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Medicines influencing work of heart

01 Nov 2016

Ways of pharmacological impact on functions of heart. Function depends on many factors: with rising of frequency of reductions force of reductions is enlarged; the size of diastolic filling regulates amplitude of reductions (the law of Starlinga). Simpatikus under the influence of Noradrenalinum, and also an adrenaline strengthens reductions (but also oxygen consumption), increases the frequency of reductions and excitability. Parasimpatikus lowers the frequency of reductions as Acetylcholinum brakes rhythm cells drivers.

It follows from this that all medicinal substances influencing sympathetic and parasympathetic system can exert impact on function of heart. Therapeutic application is found by β-blockers — — for decrease of sympathetic activity, ipratropiya — at a sinus bradycardia etc. Undesirable activation of a simpatikus can be observed at a pavor, pains and other mental reactions. In such cases pharmacological prophylaxis is shown by benzodiazepines (Diazepamum and other drugs) that it is especially important at a myocardial infarction. Ganglioblokatora were applied to stopping of hypertensive crisis earlier.

Work of heart generally depends on a circulation: the condition of rest or a load of an organism define the corresponding power of work of heart; average size ABP is the second decisive factor. Constantly increased peripheric vascular resistance leads to development of a heart failure. Therefore all drugs normalizing the ABP exert positive impact on heart. Vasodilating drugs (for example, Sodium nitritums) lower venous return and/or peripheric vascular resistance and thus have medical effect at stenocardia or a heart failure.

Direct medicinal impact on cells of a cardiac muscle is made by warm glycosides which contact Na-K-Atfazoy, antagonists of calcium and the antiarrhytmic means of group of local anesthetics contacting Na-channels of a membrane.

Reducing mechanism — relaxations

Signal to reducing is the action potential extending from a sinus node. Depolarization of a membrane causes sharp increase in concentration of Sa2 + in cytoashes that fibers (electromechanical interface) leads to shortening. The more concentration of Sa2+, the is stronger reducing. Sources of Sa2 + is extracellular calcium which arrives in a cage when opening Sa-channels, calcium from the sarkoplasmic reticulum (SR) and the calcium connected on membrane inside. Plazmalemma of kardiomiotsit is penetrated by a set of the tubules going in a cage.

Signal to relaxation is return of membrane potential to a rest condition. During repolarization concentration of Sa2 + falls below threshold (3 • 10 ~ 7 M): activity of Sa-transport zones of a plazmalemma stops; Sa2 + it is transported in sarkoplasmic reticulum; Sa-Atfaza repumps Sa2 + with energy costs. Near it the carrier which under the influence of a gradient of concentration of Na + transports Sa2 + from a cage in exchange for Na + is located (Na/Ca exchange).

Drugs for strengthening of heart in bodybuilding

Power trainings can negatively influence a condition of warmly vascular system. Many doctors consider that the bodybuilding constitutes danger to heart as causes excessive overloads and a hypertrophy of a myocardium without sufficient vascularization. It in turn frames disharmony between the need of a myocardium for oxygen and opportunities of its delivery.

In too time there is also an opposite opinion. So, for example American Heart Association journal, in the article "Pumping Iron Improves Heart Health" writes that recently the number of proofs which confirm the return increases. Authors believe that the natural bodybuilding exerts mainly positive impact on heart.

Contraindications to power trainings

It isn't necessary to go in for bodybuilding if are available:

  • The increased arterial pressure (it is possible to be engaged only after selection of adequate therapy)
  • Heart failure
  • Failure of valves with a regurgitation
  • Prolapse of the mitral valve with a regurgitation
  • Aorta coarctation
  • Aneurisms
  • Myocarditis
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Arrhythmia (tachycardia) - it is possible to be engaged if the rhythm is normalized

The first symptoms of pathology

Even in a condition of physiological norm, athletes often begin to notice the first signs of pathological changes in heart:

  • pain
  • extrasystoles (interruptions)
  • acceleration of pulse

At their emergence it is necessary to see a doctor and to carry out diagnostics which includes first of all Ekho-KG and the ECG, the analysis of level of a cholesterin. Unsportsmanlike doctors often underestimate risk to which athletes therefore if the expressed pathological changes didn't occur, therapy isn't prescribed are subject, however it is a mistake as it is much simpler to prevent heart pathology, than to treat.

Drugs for protection of heart

Beta blockers

Beta-blockers are a wide class of agents which affect heart beta adrenoreceptors, thereby cause its reductions. In this regard the need of a myocardium for oxygen and nutrients decreases, the overload is eliminated. Beta-blockers are one of the few pharmacological groups which authentically enlarge life expectancy due to depression of risk of the basic heart diseases.

In medical practice drugs are tried on most often for a lowering of arterial pressure, however in bodybuilding they find broader application:

  • 1.For normalization of pulse. If pulse exceeds physiological norm (is higher than admissible level at a training, and higher than 80-90 óä in a minute at rest) in heart there are changes which lead to pathology. It can't be allowed, and beta-blockers perfectly help with it.
  • 2.At the use of fat reducer. A thyroxine, ephedrine, clenbuterol, termogenik and many others enlarge pulse rate. There is a heart overload which leads to a myocardium hypertrophy. Beta-blockers prevent a myocardium hypertrophy.
  • 3.At the use of anabolic steroids. As well as in the previous case, anabolic drugs cause a myocardium hypertrophy.

After reception of beta-blockers the health considerably improves, pulse is normalized and heartaches are eliminated. There is an unscientific theory which isn't deprived of sense. Its short is that heart of the person is programmed on a certain number of reductions, respectively the more often it is reduced, the life expectancy is less.

The best drugs from this group are Metoprolol (Egilok) 25-50-100 mg and Bisoprolol (Konkor, Biprol, Koronal) of 2,5-5-10 mg. The dosage is selected individually: reception begins with the minimum dose, and is enlarged until pulse isn't peer rest about 60 óä in a minute - it is an optimum rhythm for heart. Before use consultation of the doctor is necessary, there are contraindications. What is interesting, Balkan Pharma began to release carvedilol which is also available in drugstores.


Has the difficult mechanism of action with which it is possible to get acquainted in the instruction. In sum, Trimetazidin normalizes a heart metabolism, improves its delivery at the cellular level and has the expressed protective effect which is proved by numerous researches. Trade names of Trimetazidin - Preduktal, Antisten, Rimekor.

Other cardioprotectors

Also it is worth mentioning such drugs for strengthening of heart as Mildronate, Meksikor and Inosin (Riboxin), ATF-LONG, however their effect has weak evidential base though in the description of the producer everything is very beautiful and competently reasonable.


Popular medicine in a bodbiliding. Is a source of a potassium and a magnesium. These ions positively influence heart, reduce the frequency of reductions and eliminate cramps. It is known that during the power training the need for a magnesium and potassium increases therefore it is incidentally recommended to spend on drink Asparkam's course. Similar drug - Panangin.

Vegetable adaptogens

Vegetable adaptogens also have cardioprotective effect, especially It should be noted:

  • Rhodiola pink
  • Levzey saflorovidny
  • Hawthorn
  • Nutritional supplements

Nutritional supplements can be taken out in separate category as the safest, however they play very important role in protection of heart.

  • Vitamins and minerals
  • Omega-3
  • L-carnitine

Combined course for protection of heart

We offer the example of a complex course for athletes of bodybuilding referred on protection and restoration of a myocardium:

  • Trimetazidin - on 35 mg (1 òàá.) 2 times a day during meal of morning and in the evening. Duration of therapy is 15-30 days. It is enough to spend on drink 1-2 times a year.
  • Asparkam - on 1 dragee, after food 3 times a day within 1 month. 1-3 times a year repeat.
  • Rhodiola pink (tincture) - on 5 — 10 drops 2 — 3 times a day in 20 — 30 minutes prior to food within 10 — 20 days. 2-5 times a year are spent on drink.
  • Beta-blockers - for normalization of pulse, at the use of anabolic steroids and fat reducer. Bisoprolol on 5 mg/days, if necessary it is possible to enlarge a dose to 10 mg/days. The main reference points - the arterial pressure, pulse rate. The dosage is selected so that arterial pressure remained within norm, and pulse rate decreased approximately up to 60 blows/min. at a condition of rest. (It is necessary to accept carefully at a combination with asparkamy, the joint course can cause a hyperpotassemia and, as a result, an arrhythmia.)
  • Vitamin and mineral complex - according to the instruction, within 1-2 months. 2-3 times a year.
  • Omega-3 - according to the instruction, it is possible to accept on a constant basis.

Drugs can be used as together (as a part of one course), and separately. Consultation of the doctor is necessary.

Other recommendations

Don't forget to carry out systematically aerobic trainings, they promote myocardium and strengthen heart. Eat properly. Consult with skilled experts.

How to keep heart healthy in bodybuilding

The health problem in bodybuilding is particularly acute very much. A plentiful high-calorie delivery for accumulation of muscle bulk, massive reception of sports additives, abuse of the forbidden "chemistry" - all these factors obviously don't promote strengthening of health. But when there is a wish to possess larger beautiful muscles, about health you think in the last turn and you remember it when you begin to lose it.

In this chapter I will tell about the main problems with health which face in bodybuilding - it is problems with a liver and with heart. In end I will in detail tell how to finish "chemistry" that who made this decision, but doesn't know how it is correct to throw.

Cordial affairs

Heart diseases claimed more lives, than all wars on Earth combined, and still heart troubles are a murderer No. 1 in the world. Irrepressible occupations bodybuilding and in general any strength sports, are additional risk factor which aggravates heart troubles. That to minimize this risk, read this section on heart and learn how to support him healthy and efficient.

Heart - the most important internal organ of a human body. It performs very serious function — is the motor which banishes a blood on all organism. Reductions follow one another absolutely automatically and almost irrespective of brain signals. The healthy heart warmed to body temperature and filled with a blood will begin to pump it independently because that occurs around. Heart pumps over through itself everything that is in an organism therefore practically all illnesses - cordial. But, unfortunately, remember heart only when it begins to hurt.

Anatomy of heart

Anatomically heart is a muscular organ. The size its small, approximately about the clenched fist. Heart works at an extent of all human life. It is possible to tell that heart - the muscular pump which provides the continuous movement of a blood on vessels. Vessels and heart make together cardiovascular system of a human body. It consists of big and small circles of a circulation. From the left departments of heart the blood at first moves on an aorta, then on large and fine arteries, arterioles and capillaries. In capillaries oxygen and other substances necessary for an organism come to organs and tissues, and the carbon dioxide and products of exchange are removed from there. After that the blood from arterial turns in venous and again begins the movement to heart.

Inside heart is divided by septums into four cameras. Two auricles are divided by an interatrial septum into the left and right auricles. The left and right ventricles of heart are parted by an interventricular septum. The left and right departments of heart absolutely are normal separately. At auricles and ventricles different functions. In auricles the blood coming to heart collects. When the volume of this blood is sufficient, it forces the way in ventricles. And ventricles push a blood in arteries on which it moves on all organism. Ventricles should perform more hard work therefore the muscular layer in them is much thicker, than in auricles. Auricles and ventricles from each side of heart connect an atrioventricular opening. The blood through heart moves only in one direction. On a big circle of a circulation from the left part of heart (the left auricle and a left ventricle) in right, and on small of right in left. The right direction provides the valval device of heart: three-leaved, pulmonary, mitral and aortal valves.

Why it hurts?

Heart begins to hurt when its own cells lack oxygen. It is called coronary heart disease. Oxygen can not be enough for several reasons:

Atherosclerosis. LPNP (lipoproteins of low density, and simply - a bad cholesterin) is postponed on walls of arteries and partially blocks a blood stream. If it occurred in the arteries of heart, cells fed by this artery will feel badly.

Clottage. The clot (thrombus) - with all that it implies unpleasant consequences can block an artery. Damage of vessels gives to a thrombus additional chance to be hooked for your heart.

When heart has nothing to breathe, it begins to give signals to your organism. Also does it by means of chemistry: in cells substance a bradikinin collects. Thanks to it the organism smells a rat and rushes to the aid of the main artery. At this time the owner of an organism feels the severe pressing pain in the middle of a breast which sometimes gives to the left arm, a scapula or a chin. Such pain signals that heart still somehow copes with a situation. But it so far...

Heart diseases

Heart, as well as any human organ, is subject to various diseases. However if to consider that heart - the organism motor, all its illnesses extremely dangerous.

Myocardial infarction. One of the most known and dangerous disturbances is the myocardial infarction. It consists in a necrosis of the site of a muscle of heart owing to an occlusion of one of vessels on it a thrombus. As a result of disturbance of a delivery muscular tissue on the place of an infarct gradually regenerates, dies and is replaced with a connecting tissue which turns into the cicatrix subsequently. The occlusion can occur owing to narrowing of walls of a vessel.

Strong nervous exaltation, physical overstrain, poisoning with a nicotine, plentiful food, abuse of alcoholic beverages and others can be the immediate cause causing a myocardial infarction. All these reasons force your heart to work in the emergency mode that has an adverse effect on health. The main symptom of a myocardial infarction is sharply arising sharp pain in heart ("blow of a dagger") differing in big duration. In hard cases heart can hurt within 2-3 days. Treatment should be begun with creation of conditions of absolute physical and mental rest. Treatment in the conditions of a hospital will be the best. Therefore if the infarct occurred outdoors, regardless of a condition of the patient, after rendering the first emergency aid to it should carry it to hospital. A delivery has to be minimum in the first days and consist of digestible products. Later it is possible to enlarge quantity of a nutrition. After passing of one and a half months it is possible to allow to rise and go. As prophylaxis it is necessary to protect transferred an infarct from physical and nerve strains, to forbid it the use of a nicotine and alcohol.

Stenocardia. Stenocardia is also rather widespread (or "angina pectoris"). It consists in an attack of the severe pains in heart arising owing to a spastic stricture of coronal arteries. Strong nervousness, a fright, a physical overstrain, abuse of tobacco or alcohol can be the cause of development of an attack.

Tachycardia. Unfortunately, such disease as tachycardia is widespread today. It consists in periodic sharp attacks of heartbeat at which the number of cordial blows reaches to 200-250 in a minute though the rhythm of reductions remains correct. Attacks are usually transient though they can proceed in rare instances within 1-2 days. Usually it occurs after or during a mental overstrain or physical overwork. The attack can happen even at the healthy person, suddenly, to feeling of pain in heart or strong heartbeat. Jugular veins bulk up, the skin turns pale. During such attack at the person the acute heart failure which usually disappears upon termination of tachycardia can develop. However several similar attacks enlarge risk of an infarct.

Arterial hypertonia. The hypertonia as rising of arterial pressure represents one of the most widespread cardiovascular diseases. It is important to remember that an arterial hypertonia - not only an independent disease, but also one of factors of coronary heart disease. Insidiousness of illness is that it can imperceptibly proceed for the most sick. The person is disturbed by headaches, irritability, giddiness, memory worsens, working capacity decreases. Having had a rest, he for a while ceases to feel these symptoms and, taking them for implications of usual fatigue, for years doesn't see a doctor. Eventually the hypertonia progresses. Constant are headaches and giddiness, differences of mood. Appreciable memory impairments and intelligence, delicacy in extremities are possible.

The hypertension affects people at the most efficient age, differs in a long and persistent current, development of serious complications (a myocardial infarction, a cerebral stroke, a heart and renal failure), is followed by depression of working capacity up to disability. As well as any chronic disease, a hypertonia gives in to correction only on condition of continuous and competent therapy, and also demands from sick conscious change of a way of life. Only the combination of these two factors allows to support optimum arterial pressure, so, to keep good health and working capacity for many years.

Hypertonia develops 6 times more often at those who irrationally eat, greasy and salty food, alcohol and have excess body weight. Also significant role is played by stressful situations. To stabilize the pressure, it is necessary to normalize the weight, to begin to conduct active life, to refuse addictions, it is rational to eat and minimize stresses.

How to save the heart

The defining factors of unhealthy heart are not so much the age, how many heredity and a way of life. It is better if in a family nobody has heart diseases, and you don't drink, don't smoke and constantly play sports and fitness in the recreational purposes. If all this not about you, that time to be engaged in cordial health, without postponing business until a critical situation.

  • STOP SMOKING. Smoking promotes body height of concentration of the LPNP harmful cholesterol to the detriment of a useful cholesterin LHD (lipoproteins of high density). Besides, a nicotine causes tachycardia, than enlarges consumption by oxygen heart. At the same time other components of tobacco smoke bind up to 10% of a hemoglobin, reducing inflow of vivifying oxygen to starving cells. Therefore it isn't enough to leave off smoking most. You should convince to make it and people around. Passive smoking makes negative impact on heart too.
  • MOVE. A hypodynamia - an inactive way of life - one of the factors making harmful effects on heart. And only two hours of heavy traffic a week are enough to reduce risk of heart diseases by 10%. What you will be engaged your business at this time (to go, run, jump, float, to shake) in - main thing, don't ignore an exercise stress.
  • GET RID OF EXCESS WEIGHT. The main thing to lose weight to norm. The norm is approximately peer to your body height with a deduction hundreds. Having lost the weight to treasured digit, you reduce risk of developing of atherosclerosis or at least slow down its advance. Besides extra kilos are excess millimeters of mercury column in your vessels and with pressure of a joke are bad. Get rid of extra kilos and receive odds at least in 4 years of life.
  • DRINK. Only not hard alcoholic beverages! Replace their 2-3 l of simple water. So you will avoid a deaquation. The disadvantage of liquid can make a blood more dense, so more inclined to formation of thrombi. 5-10 glasses of water a day will dilute it and will force to run more cheerfully on vessels.
  • NO to the STRESS! A stress - not the best assistant to heart. First of all the stress is an emission of an adrenaline, so, more hard work of heart and the increased need of cells for oxygen. All this enlarges risk of heart attack by 3 times.

If you have heart troubles, it is necessary to adhere to these references:


Nicotine, alcohol - Lead a healthy lifestyle

Is salty, spicy, greasy, fried and stale food - Rationally and properly to eat (watch the table of food), especially if drug intake is dated for food

Gather extra kilos, lead an inactive life - To move more. Walking, swimming, occupations remedial gymnastics, trainings on cardiovascular machines and improving fitness are especially useful

Excessive tension on sports activities and fitness. Exclude occupations strength sports with extreme loading (weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding) - Doing any sport, to train only in the sparing and moderated modes. The best alternative to strength sports is the improving fitness

Work at the nights, sleep less than 7 hours a day - It is full to have a rest at night not less than 7 hours. To have a rest whenever possible in the middle of the day 1-2 hours

Stress on trifles - Be able to switch, not "go in cycles" in troubles, whenever possible to practice yoga, gymnastics a chi kung, auto-training and meditation

Pass or stop drug intake, appointed the doctor, test drugs which "helped" the neighbor- Implement all recommendations of the doctor. Especially carefully it is necessary to listen to that, as for administration of drugs, to regularly measure arterial pressure

References on a delivery for prophylaxis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases:


Eat food in the fresh, crude, boiled, baked, stewed look (depending on category of products) / Repeatedly warmed and defrozen food / Fried, stale food

Fresh greens, vegetables and fruit (it is desirable local on a season) / The import and frozen vegetables and fruit / Canned food, marinated, smoked, hot and salty dishes, products with the high content of dyes and preservatives

Porridges (oat, buckwheat, millet, yachnevy, brown rice), bran bread from whole grain (it is desirable unleavened) / Barmy bread from flour of the 1st grade, macaroni from whole grain / Macaroni (from high-grade flour), white rice, semolina, bread from high-grade flour, fancy bread, cakes, cakes

Vegetable and lenten soups / Bitter chocolate, fast pastries, jelly / Milk chocolate, candies, sweets with various fillers, ice cream

Fish, bird, low-fat grades of meat in the boiled, stewed and baked look / Eggs / Sausages, salami, sausages, pelmeni, fat forcemeat

Low-fat grades of cottage cheese, cheese and fermented milk products / Cottage cheese and cottage cheese, butter (it is desirable melted), low-fat sour cream / Fat and firm grades of cheese, margarine and vegetable fat, mayonnaise, fat sour cream, whole milk

Natural juice, rather weak tea, broths of a dogrose, hawthorn, house kvass / White and dry red wine / Hard alcoholic beverages

Peeled water (depending on weight, physical activity and season, from 1 to 3 liters) / Table mineral water / Carbonated drinks, the packaged juice, tap water

It is necessary to eat small portions of 4-5 times a day. Don't allow acute sense of hunger. Don't overeat at all and exclude an addiction densely to gorge on for the night.

Facts about heart

  • According to the last references of World Health Organization of 1999, the level of arterial pressure lower than 130/85 is considered normal. Pressure level between 130/85 and 140/90 and is considered an arterial hypertonia above.
  • Only measurement of pulse on a wrist gives a right picture of cordial reductions. Attempts to measure pulse on a neck — are wrong. Pressure upon a cervical artery forces down a cordial rhythm.
  • Heart has right and left speak rapidly. Left is stronger, than right, and more largly. It is caused by the fact that reduction of this part of heart leads to blood circulation in all organism. The right part is responsible only for blood supply of lungs.
  • Heart height - 12,7 cm, width — 7,5 cm. It weighs at men about 310 g and 240 g - at women.
  • The average cordial rhythm makes 72 beats per minute. It means that by 65th year of life heart is reduced 2 500 000 000 times.
  • Between reductions heart has a rest. If to put all these moments of rest, then will leave that for human life heart "is silent" about 20 years.
  • Total length of all blood vessels in an organism by 3 times exceeds length of the earth equator.
  • Fatty tissue is penetrated by the infinite number of circulatory capillaries. Excess 10 kg of fatty tissue induce heart to do additional efforts to push a blood on these capillaries which total length makes 8 000 km!
  • In 1 cubic millimeter of a blood - 4,5-5,5 million red blood cells. They are continuously formed in an organism and completely replaced in a blood in 120 days.
  • The general cycle of a circulation in a body takes 23 seconds.
  • If not the valves in blood vessels holding in them a blood, it would flow down in legs to ñòóïíÿì by gravity for only a few fractions of a second.
  • The boxer appears in a knock-down after strong blow in a stomach because the blood sharply casts from heart, lungs and a brain, moving to the area of a press. It also leads to temporary opacification of consciousness.
  • Most of all infarcts happen on Monday, between 7 and 10 h morning.
  • Heart diseases carried away lives more, than all wars on Earth combined.

Aerobic trainings are the best trainings for heart

Going in for bodybuilding, don't forget also about aerobic trainings. Thanks to them you will get rid of excess fat, but the most important — them you support healthy the heart.

Here what concerning aerobic exercises is told "by Mr. Olympia" Jay Katler: "I regularly do cardio exercises in order that my heart was healthy. If there is no health, then why to you your weight?"

Here not all list of the facts about advantage for cardiovascular system of aerobic exercises:

  • Aerobic trainings - walking, run, swimming, the bicycle etc. - put cordial internal clocks back. They are capable to rejuvenate heart for 20 years!
  • The purpose of aerobic trainings is in forcing lungs to enrich a blood with a large amount of oxygen. Further oxygen together with a blood gets into muscles where it is used for obtaining energy.
  • The aerobics increases the content of oxygen in a blood. However not less than 2 months of trainings before similar changes happen are necessary. One of the best types of aerobic trainings for athletes - sprinting.
  • The aerobic training in the first 1-2 weeks leads to dropping of a cordial rhythm at rest on 1 reduction a minute.
  • For the life the person passes about 140 000 km. Walking — the natural type of an aerobic training supporting a high tonus of heart.
  • The heart training the mild restoring loads after the postponed heart disease guarantees fixing of results of treatment at least for 2 years.
  • Swimming — one of the best types of a training of heart. In addition it saves from fatty deposits.
  • Trainings in run do cordial reductions at rest not only more infrequent, but also more potent.
  • According to scientists, aerobic trainings 3-4 times a week lasting 15-60 minutes have the best result. Level of pulse of-60-90% from maximum (220 minus the age expressed advanced in years).
  • Sex - the safest and pleasant type of an aerobic load.

Heart troubles and steroids

Nearly cardiovascular diseases, obligatory for security officers, allowed scientists to tell with an accuracy: steroids injure heart. Today they taped at least four mechanisms of such injuring influence.

On the first place depression under the influence of reception of steroids of the so-called high density lipoproteins disturbing stick together cholesterol in clots and to be postponed on walls of vessels.

On the second - "solidification of a blood", i.e. rising of its coagulability. As a result sharply the risk of an infarct because of an occlusion of a coronary artery a thrombus increases.

Scientists carry to number of the third most dangerous factor unexpected (not explained with science yet) spastic strictures of the coronariest artery when it suddenly clenches, blocking access of a blood to heart.

On the fourth place - direct damage of heart muscular tissue by steroids.

This list includes only the most obvious risk factors, but besides them there are still indirect consequences of reception of steroids which are capable to cause heart attacks and heart diseases too. In particular, steroids increase concentration of sodium in an organism (the water delay, typical for steroids, in muscles also is bound to it, actually). And sodium leads to rising of blood pressure. However, after the termination of reception of steroids pressure comes back to norm. Nevertheless those who accept steroids constantly live under infarct "Sword of Damocles". The heavy-duty physical effort in the conditions of the increased blood pressure at any time can overstrain a cardiac muscle and lead to its gap.

Steroids allow to train most potently. Such type of a training is exclusively stressful for all organism. Trying to be protected, the organism increases secretion of so-called "hormones of a stress" adrenals. Among them there is Epinephrinum which is known that it is capable to lead to disturbance of a cordial rhythm. If presence of Epinephrinum at a blood becomes nearly daily norm, the stable cordial rhythm - an arrhythmia develops. Heartaches, interruptions in heart, shortage of air, unexpected attacks of delicacy - are that typical signs of an arrhythmia at body builders. Worst of all the fact that this type of an arrhythmia seldom passes with the termination of reception of steroids. It should be added that in the rating of lethal outcomes the arrhythmia costs on one their first places.

Arrhythmia today quite successfully treat the drugs called beta-blockers. However in practice the picture of cordial disturbances of a rhythm is so various that incorrect diagnosis by the doctor not familiar with specifics of reception of steroids is quite probable. In that case reception of beta-blockers will only disguise the main disease.

Here to you example from life. The body builder with the complaint to a cardiopalmus addressed to clinic. Logical would be to assume an arrhythmia especially as the body builder admitted that within 2 years he accepted Vinstrol on 280 mg weekly. Nevertheless the in-depth study of heart didn't confirm the initial diagnosis. It turned out that at the body builder two main coronary arteries, including left descending to which bind infarcts were dangerously narrowed. In addition it was established that the body builder already transferred two microinfarcts. It is logical to assume that narrowing of a lumen of arteries is bound to adjournment on their internal walls of a cholesterin. Meanwhile blood test was surprisingly favorable: level of cholesterin was normal. Then in what business? Probably, steroids caused depression of level of the protective high density lipoproteins which aren't allowing cholesteric clots "to be stuck" to a wall of coronary arteries. In these conditions even the normal level of cholesterin was dangerous.

As for microinfarcts, they, perhaps, are bound to direct toxic impact of steroids on cells of a cardiac muscle. Modeling of such processes, i.e. in a test tube, showed that under the influence of steroids separate internal structures of cells so expand that literally "blow up" a cell from within. It leads to formation of the centers of a dead tissue and the subsequent their cicatrization, i.e. a degeneration of elastic muscular tissue in connecting which isn't capable to be reduced. The complicated reduction of certain sites of a cardiac muscle leads to a distortion of all cordial rhythm, i.e. to an arrhythmia. In the inferior of scenarios heart ventricles in general will cease to pump over a blood, and then the lethal outcome is inevitable. Such changes in heart cause both injections, and the tableted steroids. However, rather small difference between tablets and injections is. Injections practically don't lower level in a blood of high density "good" lipoproteins. And steroids in tablets do it. Nevertheless both those, and others have equally an adverse effect on viscosity of a blood. The reason is that they enlarge production by kidneys of an eritropoytin who, in turn, enlarges the maintenance of red blood cells in a blood.

In this sense introduction to itself injection erythropoetin that is extremely widespread today in bodybuilding, is a terrible practice.

Athletes enter erythropoetin to lift number of the red blood cells which are oxygen carriers. As a result in muscles much more oxygen - the catalyst of all biochemical reactions is delivered. If to enter to itself erythropoetin at the same time with steroids, "solidification" of a blood to a critical limit which death will follow is possible.

The main danger at reception of steroids

Of course, androgens are necessary for an organism - they regulate hormonal processes. But the surplus of androgens threatens with a trouble. Accepting anabolic steroids (according to the prescription or self-willedally), you strike blow to the cardiovascular system. The matter is that even in small therapeutic doses anabolic steroids change a ratio of a "good" and "bad" cholesterin in a blood. Such "imbalance" by 6 times increases risk of cardiovascular diseases! A "bad" cholesterin is lipoproteins of low density (LPNP). They easily form the clots settling on walls of blood vessels. Over time clots become more and more, yet don't block a blood channel, like a stopper: an atherosclerosis - the main reason of an infarct develops. And a "good" cholesterin (lipoproteins of high density) just disturbs it. And so, analyses showed that at the body builders accepting steroids, a "bad" cholesterin is raised more than for 30% (watch the table "Influence of Steroids on Cardiovascular System"). In addition to it anabolic steroids increase activity of special enzyme of a liver under the influence of which the level of a "good" cholesterin decreases.

Influence of steroids on cardiovascular system (real stories of illnesses of body builders are used).


Cardiac standstill / 18 / oxymesteronum

Myocarditis / 24 / the look is unknown

Myocardial infarction with ventricular tachycardia / 31 / the look is unknown

Myocardial infarction / 37 / Nandrolonum, boldenon, Testosteron, stanosol, oksandrolon

Clottage of a venous sine / 31 / Testosteron, metolonon, trenbolone

Myocardial infarction with hematencephalon / 27 / the look is unknown

Depression of the LPVP level, rising of diastolic blood pressure / 22-38 / Nandrolonum, Testosteron-Depotum, stanosol

Rising of the LPNP level, lowering of the level of LPVP / 23-36 / methandrostenolone, decanoat, oksandrolon, stanosolol, etc.

Lowering of the level of LPVP, rising of activity of enzyme of a liver / 20-26 / stanosolol

Lowering of the level of LPVP, rising of the LPNP level / 20-31 / stanosolol, methenobosoms, depot Testosteron, sound board-dyurabolin, oksandrolon, androstenolon

Intensifying of coalescing of thrombocytes / 18-39 / Testosteron, Nandrolonum, methandrostenolone, etc.

Lowering of the level of LPVP, rising of the LPNP level / 18-40 / ethenyltestosteron-Depotum

Lowering of the level of LPVP / 29-33 / methandrostenolone, ñòàíîçîëîë, Nandrolonum, oksandrolon, Testosteron

But it is even more unpleasant that such picture remains many months after the person ceased to accept steroids. And it means that it will be threatened by an atherosclerosis for a long time. If in such condition of people gets a trauma which is followed by a hemorrhage, for example, fracture, then devitalized blood cells (thrombocytes) under the influence of a "bad" cholesterin will begin to stick together in clots. If such clot begins independent "travel" on blood vessels, wait for a trouble. Having got to a narrow duct, such clot corks it tightly. Death in such cases happens instant.

I am sure that spores on harm of steroids won't cease for a long time. What who told, the medical facts are relentless: steroids are dangerous. He agrees, it is not a poison. However all hitch that steroids prepare for you a dirty trick where you expect it least of all. Only one risk of cardiovascular diseases of what costs! Of course, much are lucky. They accept steroids and don't complain of health. It isn't lucky units. But where a guarantee that you not from their number?

As the diet in bodybuilding influences heart Very few people know, but the food gives a larger load on heart. Just for this reason all bulimics - cores. The serious training in bodybuilding forces heart to work at a limit. That it should be not overstrained, eaten absolutely Pomala. Athletes of the past arrived exactly the opposite, and therefore seldom which of them lived up to 40 years...

But at the same time to build up big muscle bulk, it is necessary to eat much. And how to be in this case? How to eat so that also to gain weight, and at the same time to preserve the heart? Here is how this problem is solved by the professional bodybuilder Chris Cook.

Chris Cook: "I increase intensity of a training in off-season in steps. Cycles last for 1,5-2 months. And so, at the initial stage I don't eat sports food at all. But in the period of big loadings I substitute for sports products every second meal.

The matter is that when you shake much, there is no appetite at all. It also is clear. The organism spends so many forces for a training that on their digestion doesn't remain at all. Here the organism should be helped. The liquid food so instead of every second meal I take belkovouglevodny cocktail is the easiest acquired. At the same time breaks between meals should be tightened till 2,5-3 o'clock. Intestines and so hardly turn so it needs more time for its work".

Help heart - the best additives Besides that for strengthening of cardiovascular system it is necessary to get rid of excess weight, are less greasy food more vegetables and fruit, and also it is reasonable and to be engaged without physical exercises, it is necessary to pay attention to the following nutritional supplements:

  • reducing cholesterol level - lucerne, a soy protein;
  • promoting lowering of blood pressure - fatty acids an omega-3, garlic additives;
  • strengthening a cardiac muscle and in general the hearts promoting improvement - a hawthorn, a carnitine, Q10 coenzyme, creatine.

Not everything is desirable to accept these additives together, and selectively, depending on your purposes. Also adhere to the recommended dosages from producer companies.

Only you remember that these nutritional supplements won't have desirable effect if you incorrectly eat and you lead a sedentary life. The positive result is achieved only in case of interaction of all these factors.

About creatine and how it can help heart, I want to tell separately.

Muscle cells actively stock in themselves creatine as it is a source of the ATP connection already known to us. Acceptance of creatine in the form of nutritional supplement naturally leads to increase in force and endurance. If creatine helps skeletal muscles whether it can help heart? Heart represents one big muscle. The science answers this question positively. With age, and also because of big physical activities, our kidneys begin to work worse, and therefore in blood the level of amino acid of a gomotsistein, very harmful to heart, increases. And there is no place to get to from it since it is formed in the course of exchange of irreplaceable amino acid of methionine. Creatine, working together with group B vitamins, significantly reduces the level of a gomotsistein. Accept 2-3 g of creatine before and after a training, and also 2-5 g in days of rest. That creatine helped your heart, accept it with "bystry" carbohydrates. They cause secretion of hormone of insulin which helps delivery of creatine in muscle cells.

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