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Mexidol - Instructions for Use, Analogs, Reviews

09 Jan 2017


The active ingredient of Mexidol is emoxypine (2-ethyl-6-methyl-3-hydroxypyridine succinate). Available injection (50g / l) or tablets each containing 125 mg of active substance. This native drug is one of a new generation of drugs, antioxidants.
As auxiliary substances Mexidol injectable solution containing sodium metabisulphite (1 g) and injection water (1 L).
The composition of the tablets excipients are magnesium stearate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose (otherwise - carmellose) lactose monohydrate, and the components that make up the shell tablet - is talc, macrogol, polyvinyl alcohol and titania.

mexidol composition

Release Form of Mexidol
Mexidol Tablets are available in packs of 10 tablets and jars, plastic 90 tablets.
The solution for injection is available in ampoules Mexidol clear or dark glass with the point of fracture volume 2 ml, which are packed in Valium planimetric pack of 5 pieces, and boxes of 5 or 10 ampoules.

Pharmachologic effect of Mexidol
Emoxypine is a substance that protects the membrane and reduces the level of free radicals in the body. It has anti-hypoxic (saturates the blood with oxygen), anti-stress, anticonvulsant effect. This medicine is a neuroprotective agent (Greek noos -. Mind, intelligence + tropos - direction), improves memory, mental activity, stimulates learning, eliminates the negative influence from outside on these processes. It restores the sleep-wakefulness cycle, reduces the rate of degenerative processes in the brain.
Mexidol protects the lipids of cell membranes from peroxidation, improves its strength, stimulates the enzymes that break down the peroxide radicals, helping to stabilize the membranes retain their structure and functionality. It activates the formation of energy in the mitochondria of cells. It accelerates the transmission of electrical impulses in the synapses.
It improves blood circulation, and its rheological properties (viscosity and fluidity), lowers cholesterol. It has a pronounced therapeutic effect in the treatment of Parkinson's disease.
Mexidol enhances the effect of the use of tranquilizers, neuroleptics and antidepressants, as well as substances with sedative and anticonvulsant effects. This can reduce their dose and remove most of the side effects.

Mexidol drug

Indications for Mexidol
Mexidol is used as an antioxidant drug.
Neurology: acute cerebral circulatory disorders and encephalopathy (aka - cerebral atherosclerosis); dystonia; cognitive problems atherosclerotic origin (speech impairment, memory, attention, intelligence, and other symptoms associated with the development of atherosclerosis).
Psychiatry: relief of withdrawal symptoms (otherwise - breaking) in alcoholism; intoxication antipsychotics (medications designed to treat psychosis); anxiety with nervousness.
Surgery: used for acute purulent inflammation of the peritoneum (necrotizing pancreatitis and peritonitis) in the complex therapeutic treatments.

Mexidol - instructions for use
Assign three times a day for one or two tablet. Starting dose - 2/1 tablet twice a day, the maximum dose - two tablets three times a day (600 mg). The course of treatment is 2-6 weeks, in the treatment of alcoholism - 5-7 days. Discontinuation of treatment produce gradually over two or three days, reducing the daily dose to zero.
In dentistry Mexidol used topically in the form of applications and rinses 5% injectable solution of oral and periodontal pocket. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day, before the expected therapeutic effect.
The use of an injection - to the appropriate section.

Contraindications for Mexidol application
The drug can not be applied to persons with hypersensitivity to the active substance or auxiliary components, as well as the acute dysfunction of the liver and kidneys.

Mexidol 5
Mexidol 5% solution is produced in a transparent or dark vials of 2 ml glass. The vials of 5 pieces are contour packs. In the box is a Contour Packaging (5 vials).
It is used for intravenous injection, drip or bolus. The solvent - water injection. Bolus - 5.7 minutes, and drip - 60 drops per minute. dose selection is made individually.
At the beginning of the treatment used the introduction of 0.05-0.1 g from 1 to 3 times a day, after a dose increase slowly. The maximum is not greater than 0.8 g per day can be taken
At the age of patients for dementia treatment use intramuscular injections of 0.1-0.3 g per day.
For removal of acute intoxication introducing drip by 0.3-0.5 g per day.
For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity is used three times to 0.2 g per day. In severe forms, is administered intravenously by dissolving one ampoule in 200 ml of saline solution, with light - intramuscularly. The course of 3-10 days.

Mexidol 10
Mexidol 5% solution is available in vials of clear or dark glass volume of 2 ml. The vials of 5 pieces are contour packs. The box is two-outline package (10 vials). Dosage and administration are similar Mexidol 5.

Mexidol 2
Mexidol 5% 2 ml. It may come in packs of 5 - 10 vials. Dosage and administration are similar Mexidol 5.

Mexidol 125
Mexidol tablets contain 125 mg of active substance. Adjuvants composed tablets are magnesium stearate, carmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate, and envelope components tablet - is talc, macrogol, polyvinyl alcohol and titania.
The drug is quickly absorbed in the tissues and organs. The maximum dose in the body - 3.5-4 ug / ml. Report from the body of 4.9-5.2 hours.
Breaks in the liver and excreted in the urine. In the study of the pharmacokinetics of 5 found metabolites of the active ingredient of the drug - in the liver and kidneys.
The half - 2-2,6 hours. Return with urine. Excretion of unchanged drug - insignificant. Withdrawal begins 4 hours after his admission, the percentage of mexidol and its metabolites in urine individually.

Mexidol tablets
Mexidol produced in the form of tablets containing 125 mg of active substance. Pharmacokinetics, use and properties, see "Mexidol 125" and "Mexidol - instructions for use."

Mexidol solution
It is intended for intravenous drip or jet injection, intramuscular injection. When administered intravenously (infusion) a drug is diluted in saline.
Inkjet infusion - 5-7 minutes, drip administered for 40-60 drops per minute. At night you can enter no more than 1200 mg.

In various diseases are subject to different schemes of administration:

  • acute disorders of brain circulation. In the first 10-14 days - drip 200-500 mg of 2 - 4 times a day, then another two weeks - 200-250 mg 2-3 times a day.
  • Encephalopathy (decompensation phase) - a vein 200-500 mg 1-2 times a day, 14 days duration. Then another 2 weeks 100-250 mg per day. Prevention - intramuscular injection of 200-250 mg twice a day, 10-14 days.
  • In the treatment of lung cognitive abnormalities in elderly patients and in anxiety syndrome used intramuscularly 100-300 mg / day, 14 to 30 days.
  • Alcohol withdrawal syndrome (breaking). Assign to 200-250 mg / day intravenously or intramuscularly injections 2-3, 5-7 days.
  • Acute neuroleptics - 200-500 mg / day intravenously, 7-14 days.
  • Acute suppurative inflammatory disease of the peritoneum (necrotizing pancreatitis, peritonitis) - from the first days of treatment, both before and after surgery. The dose is calculated by the attending physician, the duration of administration of the drug depends on the type, severity of disease, especially its clinical course. The drug is gradually canceled, after reaching steady clinical effect, stabilizing the indicators of blood tests and other laboratory tests.
  • Edematous Acute pancreatitis - 200-500 mg, three doses per day, intramuscularly or drip.
  • Light for necrotizing pancreatitis - 100-200 mg three times a day, intramuscularly or intravenously, or a combination of the two routes of administration.
  • Necrotizing pancreatitis moderate - 200 mg three times a day, only the drip. Necrotizing pancreatitis with severe course - 800 mg per day in the first pulse-dosage (so called administration of percussion, ultra-high doses of the drug), twice. After - 200-500 mg twice a day, gradually reducing the dose.
  • Extremely heavy necrotizing pancreatitis - 800 mg / day, to the disappearance of the symptoms of shock. After the state is stabilized - 300-500 mg twice a day, drip slowly reducing the daily dosage.

Mexidol ampoules
Mexidol produced a 5% solution in glass vials of clear or dark glass. Dosage and administration are given in the sections "Mexidol solution", "Mexidol 2", "Mexidol 5" and " Mexidol 10".

Mexidol injections

Injections Mexidol
Synonyms - Mexidol in ampoules, Mexidol solution, Mexidol 2, Mexidol 5 and Mexidol 10. For more information, refer to the respective sections.

How to shot Mexidol?
Mexidol 5% solution is used for injection. The selection of doses should perform physician.
Intravenous drip of the drug possible. For this purpose it one vial is dissolved in 200 ml of saline solution and administered intravenously to the patient at 60 drops per minute.
The second method intravenous - jet. Such administration produced directly into a vein with a syringe. The applied solution is diluted, the rate of introduction of one ampoule - 5-7 minutes.
Intramuscular medication is carried into the center of the upper outer quadrant of the buttock.

Mexidol ointment

Mexidol Dent (toothpaste)

Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties Mexidol have been used in dentistry. Toothpaste Mexidol Dent is an excellent remedy for periodontal disease, reduces sensitivity and bleeding gums, increases the immunity of the mouth. It kills oral bacteria, stimulates the regeneration of the mucous membrane of the mouth, heals wounds (pus - including).
Dentists recommend brushing your teeth with toothpaste that two or three times a day.
For patients with sensitive teeth released paste MEXIDOL dent Sensitive, containing potassium nitrate, which blocks the nerve endings and reduces sensitivity of teeth demineralization, exposed tooth neck, as well as dental caries.
Toothpaste Mexidol comes in several varieties:

  • -MEXIDOL dent Complex - against caries.
  • -MEXIDOL dent Sensitive - sensitive teeth.
  • -MEXIDOL dent Professional White - for professional bleaching.
  • -MEXIDOL dent Fito - against bleeding.
  • -MEXIDOL dent Aktiv - against gum disease.

Manufacturer paste - Russian pharmaceutical company "Pharmasoft". Besides toothpaste company also manufactures mouthwash to rinse the mouth.
This not only hygiene. The range of funds Mexidol oral health has a pronounced therapeutic effect in the presence of gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, tooth decay.

Mexidol White (toothpaste)
Toothpaste MEXIDOL dent Professional White is teeth whitening. Suitable for patients with sensitive teeth.
Cleaning the teeth of plaque occurs using papain. It comprises hydroxyapatite and calcium citrate which are well penetrate the enamel after removing plaque. Mexidol, part of the paste, relieves inflammation of the mouth and gums, eliminates bleeding.

Side effects of Mexidol
Side effects Mexidol insignificant. The drug has low toxicity. Even at high doses has no effect on the involuntary motor performance, does not alter the coordination of movements, does not affect reflexes, rectal temperature, does not cause drowsiness. In animals, its use does not alter the orienting-exploratory behavior. Even at high doses does not produce drug myo-relaxant action improves memory.
The product does not have a negative effect on the liver, has no effect on blood pressure, hemodynamics, respiratory rate, blood composition and heart rate.
Side effects were observed in some animals, and were expressed in the reduction of motor activity and failures in the coordination of movements. These effects were observed at high doses (300 mg / kg of the drug), as well as administration of a drug into the peritoneum at doses greater than 400 mg / kg.
People at high overdose observed nausea, drowsiness, dryness of the mouth, which are themselves. When the individual components of the drug hypersensitivity allergic reaction can be observed.


Mexidol during pregnancy
Reliable studies on the use mexidol in pregnant women have been conducted. Some instructions state that it is contraindicated in pregnancy.

Mexidol children
Application Mexidol pediatric shown in the treatment of septic neuroinfections, traumatic brain injury, as well as to provide emergency assistance in case of children's head injuries (100 mg once daily). Children drug should be prescribed by a doctor, who will monitor the child all the time of its application. Statistically reliable studies of the drug in children - no.
Topical application in dental practice runs without complications.

Mexidol Compatibility with other medicines
This medicine may be used in conjunction with other drugs psychotropic action, enhances the action of benzodiazepines, carbamazepine, and for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, anticonvulsants, analgesics, tranquilizers. Compatible with all components of therapeutic regimens that use. Reduces toxicity of ethanol.

A comparison of Mexidol with other drugs
Actovegin and Mexidol
The drugs have a similar use and are often prescribed together. Actovegin is based on extracts from bovine blood, so it more likely to develop allergic reactions. It improves nutrition and tissue regeneration. Unlike Mexidol, Actovegin apply for violations in the peripheral vessels, and for the treatment of the consequences of such violations - trophic ulcers and angiopathy.

What better than Mexidol?
Because the drug appeared on the market recently, his research is ongoing. If a particular patient always means good ones that give maximum effect. If, within two or three days of application Mexidol improvement does not occur, it is better to replace it with other drugs. The unequivocal answer to the question, what preparations are better - does not exist. Selection of the treatment regimen is different and depends on the skill level of the physician.

Mexidol or Mexiprim?
Mexiprim - German analogue of the domestic drug Mexidol. Produced concern Stada Arzneimittel ( "STADA Arzneimittel"). It varies only auxiliaries belonging to the shell and the core tablets.

Mexidol or Cavintonum?
The active ingredient Cavinton is a semi-synthetic derivative of vincamine (devinkan) contained in the periwinkle - vinpocetine. It is a vasodilator, is used to improve brain circulation. Slightly lowers blood pressure, improves the supply of the brain glucose and oxygen. Also used in ophthalmology, and treatment of age-related diseases of upper respiratory tract.
Both drugs complement each other and are often used together in the treatment of cerebral circulatory problems. It is undesirable to mix these drugs in a dropper, better administered separately.

Mexidol or Meldonium (Mildronate)?
Mildronate, Meldonium (trimethylhydrasine propionate) - vasodilator, improves the supply of oxygen to tissues, increases the humoral and tissue immunity, lowers blood pressure, is used to treat coronary artery disease. Meldonium may be administered in conjunction with mexidol with withdrawal syndrome, disorders of cerebral blood flow, since the drugs are complementary.

Mexidol or Neurox?
These two drugs are analogues and contain the same active substance.

Mexidol or Cortexin?
Cortexin contains extract of polypeptides brain in cattle. Selecting the drug depends on the individual reaction to his patient. Together both drugs are used in the treatment of acute hypoxia neonatal brain. There shall be only by the attending physician.

Mexidol or Nootropil?
The active ingredient of the drug Nootropil is piracetam. Drugs are often prescribed together to treat memory disorders, the effects of ischemic stroke, alcoholism, enhance learning in children.

Mexidol and alcohol
Mexidol reduces the toxic effect of alcohol, removes it from the body, and is used to treat withdrawal syndrome (withdrawal) while getting rid of alcohol addiction.

Synonyms and analogues of Mexidol
Synonyms: Mexidant; Mexicor; Mexiprim; Mexifin; Armadin.
Analogues: Medomexi; Mexipridol; Metostabil; Neurox; Cerecard.

Reviews of doctors
Dana Igorevna surgeon. Appointment Mexidol as part of post-operative therapy significantly accelerates the recovery of patients, especially when threats of peritonitis. The drug is well combined with any drugs.
Alexander, a dentist. Very happy with my patients using applications Mexidol and toothpaste containing this substance. They protect the oral cavity against various infections, obvious effect of applying on the second or third day.
Petro, a pediatrician. I work in the emergency room. Apply injection Mexidol at departures of children with brain injuries. The drug helps stabilize the child's condition and also relieves symptoms of lack of oxygen to the brain.
Mexido l for children
Sergey, an obstetrician. Application Mexidol for infants with hypoxia quickly stabilize their condition, restores normal brain food. Effect of the drug is already noticeable within 1-2 hours after administration.
Natalia, a psychiatrist. I apply Mexidol with depression, sleep disorders in adolescents. Excellent work, as well as relieves headaches and anxiety.
Irina, 25 years old. Took Mexidol and Meldonium - appointed their doctor when they began to torment headache. The effect is already on the second day. My head hurts a lot less and not so hard, improved mood and depression goes away.
Alexander Petrovich. The doctor has prescribed Mexidol to my mother - she just turned 76 years old, and she has Parkinson's disease. The effect of the drug in excellent - no longer so hard to shake hands, to adjust sleep, improved memory and fine motor skills of hands.
Anna Dimtrievna. Fairly toothpaste. It is inexpensive, reduces bleeding, and disappeared in the mouth small foci of inflammation. Teeth lost high sensitivity to hot and cold. Alternating different pastas.

Additional Information
It is undesirable to apply to drivers of vehicles, as well as those whose profession requires attention and concentration. Sold by prescription only.

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