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Myths about steroids

14 Dec 2016

Androgens and anabolic steroids which for brevity "designate well to you a familiar abbreviation of "AAS" - not only the remarkable medicinal preparations and agents which are Used for achievement more good results in sport but also a source of various myths, legends, fairy tales. Having a little deviated from a subject of our heading, today we will provide 5 most popular myths. They certainly are familiar to regular readers of "The iron world". Well, and those who are a beginner in bodybuilding or those who for the first time addressed the help of our magazine, perhaps, will manage to take from this article something for themselves useful.

Read also: Side effects of steroids and how to reduce harm of steroids

There are safe AAC

Very popular delusion among admirers of "pharm help". Let's begin with the fact that safe drugs don't happen by definition, and androgens and anabolic steroids, whatever one may do, are medicinal preparations. Another matter, danger degree is how big.

So, one and all oral anabolic steroids are potentially dangerous to a liver. But - exactly in the same degree, as, for example, antibiotics or Paracetamolum, and in far smaller, than vodka. With cardiovascular system it is slightly more difficult: really, use of steroids leads to steady rising of level of a "bad" cholesterol (which, however, comes back to limits of norm on the termination of "course"), but also the level of a "good" cholesterol so the relation "good / bad" changes slightly at the same time rises. About the sexual sphere it will be told below. By the way, if we started talking about safe AAS, then one of the "softest" drugs is... Testosteron. Probably, it is even excessive - it is possible to call "soft" methenobosoms (primobolan). And here carried out of ignorance to safe drugs stanosolol and ocsandrolon those aren't: the first rather strongly "loads" a liver, the second is irritates mucous a stomach. You can try Hepatamin.

All AAS are poisonous

Complete antithesis of the previous myth. Only it is widespread just the opposite - among those who for one reason or another avoid reception of AAS. I won't stir "affairs of bygone days", I will refer to data of one of the freshest researches which is carried out in China. There 733 volunteers throughout 30 (!) months in a row accepted 500 mg of Testosteron undekanoat a month in the form of injections. And at one it wasn't recorded ANY aberrations. "So same absolutely scanty doses of steroids!" - you will tell and you will be absolutely right. But most of athletes what it is strange seemed, are limited to them. Bodybuilders and other "security officers" - special article. But also among them the total pestilence as a result of use of AAS isn't revealed. Business all that for AAS for today neither the lethal dose, nor even toxic doses are authentically established. Surprisingly, but in one of voluntary experiments experimental successfully transferred injections of 100 grams (!) of various androgens and anabolic steroids within one days. So the risk of death from alcohol or from tobacco in hundreds, and even in thousands of times exceeds risk of death from "anabolic steroids".

Sterility and impotency

I would like to take out this point separately in a type of its mad popularity. "All "musclemen" are impotent men!" If knew saying this phrase as far as it is far from the truth! During "course" of AAS of a libido of the bodybuilder it is usually so raised that for it 3-4 sexual intercourses a day often are normal, and even it is more. Falling of a libido can be observed at wrong - I emphasize: WRONG - an exit from AAS "course", but it will surely be restored. Yes, out of "course" it will be for certain impossible to reach the same heights, as during reception of AAS, but the libido will be quite usual for the average man.

As for a fecundity (ability to a fertilization), it is necessary to recognize that the science knows several cases of offensive of sterility as a result of reception of AAS. But, in comparison with number of admirers of "anabolic steroids", this quantity isn't so high. At competent treatment, and, above all - at the correct use of androgens and anabolic steroids of sterility it is quite possible to avoid. Yes, one more interesting moment: many of my familiar bodybuilders conceived the children just on "course". By the way, all these children absolutely normal - this phrase is addressed to those who consider that AAS can cause genetic mutations in descendants of those who accept them.

The same can be reached and without AAS

Impressive achievements in addition, speed, power indicators, really, can be reached also without application of AAS. But for this purpose it is necessary to be genetic "monster", a mutant in the most literal sense of this word. Significantly Usain Bolt's indicators - the world record-holder in run on 100 and 200 meters differ from indicators of the normal person. Obyem of Miguel Indurayn's lungs, the 5th time in a row of "Tour de France" who won a cycle race, constituted about 8 liters (in case of an average value even for the elite bicycle racer of 6 l), and heart allowed to repump up to 7 liters of blood a minute (bicycle racers have 5-6 l). Fleks Wheeler closer to us possessed (and still possesses) is unique the low number of receptors of a miostatin and is unique the high IFR-1 level. Never the person whom it is possible to call normal will achieve results which these athletes achieved without doping.

Androgens and anabolic steroids to some extent equalize chances, give the chance to reach bigger to people with much more modest genetic inclinations. By the way, not only they treat dope far: in different types of sport the are applied - absolutely special medicines. But and to stimulators it was never this to replace training process anywhere - not to correct a mistake in a training any dope. And in bodybuilding and mistakes in food.

Fight against dope clears sport

It is necessary to be either deeply naive person, or the person interested in fight "for purity of sport" it is material to believe in this fairy tale. Fight against dope forces not to refuse doping means, and to invent all new. Or to enhance dope concealment methods. The fact which already can be considered widely known: almost in 70% of the samples taken metabolites of the same substance, after identified as an anabolic steroid genabol were found in winners and prize-winners 0limpiady-2000 in Sydney. This medicine was never made commercially, and therefore doping tests on it and weren't carried out. Scandal was decided not to be inflated, earlier Sydney Games were announced by most "net" in the history... Now many laboratories are engaged in development of specific medicines, including, and belonging to the class AAS which means of a drug test can't be found. Remember at least notorious a child of BALCO laboratory. which became known only that it was "handed over" by one of the highest staff of laboratory. And how many still such "not handed over"? "Dope lived, dope is alive, dope will live" - to someone, perhaps, it isn't pleasant, but from such situation not to get to anywhere.

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