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14 Dec 2016

Metocsiisoflavon (5-methyl-7-metoksiizoflavon) is a semi-synthetic vegetable bioflavonoid applied in sport to increase in power indicators, increase in muscle bulk and combustion of fat. Metocsiisoflavon represents a little changed formula of ipriflavon (7-isopropoxyisoflavone), however effects noticeably differ. Now metocsiisoflavon is widely applied in bodybuilding as sports additive under cover of commercial researches according to which metocsiisoflavon possesses the expressed anabolic action on a human body. Actually, metocsiisoflavon doesn't exert impact on muscle or fatty bulk and doesn't influence performance, and information on outstanding performance of additive extends producers of sports food with the obvious purpose.



During profound studying and search of new anabolic steroids (the 70th years), researchers aimed to receive new connections which wouldn't have the pharmacological status of anabolic steroids to apply it in sport and freely to extend. The patent on metocsiisoflavon (U.S. patent 4,163,746) was taken out in 1977 and arranged on the pharmaceutical company Chinoin which was the leader in the sphere of a research of flavonoids. The scientific companies tried to find the active anabolic agent who could force a human body to use fat as a power source, however the attempt failed and metocsiisoflavon was forgotten for some time.

In the 1980th years metocsiisoflavon found application in agricultural industry as it was revealed that it is capable to increase a surplus of dry muscle bulk at the cattle.

20 years (1997) later term on the patent ended and metocsiisoflavon producers of sports food paid attention. In the market there was a set of additives with this substance which actively are on sale so far. Nevertheless, producers of sports food were based on the data of the researches received in animal experiments which aren't always urgent for the person.

Efficiency of metocsiisoflavon

Producers of additives declare that metocsiisoflavon has the following effects:

  • Increase in muscle bulk
  • Performance improvement
  • Anticatabolic action
  • Combustion of fat
  • Mental concentration
  • Increase in a tone and activity

However in 2006 an end was put to marketing deception. Colin D Wilborn, Lemuel W Taylor, Bill I Campbell, Chad Kerksick, Chris J Rasmussen, Michael Greenwood, and Richard B Kreider conducted independent research on athletes in which it was revealed that "Attention" metocsiisoflavon has no of above-mentioned effects. Later other researches which confirmed inefficiency of additives with metocsiisoflavon were executed. Nevertheless active advertizing promotion and a lack of the objective information allow and now with success to sell metocsiisoflavon. Producers often give references to experiments with animals, and also on researches with ipriflavony which has nothing in common with metocsiisoflavon, except chemical similarity. Other researchers have a commercial basis and can't be regarded as truthful. You can try Gotratix.

As efficiency absence reason also serves high instability of metocsiisoflavon in a digestive tract. Practically all it collapses in a stomach, other part collapses in a liver in case of the first passing.

To all other, metocsiisoflavon renders negative effect on testosterone the converting enzyme owing to what braking of conversion of precursors in testosterone is possible. Metocsiisoflavon is close on structure to estrogen (female sex hormones) therefore he can have estrogenic activity that is absolutely undesirable for men.

Sports food

  • Methoxy 500 EX from SciFit
  • Meth-X from Dymatize
  • Animal M-Stak from Universal Nutrition
  • IsoStak from Universal Nutrition
  • Maxabol II from ASN

Dosage and acceptation mode

The recommended dose of metocsiisoflavon is 400-800 mg a day, is accepted twice (200-400 mg, 2 times a day). Accept additive in the morning and in lunch time washing down with necessary amount of liquid.

Harm and side effects

Metocsiisoflavon didn't cause any side effect in researches. Responses of athletes confirm what metocsiisoflavon has no side effects and doesn't render harm for health.

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