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Mildronate for Athletes. How to improve the tolerability of mental and physical exertion

28 Apr 2017

"How to improve mental performance?", "How to increase productivity?", "How to better cope with the physical work?" - These issues concern many people. Today we'll show you how to help effectively deal with mental and physical exertion.

mildronate for athletes How to improve the tolerability of mental and physical exertion

Adhere to the "information diet"

Surely you have profiles on popular social networking sites that you browse on a daily basis. Along the way, you are distracted by friends repost, News Public, advertising, word on the information that is not important to you. All this clog your brain and leads to information overload. Learn to filter the information - unsubscribe from useless to you community; do not read the news of friends who do repost 20+ a day and think - whether you need all the social accounts. networks? Maybe we should limit ourselves to two, maximum three profiles?

Avoid multitasking

Popular wisdom says: "For two hares chase - you will not catch." This is true for work, study and training. Do not take for everything at once - make a plan of tasks and sport activities. Do one thing, but it's good, than a lot, but somehow. Thus, you not only increase your productivity, but also avoid excessive mental and physical stress, as you plan the intensity and duration of work.

Know your limits

Since physical training is simple: consult with a trainer, use wrist heart rate monitors, gradually increase the load - you know the threshold of his physical endurance, and exercising regularly, you can increase it. You can buy Meldonium.

On the issue of mental capacity you have to count only on themselves. Nobody knows you better than yourself. Think, when it's easier to do the job - in the morning, afternoon or evening? What time of day do you feel tired? What tasks such as creative or routine gives you easier in the morning, and which in the second? By answering these questions, you will be able to rationally allocate their own resources, and thus - cope with mental stress.

Take vitamins or medicines

For example, due to vitamin C you will stay awake and full of energy. A drug "Mildronate® 250mg capsule" will help you to recover and cope with the mental and physical overload. Choose the right tools for the prevention and can be on their own, but more reliable - to consult with a specialist.

Alternate physical activity with mental

Reading books, you can take a break from jogging. And vice versa - exercise will help to better assimilate the information, give the head rest.

It is also possible to combine moderate physical and mental activity, for example, come up with new dance moves. This is a creative activity, which will charge you with cheerfulness and good humor.

Arrange a "reset"

What do you do when your computer crashes? Correctly, reload it. If you feel overworked and can no longer concentrate on the affairs - and arrange a "reset". Take a day off work and spend the day as you like - walking, reading, sleep enough.

By following the above tips, you can help your body to effectively deal with mental and physical overload.

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