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Buy Noopept online - Nuclear tests help to investigate the human brain

02 Mar 2017

Most people still believe - the nerve cells do not regenerate, but recent studies show that neurons regenerate, just not as fast as we would like.

For the first time, scientists have started talking about the reproduction of nerve cells after the Swedes carried out in 1998, the year of studies using a special marker substance, which marks newly formed cells. During the survey it was found that new neurons appear in the hippocampus - a brain region important for memory and learning. Further experiments were carried out with the marker is not, as it turned out, that the material is quite toxic and may contribute to the formation of mutations.

An unexpected solution to the problem found Kirsty Spalding and her colleagues at the Karolinska Institute (Sweden) as a marker for which could be found during the formation of the neuron, it is proposed to use the levels of the radioactive isotope carbon-14 in the cells. The fact is that because of the US and USSR nuclear tests between 1945 and 1963rd years, there was a powerful emission of carbon-14, which is reflected in the cellular structure of living organisms on the earth. When cell division is used atmospheric carbon, so the neurons appeared in the midst of the "cold war", will inevitably have to bear the imprint of nuclear tests. isotope decay period of a thousand years, and that its concentration allows scientists to determine when there was one or another organic molecule.

Spaulding and other researchers has developed a model for calculating the ratio between carbon-14 and "normal" carbon-12, and further experiments with brain tissue of 55 dead volunteers (during the life they have signed an agreement on the use of their brain after death for scientific purposes) proved: in the hippocampus is born about 700 new neurons per day, indicating that the update 1.75% of brain cells each year.

Buy Noopept online action mechanism is aimed at all the main memory cells - primary processing, storage and retrieval of information. But do not be surprised if the doctor will prescribe Noopept someone from your family: the drug helps improve brain function due to deterioration of blood supply in the elderly, as well as cope with the effects of traumatic brain injury and stroke, asthenic disorders and autonomic disorders.


Painkiller Medicine - Next

02 Mar 2017

Interesting facts about pain

Pain can be characterized in various ways. It aches, pricks, pierces, crushes, cuts, drills, crazy. But it is not without pain and life. Remember the old anecdote: if you woke up in the morning, and you have no pain, you're dead.

painkiller medicine

Below are some interesting facts about pain:

Scientists estimate that each person experiences on a daily basis more than one hundred pain, just the consciousness records, not all of them. In the horns of the spinal cord back there accumulation of inhibitory neurons, preventing the passage of pain impulses. If the stream of pulses exceeds a physiological level (the same "pain threshold"), the signal is passed on and transferred to the centers of pain sensitivity in the thalamus and cerebral cortex, which also leads to the formation of conscious perception of pain. At the same time, in our nervous system functioning system of suppression of pain, so pain sensation disappears quickly with little damage.

Not all people are able to feel pain. In the medical literature, several hundred such cases. But do not envy them. No pain (aponia) - this is a rare disease, it is the disease may be inherited or arise from severe trauma. People who do not have the feeling of pain, unable to timely avoid exposure damaging factor and may be a victim of chance, although the constant use precautions. They are sick and injured more often than other people, their protection system is only limited immunity from the outside world, and behavioral protection, which is formed in the child from the first days of life, they do not.

Despite the fact that the brain receives pain signals from all parts of the body, he can not feel it, as totally devoid of pain receptors.

Psychogenic pain is a common symptom of depression. For example, a person may feel that he had a sore heart, head or stomach, but on examination it did not find any disease. 68% of people suffering from psychogenic pain, begin to experience pain in the middle or towards the end of the day, and 19% - in the early morning. And get rid of this pain is not easy - the usual analgesics are usually not enough. But psychiatric drugs are not only able to improve the mental state, but also to cope with the pain.
Phantom pain - one of the most difficult to understand pain syndromes. They arise after the amputation, to have no end. The percentage of people suffering from phantom pain after amputation, is quite high: 72% of amputees have phantom pain occurred in the first 8 days after the operation, 60% of the amputee continues to complain about them, and after 7 years. However, the pain attacks become less over time. By the nature of phantom pain is described as burning, scorching like a shock, which reduce or grits. They were first described in 1552 Ambroise Pare. Understanding the mechanisms of phantom pain is constantly transformed and there is still no consensus on this matter.
Women have a higher pain threshold than men. This is due to the fact that estrogen - female sex hormones, have a natural analgesic effect. In men, the same for the suppression of pain meets the stress hormone - adrenaline. That is why, while in extreme conditions, man is able to receive, for example, in the fight, fatal injury, but to continue to fight. However, in civilian life, he can be quite painful to respond even innocent ukolchik.
It turns out, you can feel the pain of others. However, this does not guarantee that you will be able to alleviate it. For example, you can feel the same pain felt by another person, albeit in mirror image. This is due to the fact that "pain center" treats a visual signal and projects it on your body. This is called the phenomenon of empathy, and only people can experience it.
There are several products that can trigger the occurrence of pain. For example, cheese, chocolate, tea, coffee, red wine can cause a migraine attack. At the same time, some of the products, on the contrary, may reduce pain. For example, ginger, fish high in fatty acids, rose hips, turmeric, onion and garlic.
Get rid of chronic pain sometimes help gems. There is even a technique called lithotherapy (from the Latin litas - stone). Of course, therapy plays a significant role. However, it is believed that topaz and malachite help reduce joint pain, sapphire and amber -Head pain, emerald -Over the heart and ease the hangover help with amethyst decoration.

Nest is modern combined preparation of fast action
NEXT is designed specifically for those whose lives have no place of pain. Although the cause of the pain can be very different, it is always out of place, NEXT helps to forget about the pain.

The pain - a feeling that is experienced each. She may be surprised or annoyed for a long time. Headache or muscle, joint pain or back pain, toothache or headache - it can be quite different. The main thing in the history of the pain - it prevents to live life to the fullest. And the basic desire for any pain - as soon as possible to get rid of it.

OTC Pain Killer NEXT has 2 analgesic component – for fast action.


Glycine Watches Maturity of Life and Prepare for Healthy Aging

02 Mar 2017

Irritability, poor memory, insomnia, increased anxiety - often accompanies old age. These symptoms are the result of poor circulation in the brain, changes in the capillaries, causing the brain suffers from a lack of energy and accumulated toxins. But the symptoms of the cerebral circulation only reflect the problems of the whole organism: just neurons more sensitive to lack of oxygen, and the problem of brain activity will become visible.

How to improve the blood circulation after 60 years

To do well in the blood capillaries and larger vessels, they should be well passable. One of the factors of circulatory disorders is atherosclerosis - narrowing of the blood vessels under the influence of improper fat metabolism, the formation of cholesterol plaques. In order to control this process, doctors prescribe statins - drugs that prevent atherosclerotic plaques grow and collapse.

In old age and other possible prevention of heart disease and microvasculature. Regular physical activity helps to maintain heart muscle and blood vessels in good condition, since they are all the time engaged in active work. Recent studies of aging found that endurance is directly related to the duration of the life of the cell. Regular physical activity increases the length of the telomeres of the chromosomes, and the longer the telomere, the longer cell lives. Along with training appropriate to apply the hardening elements: dousing legs and hands with water from +18 and +10 ° C, sunbathing at temperatures from +10 to +30. Hardening for elderly people must pass gently: exposure duration of cold water must begin with 30 seconds and no longer than 3 minutes, and sunbathing at a temperature below 20 ° C starting with 30 seconds at a temperature above 20 ° C can be started from 3 minutes and bring them up to a half hour duration. Too cold water for douches, an overabundance of sunlight can lead to a sharp jump in blood pressure.

The value of the amino acids for healthy aging

The components of proteins - amino acids - are the main building blocks of the body. And although the growth process ends later 20 years, until his death on a daily basis involves many processes for the resumption of biological functions. Therefore, a regular flow of amino acids to the diet helps maintain the health of the body at the cellular level. In order to ensure active exchange of amino acids essential vitamins and minerals, so after 40 years doctors prescribe reception complex vitamin and mineral preparations at least twice a year.

Age-related changes in the blood vessels reduce the effectiveness of blood circulation and eventually the brain begins to suffer from lack of energy. This is manifested by symptoms such as irritability, dysphoria, inattention, forgetfulness, difficulty of perception of new information, etc. The primary amino acid that protects neurons when operating under adverse conditions - glycine. It is normally produced by the brain cells with age but it slows down production, while the daily requirement for glycine is growing. You can buy Glycine.

Improve the nutrition of brain cells helps the regular intake of the amino acid glycine watches in a formulation. Glycine watches activates oxidative processes in neurons and helps maintain their vital functions even under conditions of oxygen deficiency. When there is insufficient cerebral blood flow is becoming an important factor which inhibits the brain aging process.


Glutamic acid, Cystine, Glycine supplement from tachycardia

02 Mar 2017

To what doctor to go with tachycardia and chest pain

Palpitations and pain in the heart is not a joke to scare you, and you have decided to engage seriously in his health? It is advisable to consult a doctor and make sure that your life is not in danger, and frightening symptoms - it's just fatigue or IRR. In fact, to go to the doctors you once: you want to immediately know, to what expert, without losing time to write and stage.

Well, if you have the desire to seek the truth on their own, the situation is really not so serious.

When in cardiac symptoms need immediate medical attention?

Pressing, burning pain behind the breastbone

Pain in the heart and a headache at the same time

Pain in the heart, fainting / dizziness and weakness

Pain under the shoulder blade, pain in the left arm and deterioration of health

Interruptions in the work of the heart and dizziness / headache

Chest pain and difficulty inhaling

This is a list of the main symptoms, which usually indicates that the life is in danger, developing myocardial infarction or stroke, and requires emergency cardiac care. Self-medication and the delay in this case is a direct threat of life. An urgent need to call an ambulance.

Who put the diagnosis of heart palpitations?

Tachycardia - a symptom that may indicate a violation of the cardiovascular, nervous and endocrine system, can talk about the pathology of internal organs, infectious disease or have a psychogenic origin. Thus discomfort in the heart region may be expressed to varying degrees. This is a fairly common symptom, as any material breach of health status will affect the circulation.

Choose a specialist to be addressed with tachycardia, can be on the accompanying signs:

Tachycardia in infection coincides with periods of temperature increase

Heart palpitations with endocrine disorders usually have a permanent character, it may be accompanied by rapid weight loss and increased appetite

Acute condition requiring surgical care and causing tachycardia, usually associated with bleeding (public or internal) and is accompanied by pain at the site of damage, a sharp decrease in pressure, pallor, loss of consciousness

Attacks of tachycardia, accompanied by numbness of hands, unpleasant sensations in the heart, sweating and dry mouth are usually with vascular dystonia and are symptoms of a panic attack.

If you VVD, treatment can deal with both a cardiologist and a neurologist. Therefore, if you do not require emergency medical care, then you have a choice. The decision to consult another specialist will have to take the doctor to whom you refer.

Drug treatment of vascular dystonia is taking drugs that restore the balance in the regulation of autonomic functions. The most effective cure for attacks of tachycardia when the IRR is Eltacin. This drug, which is made up of amino acids, natural to the human body. Glycine, glutamic acid, cystine regulate the processes of energy formation in cells of the heart and the nervous system, help in time to deduce toxic substances.


Next – OTC Pain killer

01 Mar 2017

What is known about the science of pain

Scientists can not explain what a pain
When you feel pain - you know exactly what it is. But if scientists are completely understand the mechanisms of action of pain - they could more effectively fight it. Pain is defined as "a kind of unpleasant sensation, and reaction to this feeling." Sometimes it is caused visible damage, sometimes it is caused by nerves that are not so easy to locate. The pain is too complex and create a precise definition is impossible. This is more than passing signal from the nerve. Pain encompasses a complex of emotions, cultural facilities, experience, spirit and sensation.

OTC pain killer

Chronic pain reduces the brain
If you are experiencing chronic pain, you probably know how hard its impact physically and mentally. It can restrict your actions, and cause irritation for reasons absolutely understandable to others. But this is only part of the effect. People with chronic back pain have brains 11% smaller than healthy. This fact was announced by scientists after research in 2004. Why is it so - is unknown. Perhaps this is due to constant stress. You can also like Ladasten.

Migraine related to sex
Of course, the phrase "my dear, I have a headache today," it does not cancel, but in 2006 scientists proved that sexual desire people suffering from migraines, 20% more than those who suffer from headaches due to pressure . Scientists suggest that sexual desire and migraine may be influenced by the same substance in the brain. This could potentially lead to improved treatment, at least that part of the connection, which concerns pain. 

Women feel more pain
Any man who has seen childbirth without anesthesia, may swear that women are able to withstand anything. The truth is that in fact women feel such pain that men can not and submit. Women have more nerve receptors, than in men. On a square centimeter of skin in women account for 34 nerve fiber, while the male only 17. According to a study of 2005 women feel more pain for life, in more places and for more time than men.

Some animals do not feel pain
Research animals may well shed light on the pain experienced by a person and give tips how to get rid of it. Here, for example, naked mole rat (Heterocephalus glaber). This bald and almost completely blind subterranean dweller does not feel pain from acid and hot pepper. If researchers can establish why, they can develop effective painkillers that work for people in similar situations. But lobsters feel no pain at all. Even when they are cooked. They have become one exception among the animals after a study conducted in 2005 year.

OTC Pain Killer NEXT has 2 analgesic component - fast action.


Noopept Nootrop Supplement

01 Mar 2017


Noopept dosage

The range of conditions in which there are violations of basic cognitive functions (attention, memory, the ability to analyze the situation and decision-making, spatial orientation) is very broad. It includes cognitive deficits in stroke and chronic cerebrovascular disease, brain injury, cerebral lesions of various chronic neurodegenerative nature neuroinfections, posthypoxic encephalopathy, chronic alcoholism, mental retardation in children. The prevalence of cognitive pathology, as well as the diversity of its individual manifestations in different people dictate the need to expand the arsenal of substances, normalizes impaired cognitive function. Lack of mnemonic functions that occurs on a background of neurotrauma, stroke, senile vascular disorders and neurodegenerative nature occurs on the background of pronounced structural changes in the brain tissue. For the treatment of these conditions it is advisable to use products that combine with neuroprotective nootropic activity. However, most of neuroprotective substances currently used in medical practice (antioxidants, calcium channel antagonists), devoid of a direct positive effect on mnemonic function. Cerebral vasodilators, which are also widely used, cause the effect of "robbing" brain tissue expressed by general hemodynamic changes, which may lead to a deterioration of cognitive activity, especially in the elderly.

Noopept - innovative drug dipeptide structure, with extensive nootropic and neuroprotective properties.


Absorption occurs within the gastrointestinal tract unaltered Noopept enters the systemic circulation. Noopept penetrates the blood-brain barrier and into the brain is determined in large concentrations than in the blood. Time to maximum concentration is on average 15 minutes. The half-life of plasma - 0.38 hr.

The major metabolite is Noopept cyclo-prolyl-glycine, which is identical with the endogenous cyclic dipeptide nootropic activity. The drug is partially retained in unchanged form, partially metabolized with the formation of phenylacetic acid, phenyl-acetyl-proline and cyclo-prolyl-glycine. It has a high relative bioavailability (99.7%). Renal excretion produced mainly in the form of its metabolite - phenylacetic acid.

The main effect Noopept established in clinical trials

Nootropic (improves cognitive function);

Anxiolytic (reduces anxiety and irritability);

Vegetative-tropic (including, and normalization of sleep);


Nootropic Action


effect on specific binding sites in the cerebral cortex

the formation of cyclo-prolyl-glycine is similar in structure to endogenous cyclic dipeptide possessing antiamnestic activity

the presence of choline positive action

increase in brain concentrations of neurotrophic factors (NGF, BDNF)

Therapeutic effect:

improves memory, operating at all phases: the initial information processing, storage and playback

It helps to restore memory and other cognitive functions, disturbed as a result of damaging effects (neurotrauma, local or global ischemia)

It facilitates learning processes, improves concentration, stimulates intellectual activity


Mechanism of Noopept supplement:

the weakening of the neurotoxic effect of glutamate

opposition to the accumulation of intracellular calcium

reduce the formation of free radicals

It possesses anti-inflammatory activity. Therapeutic effect:

increases the resistance of brain tissue to damaging influences (neurotrauma, hypoxia, electroconvulsive, toxic)

weakens the degree of damage to the neurons in the brain


Nootropic - impact on the ability to learn; Memory (acting on all phases: initial processing of information, consolidation and retrieval); facilitation of synaptic transmission at the level of the cerebral cortex

Antiamnestic neuroprotective - improving the stability of brain tissue to damaging influences

Anxiolytic - reducing feelings of anxiety, emotional tension)


The antithrombotic (anticoagulant effect without having an antiplatelet action).


Violations of memory, attention and other cognitive functions, and emotionally labile disorder (including elderly patients) when:

consequences of traumatic brain injury

commotion syndrome

cerebral vascular disease (encephalopathy different genesis)

asthenic disorders

other conditions with symptoms of decline of intellectual activity


Noopept applied inside after eating. Treatment starts with the drug in a dose of 20 mg, 10 mg distributed into two doses during the day (morning and afternoon). In case of insufficient efficacy and good tolerability of the drug dose Noopept increased to 30 mg, 10 mg distributed on three stages throughout the day. Like most nootropics, it is not recommended to take Noopept later than 18 hours. The duration of a course of treatment is 1.5 - 3 months. Repeated treatment may be carried out after 1 month if necessary.


Pregnancy, lactation. Age up to 18 years. Individual intolerance to the drug. Expressed human liver and kidneys.


Not applicable Noopept interaction with alcohol, drugs and antihypertensive drugs and drugs stimulating effect.


Innovative nootrop of peptide structure:

- For the first time high resistance to intestinal neuropeptide preparation of enzymes and possibility of oral

- In the body forms an active metabolite that is identical to the endogenous dipeptide with nootropic activity

- Metabolized, bypassing the liver, with the formation of endogenous metabolites

- Very low effective doses (20 mg / day)

A wide range of therapeutic action: nootropic, neuroprotective, anxiolytic, vegetative stabilizing and others.

The effectiveness of piracetam Noopept exceeds that found in clinical studies in patients with vascular cognitive impairment and post-traumatic genesis

It has a more pronounced compared with piracetam, vegetative-stabilizing, anti-asthenic, anti-anxiety effects and helps normalize sleep

The favorable safety: the incidence of side effects when taking Noopept twice lower than when receiving piracetam.


Actovegin tablets - Instructions for Use, Dosage, Side Effects, Reviews

01 Mar 2017

Synonyms: Solcoseryl

Active substance: Deproteinized hemo-derivated of calf blood

ATC - B06AB Other hematological agents.

Pharmacological group - Antihypoxants and antioxidants; Angioprotectors and proofreaders microcirculation; Regenerants and reparants.

Nosological classification (ICD–10)

I25.2 Transferred last myocardial infarction;

I63 Cerebral infarction;

I67.9 Cerebrovascular disease, unspecified;

Effects of cerebrovascular diseases;

I73.9 peripheral vascular disease, unspecified;

I79.2 Peripheral angiopathy in diseases classified elsewhere;

I87.2 Venous insufficiency (chronic) (peripheral);

I99 Other and unspecified disorders of the circulatory system;

L58 radiation dermatitis radiation;

L89 Decubital ulcer;

L98.4.2 * skin trophic ulcer;

S06 intracranial injury;

T14.1 Open wound of unspecified body region;

T30 Burns and corrosions of unspecified site;

T79.3 Post-traumatic wound infection, not elsewhere classified.

Actovegin Composition, structure and packing

Coated tablets greenish-yellow, round, brilliant.

Actovegin Pharmacological action

Antihypoxant represents Hema-derivated which is prepared by dialysis and ultrafiltration (permeate compounds with a molecular weight less than 5000 daltons).

Increases deposit of glucose by cells, increases oxygen consumption increases oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, thereby increasing the level of ATP and normalizing metabolism and the energy balance of the cells in tissues.

Actovegin increases the concentration of ATP, ADP, phosphocreatine, and amino acids (glutamate, aspartate) and GABA.

Effect of the drug Actovegin on the assimilation and utilization of oxygen, as well as insulin-like activity with the stimulation of glucose transport and oxidation are important in the treatment of diabetic polyneuropathy.

Patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic polyneuropathy Actovegin significantly reduces symptoms of polyneuropathy (stabbing pain, burning sensation, paresthesia, numbness of limbs). Objectively reduced sensitivity disorders, improves mental well-being of patients.

Actovegin effect begins to appear no later than 30 minutes after ingestion, and reaches a maximum on average after 3 hours (2–6 hours).


Through pharmacokinetic study the possible methods pharmacokinetic characteristics (absorption, distribution, elimination) of the active drug components Actovegin because it consists only of physiological components which are normally present in the body.

Hitherto not found Hemoderivated reduce pharmacological efficacy in patients with altered pharmacokinetics (including with hepatic or renal failure , metabolic changes associated with advanced age, due to the peculiarities of metabolism in newborns).

Actovegin Dosage

Assign inside of 1–2 tab. 3 times/day before meal. Do not chew the pill, washed down with a little water. Duration of treatment is 4–6 weeks.

In diabetic polyneuropathy Actovegin introduced in/2000 mg/day for 3 weeks followed by a transition to the drug in tablet form - 2–3 tablets. 3 times/day for at least 4–5 months.

Actovegin at Pregnancy and lactation

With careful use of medication during pregnancy and lactation.

Actovegin Side effects

Allergic reactions: urticaria, edema, drug fever.

Actovegin Indications

In the complex treatment of metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (the various forms of cerebrovascular insufficiency, dementia, traumatic brain injury);

Peripheral (arterial and venous) vascular disorders and their consequences (angiopathy, trophic ulcers );

Diabetic polyneuropathy.

Actovegin Contraindications

Hypersensitivity to the drug or similar drugs.

Precautions should be prescribed the drug for heart failure stage II-III, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria, overhydration, during pregnancy and lactation.

Actovegin Cautions

With the development of allergic reactions should discontinue receiving Actovegin. If necessary, a standard therapy of allergic reactions (antihistamines and/or corticosteroids).

Actovegin Reviews

Anne, 31 years, With drug Actovegin I met at the last stage of pregnancy, when giving birth to was still two months. Doctor on US defined premature aging of the first degree of the placenta and my precinct appointed me Actovegin tablets, explained that it is necessary to drink them to improve the supply of oxygen to the child that he is bad, do not have enough oxygen.

I was upset, it is not enough oxygen? Even if the doctor and was wrong, I still went to the pharmacy for pills. What I did not expect to hear it because the price of 300 USD. Nothing can be done, either in my place would have been their drink, suddenly they really need and will help the child. The other girls, I heard, put a dropper with Actovegin in day care, and the drip too much cost, one pregnant even told me that she felt worse after a few droppers, which is very strange, something is wrong here.

I'm cutting tablets Actovegin course, I will not say that I have something changed in my well-being, rather, that the saw that there was no - the same way. I hope only that helped the child, and in no way to check. Is that the baby was born healthy, everything was normal, without deviation, but whether there is merit in this Actovegin I could not understand.

Samanta 28 years, Apparently surge two months ago began to hurt my eyes, there were problems with the perception of information on the monitor. From time to time there is a feeling that the things for which I look, swim towards them and I essentially do not see, although they should have been in my field of vision. The doctor has appointed single intravenous injection of the drug Actovegin together with saline. The whole course of treatment was 10 droppers. Throughout the treatment of any adverse effects of the drug experienced.

By the end of the treatment felt that my sight is restored, interference in the form of floating in the eyes of broken lines are gone, the book is well defined lines of text, the letters are clearly visible. We can conclude that Actovegin effective drug. Its major drawback, in my opinion, is the high cost. Typically, for a complete deliverance from disease requires multiple courses of treatment, and with high prices for the drug to get the required number of courses is not possible for our needy patients.


How do the different means of a hangover

01 Mar 2017

There are several popular ways to reduce the rate of intoxication and prevent hangovers. The most effective of them - do not drink more than the daily norm. Yet most would like to drink a lot and get drunk slowly in the morning and feel good. How do the most famous and sobering antitoxic methods, and which one is more effective?


Activated carbon

Activated carbon - a popular drug to fight alcohol intoxication. Its operating principle is that it is able to remove toxins that are in the digestive tract, since they can absorb. Activated charcoal is not absorbed and completely eliminated through the intestines, taking with them their luggage. You can drink a few charcoal tablets immediately before the meal, or during the use of alcoholic beverages. While alcohol is still in the stomach, it may be partially withdrawn from coal, all depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. However, treated with activated charcoal hangover ineffective: in this case the main amount of poisons found in the blood and tissues.

Cold shower

The invigorating effect of a cold shower is due to activation of recovery system, peripheral vasoconstriction and blood flow to the brain and heart. This enhances metabolic activity and oxidized products are neutralized faster. Nevertheless, the speed of this process is determined by the capabilities of the organism, which is already weakened by alcohol.

Brine hangover

This is a classic remedy that works on a simple principle: restores the normal balance of electrolytes in the body. Alcohol dehydrates and promotes excretion of salts in the urine. The brine contains dissolved salts of potassium, sodium and magnesium, and its use helps improve overall. With the same success it is possible to drink mineral water with a high content of the desired ions. But not restore electrolytes reduces the amount of alcohol in the body of the toxin.

Lemon juice

Often, to reduce the intensity of intoxication, when the day before it was drunk a lot, but also to relieve hangover apply lemon juice diluted with boiled water. Its main ingredient - citric acid, which activates the Krebs cycle and cellular respiration. As a result, cells receive more oxygen and increases the metabolic rate, which helps the body to oxidize the remaining alcohol in the blood and to withdraw its decay products. In addition, juice quenches thirst and eases symptoms of dehydration. Additionally, lemons contain vitamin C, and many other trace elements, the lack of which is felt acutely during a hangover due to the diuretic effect of alcohol. You can try Bonothyrk.

Succinic acid

Succinic acid - also a participant in the Krebs cycle. The use of succinic acid helps to activate the metabolism and helps to neutralize the oxidized product of the disintegration of alcohol - acetaldehyde - directly in the cells. Therefore, succinic acid helps a hangover quickly and efficiently. It allows cells to get rid of toxins and produce energy. If succinic acid is used together with citric acid, the recovery rate is increased, as the citric acid takes some of the work themselves. Today, one of the most effective remedies for a hangover is Limontar - a drug that contains a succinic and citric acids in the correct proportions. Limontar easy to use and safe, therefore it is recommended for self-treatment of a hangover.


Next – pain killer

01 Mar 2017

Sudden pain - a reason to seek emergency medical attention

Sooner or later, but the pain faced by any person. Discomfort may be weak and insignificant, but can also be an indication of chronic disease. Only by knowing the cause of the pain, you can fix it. Meanwhile, doctors have compiled a list of potential causes of sudden pain.

pain killer

It is noted that muscle pain is most often associated with stretching or muscle damage during exercise or heavy physical activity. In that case, if the pain in the neck and back limbs numb or burning is felt, it is an occasion to address urgently to the doctor for an examination. Frequent headaches at night, which in this case accompanied by excessive sweating, can testify to infectious diseases. Headaches accompanied by blurred vision or vomiting, require emergency medical care.

Sudden pain in the back may indicate the development of serious diseases of the spine, especially for people in adulthood.

Although men aged 20-50 years often feel a sense of fighting back after waking up, regular exercise helps to quickly deal with this. However, for acute back pain after a 50-year-old should immediately seek medical care.

Regarding osteoarthritis manifested in middle age and resulting from aging and "wear and tear" of the joints, it may also be a source of pain, especially in the early morning. Psoriatic arthritis is the cause of pain in the arms and legs and spine.

Nest is modern combined preparation of fast action

The pain - a feeling that is experienced each. She may be surprised or annoyed for a long time. Headache or muscle, joint pain or back pain, toothache or headache - it can be quite different. The main thing in the history of the pain - it prevents to live life to the fullest. And the basic desire for any pain - as soon as possible to get rid of it.

NEXT is designed specifically for those whose lives have no place of pain. Although the cause of the pain can be very different, it is always out of place, NEXT helps to forget about the pain.

OTC Pain Killer NEXT has 2 analgesic component - fast action.


Pain killer Tablets - Next

01 Mar 2017

False negative impact on human health, causing headaches and other ailments

French scientists have determined that any misrepresentation, false negative effect on the body, impairing the well-being as a whole, often causing headaches.

pain killer tablets

The experiment involved 110 people, age of participants was completely different from 18 years to 71 years. Studies have shown that people who resort to lies in rare cases, feel much better than those participants who lied a lot. The use of lies makes people a headache, sore throat. Scientist of Notre Dame Research Center states that people resorted to lies, on average 11 times a week.

One group of subjects was given the task: the maximum tell the truth. GGruppa reduced frequency lie 3 times. At the same time decreased the number of complaints of altered mental status, as well as physical problems.

Participants in the study admitted that they had enough to stop lying about being late for work, failures in the work, but many could not stop to embellish their achievements at the professional and personal arena.

Nest is modern combined preparation of fast action
NEXT is designed specifically for those whose lives have no place of pain. Although the cause of the pain can be very different, it is always out of place, NEXT helps to forget about the pain.

The pain - a feeling that is experienced each. She may be surprised or annoyed for a long time. Headache or muscle, joint pain or back pain, toothache or headache - it can be quite different. The main thing in the history of the pain - it prevents to live life to the fullest. And the basic desire for any pain - as soon as possible to get rid of it.

OTC Pain Killer NEXT has 2 analgesic component - fast action.

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