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Memory impairment

14 Feb 2019

Memory impairment is one of the most common symptoms in the clinic of organic and functional brain diseases. About a third of people have ever experienced significant dissatisfaction with their memory. Elderly people complain of memory impairment much more often. Age changes in memory are secondary and are associated with a weakening of attention concentration and a decrease in the response rate to external stimuli, which leads to the inadequacy of the processes of encoding and decoding information during the stages of memorization and reproduction.

Memory impairment. Cortexin. Phenotropil

The weakening of memory usually manifests itself in the form:

- reproductions - a person can not recall a particular fact that is needed at the moment, a little later it appears in the memory;
- retentions - a person forgets that he previously reported the fact to a certain person.

Initially, the memorization, reproduction of a specific material, date, name, figure, name, term, person is violated. Forgotten fresh impressions, which have not yet had time to gain a foothold in memory. Man is less oriented in time, chronological memory begins to suffer, the sense of time is also broken.

Mnestic disorders are observed with dementia, dyscirculatory encephalopathy, dysmetabolic disorder (chronic intoxication, neuroergiatric diseases), depression, dissociative and anxiety disorders, hypothyroidism.

Memory impairment can be observed against a background of chronic alcoholism, lack of thiamine, vitamin B12 deficiency and folic acid, in the presence of a tumor, trauma, poor blood circulation, encephalopathy.

Non-drug prevention of memory decline suggests:

- balanced nutrition with the exclusion of fatty foods, sugar, salt;
- regular exercise (walking, morning gymnastics);
- memory training (board games, crosswords, learning foreign languages);
- rejection of bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

General medicines:

Angioprotectors and microcirculation correctors: Memoplant, Trental 400, etc.

Antihypoxants and antioxidants: Mexiprim et al.

Correctors of cerebral circulation disorders: Amilonosar, Bravinton, Vinpoton, Vinpocetine, Vinpocetine-Acry, Cavinton, Bilobil, Bilobyl Intensive 120, Bilobil Fort, Ginkoum, Breinal, Nimotop, Stugeron, Vazobral and others.

Nootropics: Cortexin, Cortexin for Children, Noopept, Cerebrolysate, Pantogam Active, Phenotropil, Tenoten, Gynos, Pantogam, Nooclerin, Idebenone 0.03 g in capsules, Idebenone tablets, coated, 0.03 g, Lucetam, Noothbril, Nootropil, piracetam, Encephabol, Gliatilin, Cerepro, Cereton, Combbitropyl, and others.

Dopaminomimetics: Pronoran and others.

Metabolics: Karnicetin and others.

Additional medicines

Biological supplements: Aviton GinkgoVita, Artromax, OMEGA PREMIUM ™ Life formula, Ricoline, Ginkgo Biloba "Evalar", Coffeeberries, Acuity of feelings, Chernega, etc.

Vitamins and vitamin-like remedies: Vitrum Perfomens et al.

Homeopathic remedies: Memorial, Cerebrum compositum N, and others.

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