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Legal anabolic steroids and pharmacology in bodybuilding

12 Dec 2016

Real bodybuilders and those who decided to give up steroids I want to offer methodical development on acceptance of the permitted pharmacological medicines. This technique is intended for building-up of muscle bulk, maintenance and increase in endurance of athletes in bodybuilding and other strength sports. Of course, in comparison with modern "chemistry" results will be not those, however and risk for health any. And in combination with sufficient nutrition and sports additives your progress anyway will be more essential than if you trained without these medicines. From own practice I can add that in 3-4 months of trainings and following to this technique, the athletes trained by me it was possible to gain 12-15 kg of muscle bulk! And it was not water, muscles which at once fell down after completion of a rate of "chemistry". The result was fixed steadily and for a long time. And that the most interesting, such results were achieved not only without steroids, but also without modern products of sports food, and with products sport pita it is possible to expect also more significant progress.

For those athletes who have no special problems with a set of muscle bulk, and also for pronounced endomorphs, i.e. those who are inclined to excess weight and who has a problem rather with an excess fat, than with muscles, in this chapter there will also be recommendations how to solve this problem - and to get rid of fat, and to give to muscles better visual shape.

What progress shall be expected?

Almost all described medicines is a domestic origin that assumes their availability and rather acceptable cost. These medicines rather highly are quoted on quality and efficiency in a medical industry and in sports medicine. By the way, it isn't necessary to think that domestic medicines it is worse foreign. Analogs of these medicines are issued abroad one to one. The difference is only in the price.

It is known that combinations of pharmacological medicines or strengthen action of each other, or suppress. Combinations of medicines are rather effective on the impact on growth of muscles. It is sure that having completed several courses on these medicines, many who sat on "chemistry", will refuse it. To what to ruin health and to lose muscles after rates of "chemistry" when there is an alternative "to throw" on 5 kg and more net muscles everyone - let not 3-4 months, how with my wards, - and even year? Besides you will have not "chemical", water muscles for which it will be necessary to shiver, as if they didn't descend, and the healthy working weight which will always be in case of you. Of course, on steroid rates you will gain much more weight, but also the risk of side effects is very high.

These combinations and schemes of acceptance of these medicines were constituted by the Russian specialists of sports medicine and approved on athletes of various degree of readiness. It became clear that in case of a competent training and application of these schemes of medical medicines according to good nutrition it is possible to increase 5 and more than kilograms each 3-6 months of an athletic training. How many you will be able to gather specifically, it will be dictated by a framework of your genetics, care of observance of a day regimen, food and training, and also control from the highly qualified specialist. Under its competent management progress shall be essential, than in case of independent occupations.

My trainer's experience confirms it for all 100%! If someone from my wards didn't achieve such results, the problem was only in them - because of the pass of trainings and non-compliance with a day regimen and a supply by them. It was easily traced according to diaries which I obliged them to carry.

For adaptation and rest of an organism from very powerful force stress and rapid growth of muscle bulk it is desirable to conduct no more than 3 courses of weight in a year (for 2-3 months everyone). It is also desirable to be during these courses under observation of the doctor (better than sporting) and the competent personal trainer.

For that engaged who on the type of addition is an endomorph or whom the general muscle bulk quite suits, but quality of muscles, width of a waist and own press doesn't arrange (to be exact its absence), it will be necessary to use recommendations about reception of these medicines from the relief periods.

Than selection of pharmacological medicines in sport is dictated Directly I want to make a reservation that these diagrams of administration of drugs are intended for natural bodybuilders who train essentially without steroids or for those who were through with them. "Chemists" have absolutely other medicines, diagrams of their reception and courses.

For convenience of presentation of this material I will use traditional approach of preparation for competitions of the athlete bodybuilder in a year cycle. The modern training of athletes in bodybuilding is accompanied by the long execution of the heavy physical activities of a force directivity placing exclusively great demands on all organisms in general and first of all to its cardio respiratory and muscular systems and also to a mental status.

The power exercise stresses used in bodybuilding quite often demand use of pharmacological agents for maintenance of efficiency of athletes and acceleration of recovery processes of an organism. Use of pharmacological agents for rising of efficiency of athletes is based on the accounting of a functional condition of the main systems of an organism and stages of preparation in a year training cycle. In individual selection of drugs participation of the doctor (better sports) and the qualified trainer is obligatory.

Selection of an individual complex of pharmacological agents for each athlete in general has to be caused:

  • Data of the current and dynamic medical and biochemical observations.
  • Existence of the taped "limiting" link (the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, etc.)
  • Features of adaptation, resistance and hyperactivity to the same drugs.
  • Need of prophylaxis and treatment of chronic diseases at this athlete.
  • The psychological status and behavioral reactions in the competitive period.

The main stages of training process

In bodybuilding and fitness, as well as in other sports, 3 main stages of training process are allocated: preparatory, competitive and transitional.

According to specific tasks of every period of year-round preparation in our recommendations the corresponding schemes of pharmacological recovery means are picked up.

Preparatory stage is work on weight. The training macro cycle, or a stage of comprehensive preparation, proceeds generally 14-16 weeks and repeats twice in a year training cycle with the assistance of the athlete in two responsible competitions (spring, fall).

The internal structure of a preparatory stage is constituted:

  • The volume and power period is 3 weeks.
  • The period of special volume training specifically on weight is 7 weeks.
  • The volume creating period where work goes for "pulling up" of the lagging behind muscular groups is 5 weeks.

One of the main objectives of the preparatory period is the emphasis on increase in muscle bulk and power opportunities of the athlete (i.e. quantitative changes). A competitive stage - work on a relief, so-called "drying". The training macro cycle is directed to high-quality changes of muscular groups at preserving quantitative changes. High-quality changes of muscular structure result from increase in intensity of a training and its amounts in case of simultaneous aspiration to forming of muscular groups, elimination of a fatty layer and the maximum relief, separation of muscles.

The competitive stage of a training macro cycle, or stage of competitive preparation, proceeds generally 12-16 weeks.

The internal structure of a competitive stage is constituted:

  • Forming relief period where there is a work with the lagging behind groups and dietary and training changes for a set of a relief of muscles - are made 4-6 weeks.
  • The relief period is 4-6 weeks.
  • The final period in which the peak of a relief of muscles is reached 2-4 weeks.

The final stage in a year cycle of training of the athlete - transitional which can also repeat twice a year with the assistance of the athlete in 2 responsible competitions (spring, fall). Usually transitional stage falls on the next months: December - January, June-July.

The internal structure of a transitional stage is constituted:

  • Light volume training is 3-4 weeks.
  • Active recreation is 1-2 weeks.

Recovery actions of all functional systems of an organism after a competitive (competitive) stage of a training macro cycle enter tasks of a transitional stage.

Pharmacological drugs

Vitamins and vitamin like substances

Vitamin and mineral complexes

Any poly vitamin complexes, for example, of "Aerovit" or "Kvadevit" can be used.

Vitamin Aerovit complex. Contains a complex of vitamins: And, With (ascorbic acid), E (a tocopherol an acetate), P (folic acid), RR (Nicotinamidum), the B-B1, V2 group (Riboflavinum), B5 (a calcium a pantothenate), B6, B12 (cyancobalamine).

Route of administration: 1 dragees 2 times a day after food; course of 20-25 days.

Vitamin Kvadevit complex. Contains a complex of vitamins: And, E, S, V1, V2, VZ, V6, folic acid, P, PP, B12, Phytinum, a methionine, glutaminic acid and trace substances - sulfate copper, a chloride potassium. "Kvadevit" contributes to normalization of the changed biochemical processes and favorably influences a metabolism (vitamin, carbohydrate, zhirolipidny, water and electrolytic), weakens side effects of medicinal preparations.

Route of administration: 1 tablet three times a day after food; course of 21-28 days.

Vitamins of group B

B1 vitamin (Thiaminum). Is a part of a series of enzymes, participates in carbohydrate, fatty, albuminous exchanges. Positively influences cardiovascular system, digestive organs, endocrine and nervous systems. The strengthened consumption of carbohydrates increases the need for B1 vitamin.

Route of administration: 1 ml of 2% of solution of tiaminokhlorid once a day. Course of 15-18 days.

B6 vitamin (pyridoxine). It is necessary for normal functioning of the central and peripheric nervous system. Activly participates in exchange of irreplaceable amino acids: tryptophan, methionine, Cysteinum. Improves fatty exchange. Generally the need for B6 vitamin is satisfied with food.

Route of administration: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day or 1 ml of 5% of solution intra muscular 2 times a day. Course of 15-20 days.

B12 vitamin (cyancobalamine). Is a body height factor, it is necessary for a normal hemopoiesis and maturing of erythrocytes, participates in synthesis of amino acids, well influences functions of a liver and a nervous system. You can buy online - Vitamin B12 cyanocobalamin injection.

B12 vitamin is soaked up at intake. The absorption improves at appointment together with folic acid a little. At use of B12 constant control of a condition of an organism on blood test is necessary. Joint introduction in one syringe B12 isn't recommended. B1. B6.

Route of administration: 1 ml of 0.01% of solution intra muscular once a day. Course of 10-15 days.

Cobamamidum. Has properties of B12 vitamin.

Route of administration: 1 dragees 3-4 times a day. Joint reception with carnitine is recommended.

B15 vitamin (pangamat calcium). Improves lipide (fatty) exchange. Increases digestion of oxygen tissues, and also the maintenance of a glycogen in muscles and a liver. Eliminates a hypoxia (an oxygen failure), accelerates recovery processes.

Route of administration: 1 tablet 3 times a day. The beginning of reception in 7-8 days prior to the outlined augmentation of volume of training loads and within 8-10 days after their termination. Course of 15-20 days.

Folic acid (B9 vitamin, folanin). Is a component of a complex of vitamins B. Together with B12 vitamin stimulates hemopoiesis, participates in synthesis of amino acids (methionine, a serine), nucleic acids, favorably influences function of an intestine.

Route of administration: 1 powder (0,001 g) of 3-5 times a day. Combined use with vitamin C on 1 tablet (0.1 g With and 0,005 g of B6) 2 times a day is recommended. Course is 15-20 days.

Cocarboxylase. A thiamine coenzyme is B1 vitamin. Approaches on the biological effect vitamins and enzymes. Is the ready form of coenzymes which is formed of B1 vitamin in the course of its transformation in an organism. Participates in processes of carbohydrate metabolism.

Route of administration: 0.05 g (50 mg) once a day intra muscular. Course is 15-20 days.

Vitamin E (tocopherol acetate). Has anti-oxidizing properties, blocks free oxidation of fats, participates in difficult reactions of transformation of carbohydrates into lipids (fats). It is applied as the agent improving power supply, contractility of a myocardium (cardiac muscle). Slows down exchange of proteins, nucleic acids, steroids.

Route of administration: 1 capsule 2-3 times a day, or 1 ml of 20% of solution intra muscular once a day, or on 1 h l. 2 times a day. Course is 20-25 days.

At over dosage working capacity depression is possible.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Participates in a regulation of oxidation-reduction processes, carbohydrate metabolism, a blood coagulation, normal permeability of capillaries, formations of steroid hormones, etc. Increases fastness of an organism to infections.

Route of administration: 1 dragees (0,05 g) 3 times a day. Course of 10-15 days. At over dosage oppression of the insularly device of a pancreas, oppression of synthesis of a glycogen is possible.

RR vitamin - nicotinic acid (VZ vitamin). Participates in oxidation-reduction processes, improves carbohydrate metabolism and functions of digestive tract, has vasodilating effect, reduces the content of cholesterol in a blood. On a structure it is close to Nicotinamidum.

Route of administration: 1 tablet of nicotinic acid (0,5 g) 3-4 times a day. Nicotinamidum: (0,005 g) 3 times a day. Course is 10-15 days.

By-effects: face reddening and the top part of a trunk with feeling of a pricking and burning sensation, giddiness. At prolonged use of high doses the liver infiltration is possible.

Acidum lipoicum. Plays an important role in the course of formation of energy in an organism. On the nature of action approaches group B vitamins. Participates in adjustment of lipide and carbohydrate metabolism, renders lipotropic effect, and improves function of a liver.

Route of administration: 1 tablet (0,025 g) 3 times a day or 2-4 ml of 0.5% of solution (0,01-0,02) a day. Course is 20-30 days.

Lipomidum - Acidum lipoicum Amidum PP. Indications to use same. as well as for Acidum lipoicum.

Route of administration: 1-2 tablets (0,025-0,05 g) 2-3 times a day. Course is 20-30 days.

Anabolizatora are substances which significantly strengthen anabolic processes in an organism.

Glutaminic acid. Participates in the course of nitric exchange in an organism and promotes ammonia decontamination. Stimulates oxidizing processes of a brain and positively influences activity of the central nervous system.

Route of administration: 2 tablets (1 tab. – 0.25 g coated) 2 times a day after food. Course is 15-20 days.

Methionine. Irreplaceable amino acid (contains in cottage cheese). Has ability to delete excess of fat from a liver, it is necessary for body height and nitric equilibrium of an organism. Activates effect of hormones, vitamins (In 12, S and folic acid), enzymes.

Route of administration: 2 tablets (1tabp. – 0.5g) 2 times a day during food or later. Course is 15-20 days.

Alvezin. The combined drug. the containing complex of irreplaceable amino acids: alamin, arginine, aspartic acid, glutaminic acid; Histidinum, isoleucinum, Leucinum, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan. valine. and also potassium, sodium, magnesium. Activly influences and stimulates protein metabolism.

Method of application: 400 ml intravenously, by drop infusion 1 time in 3 days (2 times a week), in the conditions of medical institution. It is necessary to establish individual shipping to medicine and to follow all rules of carrying out internal injections. Alvezin is recommended to apply during the periods of the highest physical activities on volume and not to abuse its inclusion in avoidance of side effects. Course is 14-21 days.

Orotat of potassium. Orotovy acid is an initial product for white biosynthesis. Orotovy acid and its salts are considered as substance of anabolic action and is applied as stimulators proteinaceous and other types of exchanges.

Method of application: 1 tablet (0.5 g) 3-4 times a day in 1 hour prior to food. Course 21-24 days.

Safinor. The combined medicine containing inosine, orotat potassium saparat, floverin. Stimulates proteinaceous and power exchanges, has properties to adapt an organism to big physical activities.

Method of application: 2 tablets 2 times a day. Course is 20-25 days. It is contraindicated with the increased arterial pressure.

Carnitine (carnitine hydrochloride). Has ability to improve appetite, to accelerate growth and to increase body weight. In an organism B6 and PP, also gland is synthesized by a liver from methionine and a lysine in the presence of vitamins C.

Method of application: 1 teaspoon 3 times a day for half an hour to food, previously having diluted with water, tea, juice, etc. Course is 21-28 days. A release form - bottles of 20% of solution on 100 or 25 ml.

Liv-52. Drug of a plant origin. Possesses potent anabolic action, enlarging body weight. Favorably influences function of a liver, pancreas, reduces side effects of other medicinal preparations.

Route of administration: 2 tablets 3 times a day after food. Course is 24-30 days.

Ekdisteron. Is the most perspective in respect of anabolitic action. The purpose from family turns out from a grass and roots of a plant of bolshegolovik saflorovidny (a synonym levzea saflorovidny).

Ekdisteron renders expressed, toning and that is essential action. In molecular mechanisms of action ecdisteron it is similar to anabolic steroids (it is bound to prescriptions on membranes of muscle cells, it is transferred by cytoplasmatic receptors to a cell core where regulates synthesis of the nucleic acids in turn controlling a protein biosynthesis).

However, as showed numerous researches, despite steroid structure, ecdisteron is deprived of harmful side effects of drugs of exogenous Testosteron-Depotum and anabolic steroids. Long reception of an ecdisteron even in high doses (till 8-10 tablets in day within 1-2 months) doesn't cause disturbances in the content of the main hormones of an organism (a hydrocortisone, Somatotropinum, Testosteron-Depotum, insulin) in a blood and doesn't exert any collateral impact on a liver. Ekdisteron isn't dope and can be applied without any restrictions from the point of view of anti-doping control. At the same time use of an ecdisteron (2-4 òàá.) along with reception of additional protein promotes the expressed anabolic action (on force there correspond 40% of effect of an equivalent dose of methandrostenolone).

Course of administration: For body builders reception of ecdisteron is recommended (on 1-3 òàá. 2-3 times a day after food) during the periods of hard work with larger balances on force, and also during the periods of sharp augmentation of volume of the carried-out exercises. Duration of reception is from 10 to 20 days. Then, for the supporting loads, it is necessary to do a break in administration of drug for 10-15 days. It is expedient to combine reception of ecdisteron with consumption of albuminous and carbohydrate additives and Bl vitamins, B6, B12, C.

Stark protein (pr-in Sweden) or any other amino-acid complex. Is among the most effective drugs containing a complex from 18 alpha amino acids, the hydrolyzed protein and B6 vitamin.

Route of administration: 2 capsules 3 times a day. If necessary the dose can be enlarged. Course is 30-40 days. It is applied generally during the accented development of power qualities and to an active set of muscle bulk.

At purpose of amino-acid drugs it must be kept in mind that at their inclusion in bloods and urine the content of urea and other final products of protein metabolism on which it is possible to judge organism fatigue degree after training loads is enlarged.


Festalum. Improves functions of digestive tract, restores the damaged cells of a liver and a pancreas, possesses moderate anabolic action.

Route of administration: 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Course is 15-20 days.

Cytochrome With (Tsitomak). The ferment drug participating in processes of tissue respiration improves the course of oxidizing processes. In sports medicine it is more often applied by preparation in the sports developing mainly quality of endurance.

Route of administration: 2 tablets 4 times a day (80 mg). Course is 50 days.

In bodybuilding use of cytochrome C in the last week before competitions is expedient.

Karsil (Legalonum). Has gepatos properties, leading to restoration of the damaged cells of a liver and its preservation from adverse effects of other drugs. Leads to appetite improvement, body weight augmentation, promotes digestion improvement.

Route of administration: 1 dragees 2 times a day, a course of 20-25 days.

Medicines of power action

Inosine (inoziya F). Ferment energetic medicine, actively participates in proteinaceous exchange, sugar exchange, positively influences activity of cardiovascular system and a liver. Promotes high physical performance of an organism due to power accumulation and release of energy.

Method of application: 2 tablets (0,4 g) 3 times a day to food. Course is 30-40 days. A possible daily dose within 1.2 – 2.4 (6-12 tablets).

Inosine. Fermental medicine, improves oxidation-reduction processes in an organism, possesses proteinaceous and power action. Effect of medicine is similar to inosine, but is less active.

Method of application: 2 tablets (0,4 g) 3 times a day to food. Course is 30-40 days. A possible daily dose to 2.4 g (12 tab.). At emergence of side effects (an itch, rashes on skin) to lower a dose or to stop medicine reception.

Fosfaden. Enters into group of the medicines improving metabolism processes, the same inosine and inosine and has the same effect of impact on an organism.

Method of application: 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. Course of 30-40 days. Application in a complex with orotaty potassium is recommended.

Phosphene. The power medicine containing lecithin, iron lactic, calcium farfornokisly and other components.

Method of application: 2 tablets 3 times a day. Course is 10-15 days.

Calcium glycerophosphate. All-strengthening and tonic. Action is connected with the influence on a metabolism leading to strengthening of anabolic processes.

Method of application: 0.2-0.5 mg on reception 2-3 times a day. Course is 10-15 days.

Essentiale fort. Contains essential phospholipids which effect is strengthened by existence in structure of a complex of B1, B2, B6 vitamins. B12, niacinamide and vitamin E. Improves function of a liver, promotes neogenesis of the damaged mitochondrions, activates the broken enzymatic systems. Effect of drug amplifies at combined use with a carnitine.

Course of administration: 1-2 capsules 3 times a day during food. Course is 7-20 days.

Succinic acid (ammonium succinate). One of activly oxidizing components of a cycle of Krebs, contributes to normalization and stimulation of power processes in mitochondrions. Stimulates efficiency of the athlete.

Route of administration: a daily dose-1,8 of within a week prior to competitions and during competitions.

Acidum lipoicum (Lipomidum). Plays an important role in the course of formation of energy in an organism.

Mildronat. Switching of power supply of a myocardium from aerobic oxidation of fatty acids on aerobic oxidation of glucose (an aerobic glycolysis) and restriction of an acidosis.

Route of administration: 1-2 capsules (0.5-1.0 g) 2 times a day after food. Course is 14-18 days.

Adaptogens and agents increasing immunologic abilities of organism

Are applied as tonics at fatigue, an overtraining. Increase working capacity, adapt an organism to larger exercise stresses. Improve anabolic processes in an organism.

Ginseng root. 3 times a day to food or 10-15 fine granules pass 30 drops.

Eleuterococcus. 1 teaspoon 2 times a day before food.

Saparalum. 1 tablet (0,05 g) 3 times a day after food.

Pantocrinum. 30 drops 3 times a day for half an hour to food, or 1 ml subcutaneously once a day.

Course of use of adaptogens 14-21 days.

Politabs-Sport (pr-in Sweden). Contains a concentrate of the tsermitin increasing vitality. (Tser-nitin — extract of pollen of plants). Stimulates physical working capacity, possesses potent tonic action. It can be used all the year round.

Route of administration: 2-4 tablets a day.

Naprosinum. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is applied at injuries, ruptures of muscles, stretchings and to their prophylaxis when performing potent power loads. Possesses the expressed action referred on rising of physical working capacity.

Route of administration: 2 tablets 2 times a day. Course of 10 days, break of 7 days, then again reception of 10 days.

Drugs influencing the central nervous system

Nootropilum (Pyracetamum). Increases energy balance of cells of a brain, developing their potential neurophysiological opportunities. Takes off negative emotions, fatigue. Influences a metabolism of some amino acids (alanine, asparaninovy acid, Leucinum, proline), macropower Natrii phosphases.

Route of administration: 2 capsules 3 times a day. Course is 20-25 days.

Aminalonum (Gammalonum). Contributes to normalization of dynamics of nervous processes in a brain, increases efficiency of thinking, improves memory, has psychology effect.

Route of administration: inside on 0.25-0,5 g 2-4 times a day. Course is 14-28 days.

Rudotelum (Mezapan). It is applied at psychological instability just before competitions, takes out negative emotions, promotes conservation of weight.

Route of administration: 1 tablet of 0.01 g 2-3 times a day. Course of 10-12 days

The drugs influencing rheological properties of a blood and blood flow

The great value in the main period of a training cycle has to be given to a condition of microblood circulation. It is known that with body height of fitness and starting readiness at the athlete viscosity of a blood increases, the number of formulated elements, quantity of erythrocytes is enlarged, the hematocrit raises. For correction of rheological properties of a blood and acceleration of a blood flow the drugs influencing a peripheric circulation can be used.

Trentalum (Pentoksifillin). Strengthens a blood stream, affecting vascular system, reduces viscosity of a blood, oppresses aggregation of thrombocytes.

Route of administration: in 100-200 mg a day. Course is 10-15 days.

Komplamin (Komplamin-retard). Improves a capillary circulation and a delivery of tissues, lowers the level of a fibrinogen and viscosity of a blood.

Route of administration: 1 tablet (150 mg) 3 times a day. Course of 10-20 days. (Komplamin-retard: 1 tablet (500 mg) 1-2 times a day).

Off-season - work on force and weight

Approximate schemes of use of the resolved pharmacological recovery agents during various training periods of a preparatory stage

The volume and power period

Work on force and weight

Duration is 3-4 weeks. It is characterized by system of the preparation (a training, a delivery and so forth) referred on rising of the general muscle bulk, respectively - augmentations of volumes of all muscular groups and power indicators (quantitative changes).

Scheme 1

  • Aerovit
  • Orotat potassium
  • Riboxinum
  • Methionine
  • LIV-52
  • Pantocrinum
  • Stark protein

Scheme 2

  • Kvadevit
  • Riboxinum
  • Methionine
  • Ekdisteron (or LIV-52)
  • Glutaminic acid
  • Naprosinum
  • Folic acid

Scheme 3

  • Kvadevit
  • Riboxinum
  • Alvezin
  • Carnitine
  • Cobamamidum
  • Festalum
  • Vitamin E

Scheme 4

  • Kvadevit
  • Orotat potassium
  • Carnitine
  • Riboxinum
  • Politabs-Sport
  • Cobamamidum

The period of special volume training

Work on weight

Duration is 6-7 weeks. Is in close connection and follows from the volume and power period. It is characterized by further rising of body weight and volume of muscles, however already with emphasis on the muscular groups (quantitative and high-quality functional changes) which are lagging behind in development.

Pharmacological agents need to be applied after a preliminary break in 2-3 weeks upon termination of the volume and power period. Schemes of recovery drugs can be, as in the volume and power period. At the same time the following combinations of drugs are possible:

Scheme 5

  • B1, V6, V12 vitamins
  • Methionine
  • LIV-52 (or Ekdisteron)
  • Trentalum
  • Safinor
  • Ginseng root
  • Stark protein

Scheme 6

  • B1, V6 vitamins
  • Glutaminic acid
  • Fosfaden
  • Safinor
  • Eleuterococcus
  • Nicotinic acid
  • Vitamin E

Scheme 7

  • Kvadevit
  • Orotat of a potassium
  • Riboxinum
  • Alvezin
  • Naprosinum
  • Fosfaden
  • Vitamin E

Volume forming period

Work on the lagging behind muscles

Duration is 4-5 weeks. It is characterized by the training referred on augmentation of volumes of the muscles which are lagging behind in proportional development and emphasis on their formation. Is a transition period to a competitive stage.

As well as in the previous periods, use of the schemes of drugs stated above is possible, but it is possible to use also the following schemes:

Scheme 8

  • B6, B12 vitamin
  • Inosinum (or Riboksin)
  • Aminalonum
  • Alvezin
  • Naprosinum
  • Eleuterococcus
  • Cocarboxylase

Scheme 9

  • B12 vitamin (or Cobamamidum)
  • Lipomidum
  • Aminalonum
  • Fosfaden (or Riboksin)
  • Carnitine
  • Eleuterococcus (to alternate to Pantocrinum)
  • Cocarboxylase

Work on relief "drying"

Forming relief period

Duration is 4-6 weeks. It is characterized by some augmentation of intensity of the training referred on deduction of the reached muscular volumes and partial weight reduction of a body at the expense of fat and water.

Scheme 10

  • Acidum lipoicum (or Lipomidum)
  • Safinor
  • Vitamin C
  • Festalum
  • Essentiale fort
  • Nootropilum
  • Folic acid

Scheme 11

  • RR vitamin
  • Acidum lipoicum
  • Fosfaden
  • Alvezin
  • Politabs-Sport
  • Naprosinum
  • Folic acid

Scheme 12

  • B6 vitamin
  • Glutaminic acid
  • Carnitine
  • Cobamamidum
  • Riboxinum
  • Alvezin

Relief period

Duration is 4-6 weeks. During this period partial weight reduction of a body at the expense of fat and water continues; separation (separation) of muscles and rising of their density.

Scheme 13

  • B15 vitamin
  • Vitamin C
  • Lipomidum (Acidum lipoicum)
  • Phosphene (or Essentiale fort)
  • Mildronat
  • Riboxinum
  • Nootropilum

Scheme 14

  • Acidum lipoicum
  • Alvezin
  • B15 vitamin
  • Essentiale fort
  • Fosfaden
  • Carnitine
  • Trentalum

Scheme 15

  • Cocarboxylase
  • Fosfaden
  • Naprosinum
  • Mildronat
  • Komplamin
  • Safinor
  • Vitamin C

Scheme 16

  • Politabs-Sport (or ginseng)
  • Riboxinum
  • Vitamin B 15
  • Calcium Glycerophosphatum
  • Carnitine
  • Gimmalon (or Aminalonum)

The final period

Duration is 2-4 weeks. It is characterized by the increased intensity of trainings. At this time two times trainings in day can be used.

Scheme 17

  • Vitamin C
  • Lipomidum
  • Mildronat
  • Cytochrome C
  • Fosfaden (or Riboksin)
  • Nootropilum

Scheme 18

  • Inosinum (or fosfaden, Riboksin)
  • Mildronat
  • Succinic acid
  • Pantocrinum
  • Rudotal
  • Trentalum

Scheme 19

  • Cocarboxylase
  • Succinic acid
  • Riboxinum
  • Mildronat
  • Eleuterococcus
  • Nootropilum (Rudotal)

Scheme 20

  • Calcium Glycerophosphatum
  • Cytochrome With (Tsitomak)
  • Politabs-Sport
  • Naprosinum
  • Ginseng
  • Aminalonum

Approximate schemes of use of drugs for transitional stage

The period of a light volume training

Duration is 2-3 weeks. 3 times a week are characterized by depression of intensity of a training with frequency. After a competitive stage it is referred on maintenance of the athlete and conservation of muscle bulk.

Scheme 21

  • Karsil (Legalonum)
  • B1, V6, V12 vitamin
  • Safinor
  • Trentalum

Scheme 22

  • Karsil (Legalonum)
  • Vitamin C
  • Folic acid
  • Calcium Glycerophosphatum
  • Kamplamin

Scheme 23

  • Safinor
  • Cobamamidum
  • Folic acid
  • Ginseng
  • Karsil

Period of active recreation

Duration is 2-3 weeks. It is characterized by sharp depression of all types of a power load, up to their complete elimination. It is useful to switch during this period to other sports and outdoor games of an aerobic orientation (swimming, the bicycle, skis, run, etc., and also volleyball, soccer, basketball and so forth). During the specified period it is necessary to exclude completely drugs to give to an organism the chance to be restored and have a rest from a pharmacological load.

Amino acids of free forms - schemes of reception the special place among recovery pharmacological agents occupy Now amino acids of free forms: Arginine, Histidinum, Lysine, Cysteinum, Triptofen, Leytsin, Izoleytsin, Valin, Glitsin, Ornitin, etc. It is bound to the fact that a series of amino acids of free forms has property to stimulate release of hormones, in particular body height hormone (somatotropic hormone) and other hormones. Stimulation of own hormones leads to potent intensifying of anabolic processes and, as a result, to ascending of muscle bulk and force of muscles. They can be accepted together with the above-stated drugs or independently during various periods of training of the athlete.

Schemes of use (combination) of amino acids of free forms:

SCHEME 1. 1,2 g of a lysine, 1,2 g of an arginine, 0,9 g of an ornithine. To accept next the heart at once after the training or before going to bed.

SCHEME 2. 1-4 g of Leucinum, 1-4 g of isoleucinum, 1-4 g of valine, 100 mg of B6 vitamin. To apply in 30 minutes prior to a training, and also in 30-60 minutes after it.

SCHEME 3. 1 g of an arginine, 1 g of an ornithine, 4 g of glycine. Reception for the night, before going to bed.

SCHEME 4. 1,5 g of an ornithine, 3 g of glycine, 0,5 g of a tryptophan, 100 mg of B6 vitamin, 250 mg of RR vitamin. To accept before going to bed, on an empty stomach.

SCHEME 5. 2,2 g of an arginine, 1 g of an ornithine, 1 g of a tryptophan, 1 ãð. glycine, 250 mg of B6 vitamin, 250 mg of RR vitamin. To accept before going to bed, on an empty stomach.

SCHEME of 6.1,5 g of an ornithine, 2 g of Thyrosinum, 1 g of an arginine, 1 g of vitamin C, 200 mg of B6 vitamin. To accept in the morning, on an empty stomach.

ATTENTION: selection of pharmacological drugs has to be strictly individual for each athlete and be defined by the doctor. Randomness of reception by the athlete of drugs has to be excluded.

References are intended to generally rather well trained athletes (fitness, bodybuilding) with an experience of occupations not less than 1-2 years.

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