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Noopept Frequently Asked Questions

21 Feb 2017

Can I take Noopept if I have meteopathia?

You can use Noopept to improve memory, reduce anxiety, normalization of sleep and increase resistance to external factors that can contribute to reducing the manifestations meteopathia and better tolerability weather changes your body.

You can get used to Noopept if long it take?Studies have found that Noopept not cause drug dependency (it can not be used) and withdrawal (reception can be stopped at any time).

Can I use Noopept after mixed stroke, and if there were epileptic seizures?
Noopept indicated for the treatment of vascular cerebral insufficiency, including patients after stroke. Data on adverse effects on Noopept epilepsy absent and the clinical experience of its good tolerability and efficacy in these patients.

Is it possible to use of the drug Noopept during pregnancy or lactation?
During the experimental data set Noopept lack of teratogenic, mutagenic and immunotoxic properties. However Noopept not been studied in women during pregnancy and lactation, so it is not indicated for use in these cases.

Can I use Noopept children to improve learning?
Noopept registered for use in people older than 18 years, given the low level of toxicity of a number of studies is planned, which would allow to register Noopept to children.

What is neuroprotection of Noopept?
Neuroprotective (protective) action Noopept is to increase the stability of brain tissue to damaging influences (trauma, hypoxia, electroconvulsive, toxic effects, and others.) And a decrease in the degree of damage to the neurons in the brain.

Can Noopept used in vegetative-vascular dystonia?
Noopept has vegetative normalizing effect, reduces headaches, orthostatic disorders, tachycardia, and can be used for memory impairment in patients with vascular dystonia.

Can Noopept taken with the use of alcoholic beverages, if necessary?The use of alcohol does not influence the effects and Noopept metabolism in the body, together with the neuroprotective properties Noopept increase resistance to brain tissue damaging action of toxic substances, including alcohol.

How often can I repeat the treatment Noopept?
The duration of the Noopept depends on the nature of the disease, it is usually recommended course of 1.5-3 months, which may be repeated after a month's break.

What cognitive function operates Noopept?
Application Noopept improves cognitive functions such as memory, language, gnosis (the perception and processing of information), praxis (use of motor skills).

Can Noopept cause headaches?
Noopept has vegetative-normalizing action, which leads to a decrease in headaches resulting from autonomic dysfunction.

Can Noopept raise arterial blood pressure?
When receiving Noopept in patients with hypertension, mostly of III degree, and receiving inadequate antihypertensive drugs can be observed rise in blood pressure.

The chemical name of the active substance is present glycine. What is the difference noopept from glycine product, he is better than?
Noopept has a peptide structure - composed of amino acids and glycine, along with in the Noopept includes the amino acid proline, together they form the human body compound cyclo-prolyl-glycine, has a pronounced effect on memory function. Also unlike Noopept glycine has vegetative normalizing effect (reduces headaches, orthostatic disorders, tachycardia), and administered orally, whereas glycine and digested in the intestine is not absorbed.

Can we take together Noopept with other psychotropic drugs?
Noopept has no drug interactions and is compatible with other centrally acting drugs.

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