advantages: eliminates the distraction, it helps to concentrate, improves memory, improves the functioning of the brain

About six months ago, I was promoted to the post at work, add the salary, but the duties and responsibilities came over a lot more. A few months later I realized that I could not cope with the load. Insanely tired, it was delayed until late at work, and at some point I realized that simply do not perceive information.

I could re-read several times the same thing, to understand what it was about. I started to make mistakes, to confuse the numbers, and when I got in an awkward situation at a meeting with the leadership - realize that something must be done! I consult with a friend, she is a neurologist and decided to buy Noopept.

To be honest, I expected a visible effect in the first days, and medication first I was disappointed. In the first week I was practically no change is felt. But then the effect became more than evident! I became more active, markedly increased concentration of attention - I have ceased to be confused in the data memory is no longer misled.

I even started to generate new ideas. In general, the effect in about a month at its peak. Soon will start the preparation for the next period, I think I'll start drinking Noopept in advance. In general, I recommend this medicine while problems at work and wish you all the luck in the works! 

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