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Metaprot pills - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Review

16 Jan 2017

Pharmacological group: General tonic and adaptogens.

Synonyms: Bimethyl, Bimactor.

Active substance: Ethylthiobenzymidazole hydrobromide.

ATC A13A Tonics.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

E63 Physical and mental overload;

F06.6 Organic emotionally labile [asthenic] disorder;

F48.0 Neurasthenia;

G03.9 Meningitis, unspecified;

G04.9 Encephalitis, myelitis and encephalomyelitis, unspecified;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

R41.8.0 Disorders Intellectual amnesic;

R53 Malaise and fatigue;

S06 intracranial injury;

T65.9 Toxic effect of unspecified substance;

T67 Effects of heat and light;

T90.9 Consequences unspecified head injury;

Z54 recovery period;

Z54.0 recovery period after surgery;

Z73.0 Overwork;

Z73.6 Restrictions on activity, caused by reduced disability.

Pharmacological action

Metaprot (Bimethyl) Drug with adaptogenic action. Metaprot has nootropic, antihypoxic, antioxidant and immunomodulatory activity.

The mechanism of Metaprot action is to activate the synthesis of RNA and then proteins, including enzyme and related to the immune system. The activation of enzymes of gluconeogenesis synthesis that provide recycling of lactate (a factor limiting performance) and resynthesis carbohydrate - a source of intense energy at loads, which leads to an increased physical performance. Increased synthesis of mitochondrial enzymes and structural proteins of the mitochondrial energy production and provides an increase in the maintenance of a high degree of conjugation of oxidation and phosphorylation. Sustaining a high level of ATP synthesis in oxygen deficiency contributes expressed antihypoxic and antiischemic activity.

Enhances the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes and has a pronounced antioxidant activity. Increases resistance to extreme factors - physical activity, stress, hypoxia, hyperthermia. Increases efficiency during exercise.

Has a pronounced effect antiasthenic, accelerates recovery after extreme impacts.

The maximum effect is achieved within 1–2 hours after ingestion, duration - 4–6 hours Against course taking effect usually increases during the first 3–5 days, then stably maintained at the current level.


After oral administration is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After a single dose detected in the blood after 30 minutes. At long course continuous reception, especially in high doses, can be marked tendency to accumulation of the drug with an increase in its concentration in the blood by 10–12 day use.

Actively metabolized in the liver.

Metaprot Dosage

The drug is administered by mouth, after eating.

Adults appoint 250 mg 2 times/day. If necessary, the daily dose is increased to 750 mg (500 mg in the morning and 250 mg - in the afternoon), and patients with a body weight above 80 kg - 1 g (500 mg, 2 times/day).

The course of treatment - 5 days with 2-day intervals between them in order to avoid accumulation of the drug. Number of treatments depends on the effect and an average of 2–3 (rarely 1 or 4–6) courses.

To improve efficiency in extreme conditions take medication for 40–60 min before the forthcoming activity at a dose of 500–750 mg. With continued work readmission produce through 68 hours at a dose of 250 mg. The maximum daily dose - 1.5 g, and the next day - 1 year

To maintain a high level of efficiency for a long time (several weeks) and to activate adaptive processes the drug is prescribed by the scheme: 5-day course of a 2-day intervals at a dose of 250 mg 2 times/day.

Metaprot Overdose

Symptoms: irritability, sleep at night.

Treatment: gastric lavage, activated charcoal, if necessary - symptomatic therapy.

Metaprot Drug Interactions

Inhibitors of microsomal liver enzymes CYP1A2, CYP2C9, CYP2D6, CYP3A4 (for example, cimetidine) may increase the drug concentration in blood.

Metaprot enhances the positive effects of metabolic drugs (including inosine), neuroprotective drugs (including Piracetam) antihypoxic funds (including trimetazidine), potassium and magnesium aspartate, glutamic acid, vitamins (in t. including α-tocopherol), as well as antianginal agents (nitrates, beta-blockers).

Metaprot Side effects

From the digestive system: discomfort in the stomach and liver, rarely - nausea, vomiting.

Allergic reaction: facial flushing, rhinitis.

CNS: headache.

Metaprot Inications

Improving and restoring health, including under extreme conditions (heavy exercise, hypoxia, overheating);

Adaptation to a variety of extreme factors;

Asthenic disorders of different nature (in neurasthenia, somatic diseases, after serious infections and intoxications, in pre-and postoperative period in surgical interventions);

In the complex therapy of craniocerebral trauma, meningitis, encephalitis, cerebral circulatory disorders, cognitive disorders.

Contraindications for Metaprot


Expressed human liver;




Ischemic heart disease;


Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, malabsorption of glucose-galactose;



Children’s age;

Hypersensitivity to the drug.

Metaprot Review

Metaprot (formerly known as Bimethyl, Bemaktor). In the USSR, it was inaccessible ordinary mortals. Initially, it was used exclusively military in the 80 years, and only after the collapse of the USSR Bimethyl became available in retail sales. The essence of the formulation is that in an emergency it increases concentration, performance and most importantly allows you to not reduce performance under anaerobic loads eliminating lactate. With the general lack of stamina oxygen, not only did not fall, but even increased. Prep improves mental and physical performance, especially against the background of decline, weaken the feeling of tiredness, drowsiness. At reception people are able to perform longer and better mental and physical work, they have a sense of self-confidence, increases motor activity and speech. Beneficial effect on protein synthesis. The network has infa that the Rev. registered our summer Olympic team since gives a significant head start without steroid reaction when tests. familiar nickname, found a MS to combat that took the master using Bimethyl and other similar products for faster recovery.

Now the main thing, the main effect of the drug, it is a psychological, not for nothing that it belongs to the group of adaptogens. All the days go very quiet, you do not alarming, but it does not mean that you like stoned, in his world, and removed from what is happening, on the contrary, everything is very clear, very clear and understandable. Are you absolutely sure that you need to do now, no doubt. The problems are not perceived as "Aaa fucked up", but as a problem to be solved and you it is quite coolly disassembled into constituent elements. Full confidence in their abilities, but under the full control of the mind, is keenly aware of all the consequences of every action. There is no fear of making a mistake, because the result is not alarming, well, as I said - no doubt. During the three weeks of taking the drug a few times firmly in conflict with the boss, because It gets fuck on the political dimension of the relationship and compromise, ie any concession on your part. There you are, and what is not comfortable for you to be removed here and now. Ideas are not hatched a long time analyzing the pros and cons, and you act clearly and sharply. Answers are born in the mind of their own accord, but it is not stream of consciousness like a drug, and it's your decisions that you choose. What pleased, there is amorphous, ie, all emotions are present as before, but the effect of negative emotions does not last more than 5 minutes, keeping the positive emotions all day. All taxiing are also under the adrenaline rush but with a delay. Rage drove much later, when the external stimulus to the point is not eliminated, the sooner that allows to be more reserved and not cut straight from the shoulder. Seek their own, then the effect fades and there is no feeling of emptiness and rage, as it happens after conflicts - within just a stillness and peace. Emotionally very stable state. Monotonous work is not tired, a new job and new challenges will realize highly motivated. All the time alone with a purr some songs. Very strong sense of motivation and charged to the result. My wife also felt the full control of the situation, she had to work with people that sometimes exhausting, yet was on the course said: "Close to bomb rips though, I do not care, because this to me is not currently true I do my. business, confident that he was right and make the right decisions. "

now my comments – the Metaprot preparation, the original, proven, high-quality, and therefore decided to this characteristic, to allow him to save me from the disruptions in severe psychological situation:

... The effect of calm and composure comes pretty quickly
... At the same time evaporating and internal tremor tremor
... Emotional component almost extinguished in the bud
... No haziness
... Ordinary ordinary day outside
... Cold-blooded hits
... Logic without confusion

N.B .: This drug Metaprot!!! - It crutches !!!,
man himself must control myself ... but anything can happen, to have in reserve is salvation possible.

This bemithyl in intense periods of work and life ... did not read before, though about antidepressants know something.
Of course, only as a "fire hydrant".
Are similar psychological effects, though not so soon and not so bright, I manage to achieve yoga and meditation. Gradually. I understand that not everyone (especially in big cities) it is possible to give it time. However, it is worth it, this is my opinion. If we carry on not only "self-efficacy", but also on the content of life as a whole, its quality, good feelings of fullness, joy and creativity - not only within, but without this in any way.

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