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Mexidol Good Antioxidant Preparation of Broad Spectrum

29 Jun 2016

I offer you a review about the antioxidant drug "Mexidol".

This drug is used for many years. With periodicity of times in half a year puncture 10 days course in conjunction with other medications. I was appointed to this drug for treating neurologist VSD on the mixed type. And if you buy and take the original, then after treatment felt a significant improvement in health.

After opening the package, we see two contour stripes package, in which there are 2 ml ampoules 10 pieces 5% Mexidol solution. But there are still 5 ml ampoules and 4.10 for the packaging of cellular or 20 packages.

Also inside the package is a great guide with a detailed description regarding this product.

In this photo visible indications and contraindications.


  • Cerebrovascular accident;
  • Traumatic brain injury and the effects of traumatic brain injury;
  • Vegetative dystonia syndrome;
  • Anxiety disorders in neurotic and neurosis-like states;
  • Acute myocardial infarction
  • Inflammation of the abdominal cavity.

But also there are contra-indications: this drug is not recommended for use in acute human liver and kidneys, with increased individual sensitivity to the drug. As well as during pregnancy.

The solution is in ampoules of colorless, transparent color. Each ampoule marking ring has three different color point and the fault. It is very convenient to use, is not required for fracture nail file.

Frankly, I'm after a course of treatment with this drug Mexidol injection a little come to life, become more calm, reduces shakiness, dizziness, irritability and nervousness. I puncture it intramuscularly, but can dig and, depending on the severity of the disease and the doctor's appointment. Taking this medication in treatment with other auxiliary agents.

Personally I'm happy with the action of this drug. I like it fits, and the result after treatment. I will take as needed and on. I recommend to use for those who have symptoms are present in prescription drug indications.

Thank you for attention...

Be healthy...

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