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Nandrolon Dekanoat

03 Nov 2016

Nandrolon Dekanoat / Nortestosteron Dekanoat / Nandrolon Fenilpropionat

Slang names: Deka, Deca, Rhett, Nandr, Sound board, Nandrolon, Dekabol, Half-wit, Retukh.

Nandrolon is the chemical name - 19-nortestosteron) - an anabolic steroid can be formed in a human body after heavy or long physical activities or during pregnancy, at the same time concentration of its main metabolite 19 norandrosteron in urine doesn't exceed several nanograms on ml. Nandrolon is on sale most often in the form of a form of decanoat, is more rare in the form of fenilpropionat. A sound board durabolin for the first time appeared in the market in 1962 and is one of the most popular steroids within the last decades, having earned the reputation thanks to the expressed anabolic activity and relative low androgenic activity.

Retabolil Gedeon Richter

Retabolil - Gedeon Richter 50mg/ml.

It is released according to the prescription form of the N 148-1/u-88 form.


  • Nandrolona decanoat - 50 mg
  • Sunflower oil
  • Benzyl alcohol (as preservative and antiseptics)

Deca Durabolin - Organon 25/50/100mg/ml.


  • Nandrolona decanoat - 25/50/100 mg
  • Peanut butter
  • Benzyl alcohol (as preservative and antiseptics)

Structurally nandrolon differs from testosterone in lack of atom of carbon in 19 line items (from here and the name 19-nortestosteron) and it makes it more similar to progestins. Thanks to progestinovy nature, retabolit shows smaller androgenic action in comparison with testosterone is considerable, however interaction with progesteron receptors involves a number of side effects which will be described below. You can try Cogitum.

One more difference is that testosterone in an organism is gradually converted by enzyme 5 an alpha reductase into a powerful androgen - dihydrotestosterone which is responsible for development of the majority of side effects. Nandrolon on the contrary turns 5 alpha reductase into extremely weak androgen – dihydronandrolon which practically doesn't make impact on an organism and doesn't cause side effects. However it can be one of the reasons of lowering of a libido during a rate (due to fall of level of androgens of blood). It should be added what dihydronandrolon sometimes is included some anabolic additives though doesn't represent special advantage.

Steroid profile

  • Anabolic activity - 150% of Testosteron-Depotum
  • Androgenic activity - 30% of Testosteron-Depotum
  • Aromatization (conversion in estrogens) - minimum
  • Toxicity for a liver - low
  • Way of reception - an injection
  • Action duration - 15 days (an elimination half-life - 7 days)
  • The recommended dose - to 50 mg is each 5 days (the optimum and minimum option)
  • Detection time - up to 18 months
  • Suppression of Testosteron-Depotum - high (because of progestin nature)

Effects of Nandrolonum

  • Concentration of Nandrolonum of a dekanoat and fenilpropionat in plasma after 1 injection (100 mg in 1 or 4 ml of oil)
  • Concentration of Nandrolonum of a dekanoat in a blood after 50, 100 or 150 mg of an injection (Wilma M. Bagchus, 2005)
  • The expressed muscle growth (for one course it is possible to gain up to 8 kg of muscle bulk with the minimum phenomenon of kickback)
  • Strengthening of bones (earlier it was applied to treatment of an osteoporosis) and ligaments (stimulates collagen synthesis)
  • Elimination of joint pains, at the expense of augmentation of production of synovial fluid (synovia)
  • Blood packed red cells augmentation that develops into improvement of transport of oxygen. As a result - larger endurance
  • Rising of immune protection (it is applied even at people with AIDS)
  • Transformation to Oestradiolum without enzyme an aromatase
  • Absorbability improvement by an intestine of amino acids and other useful substances

Nandrolonum has rather low probability of side effects. As a result of low androgenic activity, such side effects as an acne, a baldness, body height of hair on a body practically don't meet. Nevertheless they are possible, as well as at the use of any steroid, but in a case it happens to Nandrolonum only at excess of the recommended doses several times.

Retabolilum has very low level of conversion (proceeding without aromatasia) in estrogens as showed researches 5 times smaller, than Testosteron-Depotum. The highest level of conversion is observed in a liver whereas the main place where occurs transformation (fatty tissue) remains inaccessible for this process. Thereof, the Sound board Durabolinum has no the side effects bound to estrogens (a gynecomastia, accumulation of liquid in an organism). Estrogennny activity of drug is shown only at very high doses.

Above-mentioned properties are explained why the sound board Durabolinum is one of the most popular anabolic steroids so far, including for men for the purpose of a set of muscle bulk. Besides it is necessary to add that Nandrolonum practically doesn't cause a kickback phenomenon.

Side effects of retabolil

It was noticed that nandrolon is capable to contact progestin receptors (about 20% of the entered substance), it is connected with remote atom of carbon in 19 line items. Almost everything 19-nor anabolic steroids show progestin activity.

Besides, retabolit caused the following side effects in researches:

  • Headache - 20%
  • Rhinitis (allocations from a nose) - 15%
  • Back pain - 15%
  • Rash - 10%

In addition, during a rate sometimes arise: rise in arterial pressure, belly-ache, irritability, headaches, depression and some other complications.

Progestin side effects

Change of level of testosterone after 1 injection (100 mg) of nandrolon of fenilpropionat or dekanoat

Contacting progestin receptors of hypophysis, nandrolon causes strengthening of products of Prolactinum and hormones suppresses secretion. Prolactinum is in many respects similar to estrogen, its effect is shown by decrease in products of own testosterone, insignificant increase in fatty weight and in rare instances ginekomastia.

And activation the progesteron receptors can lead reduction of concentration of testosterone in blood very often to decrease in a libido which is recovered within a month after a rate (so-called a sound board - is wild, from English Deca Dick).

"Attention" Progestin activity and its consequences (in particular a sluggish erection, suppression of a sexual passion, and seldom inekomastia) - it welcome the main and very unpleasant shortcoming a sound board of durabolin, however it can be prevented successfully. Prolactinum inhibitors are for this purpose applied: bromokriptin or modern and safe - cabergolin (dostinecs). These medicines significantly raise a sexual passion during a rate (and out of), strengthen an orgasm and reduce recovery time between sexual intercourses. Also it was shown antiprogestin activity anabolic medicine Vinstrol has (a research of Ellis AJ, Cawston TE, 1994) therefore they are very well combined together.

Read the individual clause: progesterone at men.

Course of retabolil (nandrolon)

This medicine works quite slowly. The anabolic effect during a course of retabolil is developed gradually, at the same time the considerable, but not sharp growth of muscle bulk is observed. It follows from this that the course of nandrolon has to be longer, in comparison with other anabolic medicines. When using equivalent doses and identical duration of a course, testosterone causes approximately twice a bigger gain of weight. However for testosterone more expressed kickback phenomenon is peculiar.

  • The beginning and the termination of a course are meant as the first and last injections of nandrolon.
  • The course of nandrolon usually lasts 8-10 weeks, at the same time cases aren't rare when the acting athletes apply it before half a year, gradually raising dosages.
  • The course of nandrolon is recommended with obligatory use of testosterone to avoid the progestin effects and consequences of low testosterone (a low libido, a weak erection).
  • Injections of nandrolon usually become once a week. Considering the activity period - 15 days, there is no need to do 2 injections of retabolil a week. But if the week volume of the injected drugs is big, then often it breaks into two - three pricks.
  • The recommended dose of nandrolon makes 200 and more than a mg a week, thus acquaintance to this medicine should be begun with lower dosages. Conservative approach will allow to estimate effect of medicine on your organism, to avoid possible problems. The maximum 600 mg a week, however together with increase in a dose grow risk of side effects. It is possible to receive big results if to execute 2 courses with breaks in reasonable doses, than one in high doses.
  • Don't do a rate longer than 8 weeks without additional medicines. In case of long rates application of a horionichesky gonadotrophin is necessary. If on a long rate HGCh wasn't applied, then its acceptance at the end of a rate before PKT, but in any way not on PKT is necessary.
  • Elimination of progesteron activity requires inclusion bromocriptin, also, since the second and finishing in 2-3 weeks after a final injection of nandrolon. About 1:25 mg, twice a day are accepted. Instead of a bromocriptin is more preferable to use more modern cabergolin on 0,25 mg every fourth day throughout all rate and 2-3 weeks later.
  • In addition, to recovery of an axis hypothalamuses-hypophyses-testicles is applied clomid (clomifene citrate) since the beginning of the last week of a rate and comes to an end in 2-4 weeks after it, on 50-100 mg with gradual cancellation. Tamoxifen isn't recommended to be used as it increases sensitivity and progesteron receptors expands population. 
  • For suppression of development of Prolactinum and decrease in progestin activity it is possible to include in a rate Vinstrol with the second and to the last week.
  • Instead of gonadotrophin it is possible to use testosteron boosters, however it is less effective.
  • For receipt of the maximum effect accept a complex of sports food for a set of muscle bulk and keep to a diet for a set of muscle bulk.
  • The rate of retabolil shall be approved with the specialist.

Combined courses of retabolil

  • It is necessary to notice that the solo course of retabolil has many shortcomings, in particular decrease a libido, slow activity, suppression of production of own testosterone, etc. These defects can be eliminated if to add testosterone to a course. It is the gold standard of use of nandrolon, without testosterone this medicine isn't recommended to be used extremely. Testosterone has to be at least twice more, than nandrolon. In the best way nandrolon it is combined with the following medicines:
  • Vinstrol - is very well combined with medicine.
  • Testosterone / Sustanon - at the same time testosterone has to be approximately twice more than a nandrolon, for example 500mg/week testosterone and 100-300mg/week nandrolon.
  • Metandrostenolon - at the same time 200-300mg/week nandrolona and 20-40 mg of metandrostenolon every day, are admissible only in a combination with Testosterone.
  • The most optimum course (dosages in a week):
  • 100-300 mg of a nandrolon of decanoat.
  • 500 mg of testosterone of enantat or tsipionat, or 500 mg of sustanon or omnadren
  • 1 tablets of Kabergolin and inhibitors of aromatasia according to indications

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