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Mildronate Injections. This "doping" is very helpful to my eyes

04 Jun 2016

Pros of Meldonium: really helps

I ordered this drug in web-site. Yesterday I got a call and I was told that it was brought. So, this medicine is called "Mildronate" or Meldonium. I prescribed it by my ophthalmologist, when I got my first diagnosed "macular degeneration".

It's a disease of the eye when the central vision affected due to disease and vascular ischemia (malnutrition). Basically, they get sick after 50 years, the disease is incurable, but if not treated, is very high probability of total blindness.

If treated well, you can live with normal vision to a ripe old age. Treatment is this twice a year to do intramuscular injections of 10 "Mildronate" and guzzle at least once a year, a complex of vitamins for the eyes (lutein forte).

At the suggestion of "Uncle Sam" preparation "Mildronate" announced to be doping since January 1, 2016. Now there is a lot of talk about it in the press and on television. And it turns out, I have been taking doping for five years, which marvelous helps me, over the years my macular degeneration does not progress, I hope to continue to be so.

Now I talk a little about the preparation "Mildronate injections". Mildronate is in the form of capsules to be swallowed, but I use the ones that can be shotted either intravenously or intramuscularly.

Please note that here is a blue dot on each via. This place is easy to break off the top of the ampoule of Mildronate. This information is needed by those who he makes shots like me.

What is "Mildronate" (Meldonium)? This medicine developed in the USSR in Latvia in 1976. In Russia, it is included in the list of essential medicines.

If the human body has some cells (for example, heart or eyes) suffering from hypoxia (oxygen deprivation) or ischemia, the "Mildronate" normalizes the energy metabolism of the cells.

When I take the course of this medication, I notice that I am less concerned about the heart, in fact, slightly increased vitality.

I consider "Mildronate" as very useful and necessary medicine.


Riboxin: Tablets for heart, heart is a muscle too!

04 Jun 2016

Like many athletes, who have long been engaged in weightlifting, not by hearsay I know the problem of "stagnation." This is where doing, doing and doing, and there is no effect at all. Muscles do not grow more than - they came to their limits, a limited age level, physiology, or simply are any factors (insomnia, stress, fig or regular meals), stop the growth. (Often this is all in place).

Well. What makes an ordinary athlete, desperately looking at himself in the mirror after 3-4 hours of brutal workouts? Particularly, when magnificently prosperous industry of anabolic agents ... and nothing fearful in advertising of steroids ... Yes, there is, unfortunately, only two alternatives: either to give up for a while, so that the body rested - stepped over ages and other limits itself, (a then can do in the gym will not pull so "extinguished" many talented newcomers); or start using drugs, pushing metabolism in the cells ... Much to my regret, most athletes choose the most effective, but very dangerous to health way start taking anabolic steroids.

Oh, this is a huge topic, about which we can argue for hours. One day, and I'm having a fleeting desire to get out from under the floors (and on the other will not work in Russia) something of such things, but I restrained myself. With such desire faces almost every athlete. I was out of trouble, by the film about steroids. Quite old, in film the greats say what did chemistry to them... Arnold Schwarzenegger, who became an icon of all athletes and the number 1, with 7 times in a row - paid for it with his health.

One thing I can say for sure, that is growing from chemistry - it's not a muscle. Plasticine. It is a poor quality crude product of rapid growth. Once the steroids are thrown, the whole muscle mass gained by them, in the best case it will be burn, at worst it will turn into a monstrous fat folds, and then, if you will live up to this ... Chemistry - is not healthy, only a temporary and expensive window dressing.

Well, what about those who do not want to wait for half a year, in breaks between training cycles? Often these interruptions ruin desire of beginners, because they get used to that first year, they grow fast just eating a pea soup. But then ... the cells will need a "kick". Here pharmaceutical drugs come to the aid. They have little to do with chemical anabolic steroids, although also perfectly disperse metabolism in the cells, causing them to grow and divide to form muscle.

One of these drugs is Riboxin (Inosine).

This great doping is nothing but a precursor of ATP acid (athletes know what I mean), - nucleoside. It stimulates the redox processes in the cell. Riboxin can improve the balance of the myocardium and coronary circulation. In this regard, it is used in cardiac ischemia (in myocardial and coronary insufficiency), failures of rhythm, as drug-induced, and of course, with heavy physical loads (our case), or after a disease with impaired thyroid. Though Riboxin was designed to protect and improve the functioning of the heart, as it helps people with diseased liver (cirrhosis, acute chronic hepatitis) and improves liver function. Without having contraindications and from side effects, there is only very fast passing light skin reactions, with a sensitivity to the components (in my memory has not been a single case). It eliminates the abolition of taking Riboxin.

Riboxinum used, according to the activity. Personally, I have long been accustomed to drink a tablet before the morning run, to start the engine, - "lubricate it" the day before the exercise. And one more - in the evening - to spur "falling asleep" muscles at night. The drug is harmless, but in a preventive dose (0.4- 0.6 mg.) And every one will only have benefit, especially in the current environment. Conveniently divided into cells according to tablets 0.2gr. One should take it before a meal, with the dosage according to needs or problems.

The package of Riboxin is 50 tablets(Enough for a month) and there is a detailed, clear and precise instructions.

The effect will be noticeable within a 1.5 - 2 weeks of application. You will see the effect of "inflation" after the training, redness working muscles (it restored normal blood supply, and hence the flow of nutrients to the cells.), And a month and a half, you did notice the slight increase in muscle mass. Of course, this is not Methane or Retobolil – you will not inflate right away. But why ruin the health for the sake of showing off?

By the way, I recommend Riboxin not only to athletes with experience, - especially for beginners, those who neglect to aerobics exercise, wanting to reduce the time-too decently thrown the heart, exposing it to sudden load. Riboxin help to avoid unnecessary problems, although the aerobic part of the missing do not advise - it is also a pledge not to get injured muscles themselves. If there is already a problem, they are expressed in a light tingling in the first weeks of application, - Riboxin start its correction.

Ordinary people, especially smokers and drinkers should take Riboxin too. Even if you are not at risk group, do not drink and do not smoke, the atmosphere eats your nervous system ... and it will certainly affect the heart. In Russia more than a third of the population died from problems with blood vessels and heart attacks. I think it is better to deal with this trouble before, so as not to fall into this one third. Especially because Riboxin is easily available at any pharmacy without a prescription. Be healthy!


If you “computer” hungs, buy Phenylpiracetam!

03 Jun 2016

Advantages of Phenylpiracetam: anti-stress, really works!)), increases efficiency, Phenylpiracetam helps with mental fatigue, improves concentration, improves cerebral blood circulation, improves memory.

My grandson, age 5, often making fun of me if I do not answer him for a long time, I lost in their affairs, "Hey Grandma, did you hung?" In fact, yes. My memory starts to "hang out". Already I can not at the same time do things, answer questions, control how the food is cooked. I try to kick all from the kitchen, otherwise something will burn or run away.

It is good that there are drugs that can fix it. It's about Phenylpiracetam. If it was prescribed to you, do not neglect the advice of a physician. Phenylpiracetam is not cheap, but it is not shell. I was advised to drink it once a month. The pack of 30 tablets, it was enough for a course of treatment.

We often do not attach importance to forgetfulness. You come to the refrigerator and do not remember what I wanted to take. It is necessary to close the door and immediately recall. Leaving home and one start checking for the presence of the bag wallet, phone, keys, etc. This is the first bells. Personally, I had no doubt buy Phenilpiracetam it or not. Even a pharmacist in a pharmacy, a pretty young girl, giving it to me, said that Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil) is a great drug, she takes it.

I hoped to improve my memory, and my hopes have not deceived me. If I am in the store, I had to make 3-4 purchases, I will write them on the phone, while on a habit I make a shopping list, but almost do not look into it.

I haven’t even noticed the distraction gone. I have fewer headaches. I think, my eyesight become much better. The overall condition was improved; there was vivacity in my movements. I have started planning everything, and most importantly to fulfill my plans and not postponing pigeonholed.

In addition, no longer my hands numb after sleep, every morning I had to rub them. I thought that I slept thrown them up back. Now I even feel a strange feeling to wake up without numbness.

Another interesting thing, I am naturally cold-blooded, especially when I sit at the computer, my legs just turn frosty. After receiving Phenylpiracetam, legs no longer feel cold, and cold in the apartment is easier to bear, not wrapped as a cabbage. I carefully reread the annotation for nootrop, indeed, it is said about it.

May I advise to buy Phenilpiracetam?

Surely, if there are problems, do not hesitate to buy Phenilpiracetam!!!

Hope this review was useful for you!


Mildronate injections and Mildronate 500 mg. My own Expereince

03 Jun 2016

Hello! It is not often I write reviews on medicines, but also their experience of using this drug consider myself simply have to share, because I know that so many people suffer from the same symptoms and I myself bought Mildronate (Meldonium) not only because the doctor has prescribed, but also because, I had read about him a lot of information, including reviews.


My lifestyle basically is a sedentary one. from 9 to 18 I'm working at the computer in the morning, I go to work an hour, an hour - from work (usually sitting). I sleep 7-8 hours a day, it is enough for me. In the last year I began to suffer from headaches, which appeared over the weekend when I sleep longer. The head also began to react with pain to weather changes. The pain is dull, arching, not localized in any area. During the pain it seems to be what I see worse. Pain is relieved by Spazgan, but it does not always help.


I was surveyed at the therapist, neurologist, ophthalmologist. I take a picture of the cervical spine: the norm. Duplex neck veins: the norm. At the reception at the neurologist did not get his left hand in the tip of the nose)))

The diagnosis: cerebral angiograms dystonia, ie narrowing of vessels of a brain, a violation of its oxygen supply.

The final scheme of treatment is chosen by a neurologist. It included the B vitamins and drugs to vessels:

- Lucetam - 10 ml intravenous injection ¹10

Mildronate injection - 5 ml ¹10

- Actovegin injection - 200 ml intramuscular injection ¹10

- Vitamin B6 intramuscular injection - 50 ml by every other day ¹5

- After the injections - Pantogam 1 tablet 3 times a day for a month.

Optometrist additionally prescribed vitamins and drops Semax and Irifrin (for those who have poor eyesight and eyes get tired from work at the computer, I highly recommend to read about them!)

Some words about Mildronate injection:

For me it was important the following:

  • Meldonium replenishment of cells oxygen demand
  • Mildronate help the body at high loads and stresses
  • Meldonium improving blood supply to the brain
  • Mildronats increase mental and physical performance

There were no contraindications specifically for me.


After the injections of Mildronate, and after taking the capsules Mildronate 500mg I have no particular sensation. Overall, there was increased activity, chronic fatigue has gone on the back burner, I got better sleep and better to work. By the way, it is not recommended to take Mildronate in the second half of the day to avoid insomnia.

Throughout the treatment period, and about a month after the headaches did not bother me (before taking the last pill of Pantogam).

There were no weird things like improving memory, mood, etc. I have not noticed. But overall performance and ability to withstand stress, stressful situation has improved.

I have not noticed any side effect.

As a result of the treatment of an eye the doctor concluded that I began to see beyond half a meter, vascular pattern of the fundus improved. The neurologist concluded that there is a general improvement, but because of vascular dystonia, from which one can not escape, since it is, headaches as a reaction to stress, changes in the weather will occur. The course of treatment is recommended to take me 2 times a year, and Phenylpiracetam is prescribed now.

I'm happy with the treatment and would recommend to those who have similar problems, consult your doctor about these medications.

I wish you a well-being!!!


Phenibut is a great nootrop

03 Jun 2016

The preface started with the fact that her husband has become well uneasy nervous and nutty (the work was very hard) any misunderstanding toward him grew into a stormy scene with the smashing of crockery, etc ... Generally all that eager to somewhere around half a year. And then we began to look for a way out. Output has been proposed as a nootropic pill Phenibut. I must say that at the time when we offered it the husband began to slowly confused sequence of events began to sum memory. Generally he drove himself with work into complete nervous exhaustion. At night and then sleep supervised installation. The course started with 2 tablets per day, morning and evening. Phenibut reduces feeling of heaviness in the head, sleep disturbances, irritability, improves mental performance.

Indeed over the past few days Phenibut shows the result. The husband became calmer, more attentive, normalized sleep, and probably the most important nervous system began to restores. Appeared life force, the husband began again to help around the house and play with children (up to this just came and fell down, and that would be quiet as a mausoleum).

In general I recommend to buy Phenibut.

The main thing is not to overdo it. Take a month course of Phenibut (the rate is exactly 1-pack, so we advised the doctor, then a month should relax the body) In principle, a month is enough to the central nervous system that rested well, and thoughts come to order.

Our result: For me, no scandals in the house; for children with their dad is the best in the world! 


Phenylpiracetam really helps?

03 Jun 2016

It is high time to share my impressions of taking Phenylpiracetam with you.

I, like all ordinary people, especially in the winter time, a keen sense of the problems with the awakening in the morning, activity, performance, memory ... They have always, but in the winter in our state affects more and constant darkness. We have, for instance, in the north, since the beginning of November the sun rises at 9:30 am and have to sit down at 12:00

How to maintain a healthy body? How not to become a permanently sad, depressed pie? Of course, you need to work on yourself and your health.

In maintaining health, we are helping a variety of vitamins, dietary supplements, exercises, and a regular holiday after all.

Phenylpiracetam should only be used if you have the disease, in any way (directly or indirectly) related to brain circulation (with its disorders), which in turn can cause a number of displays (with memory problems, lack of concentration, etc.). Such diseases include, for example, vascular dystonia in some of its manifestations.

The drug, which I want to tell you, is not simply a dietary supplement, it is - a real cure. If the vitamins you can take without any problems, then to receive Phenylpiracetam should be taken really seriously.

About who, how, when and why Phenylpiracetam was invented, you can read on the Internet. With great articles on functional, pharmacological action and side effect you can also read on their own.

I only point out the most common indications for Phenylpiracetam, which prompted me to buy Phenylpiracetam:

  • chronic fatigue
  • depression
  • memory problems
  • lack of concentration

What Phenylpiracetam does to you?

  • improves mood
  • activates the brain
  • improves physical activity
  • increases the tone
  • increases resistance to stressful situations
  • improves blood circulation
  • Phenylpiracetam improves memory
  • Phenylpiracetam helps to alter the biological rhythms (sleep less)

And much more.

Phenylpiracetam bring effect not only on the psycho-emotional level, but also on the physical. They are used in the treatment of diseases such as CNS disorders, obesity, schizophrenia (dementia praecox), etc. I will not delve into it, because I have no competence in this area.

However, what actually prompted me to write reviews, I really noticed results. I am a student, so I need all the ability of Phenylpiracetam.

What I can note the use of the advantages of Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil):

+ Brain activity does improve. I began to think quickly, can longer think about anything, to analyze it, for long enough without feeling fatigue. You know, usually when on something work in a couple of hours the head "buzzing". Here I have this at no longer watch. Can easily 4 hours meaningfully to learn something, to invent, to think logically.

+ It is easier to get down to business. I, as it was before, will not force myself on a half-day start to get out, do the dishes, do the given job and so on. No, of course you have not displayed an ardent desire to do the things that you previously could not tolerate. You just will be easier to live with it as soon as possible and to take action to finish before. Simply put, laziness will win you more easily.

+ My memory has indeed become better. I'd rather memorize what read. It is better to develop a new material. Long I remember that you will need to buy.

+ I have become easier to relate to the negativity, failures, difficulties. Not to say that it does "give a damn", one says, "let it ride" ... However, the reaction to all this has become less acute, it has become easier.

+ In the morning, get up, too, it became easier. But there is a reservation - it is easier not to wake up. Here the point is that if you get up, limp and broken themselves not feel. On the first call of an alarm clock in the pitch darkness of winter and I can not wake up ... at the call of the 5th alarm too ... Fortunately, they are worth every 5 minutes. But when after 30 minutes after the start of the concert, I still wake up, I feel pretty well, eyes open themselves, the brain is ready to use. Clarify More is what I get up at 6:30 in the morning.

It is necessary to follow the recommendations for use of Phenylpiracetam, namely:

  • Do not to take more than the number in mg of Phenylpiracetam than instructed per day.
  • Do not take a second tablet after 15:00, otherwise you will suffer from insomnia.

I want to mention the fact that for all the tablets will operate to varying degrees. Someone one pill will give a great result and will launch a "bunny Dyurasel" mode, and someone, and two pills of Phenylpiracetam do not give the full desired effect.

Since I have not been able to drink during a second pill, I was limited to taking only one in the morning. It is permitted, if the pills are not used for the treatment, but simply to maintain a healthy body. I have not noticed these grand results, that is, I would like better. However, the fact that you already have, is quite nice.

I think that Phenylpiracetam will be invaluable during the session, exams, certifications work and other similar situations. Just finishing my studies in June, defending diploma ... Wow, that's when I'll have to check the effect of Phenylpiracetam pills.

Thank you for attention!


Phenylpiracetam! No effect?! Are you kidding?!

03 Jun 2016

Advantages of Phenylpiracetam: anti-stress, really works!)), effective immediately, help to wake up quickly, helps with mental fatigue, improves memory, mental clarity

You know, sometimes thing like this happens... You like the perfect remedy with all my heart, proven over the years, and not only by yourself, but it's here - "Bang!", And someone calls it a shell ... I can not stand it! This drug more than justifies the promises.

It all started with the dreary session, where I had to take exams on such complex subjects such as organic and analytical chemistry ... Who faced - he will understand. The constant feeling of anxiety, fear, and a ton of information that little notch - you need to realize, to understand, to grasp the essence of the processes ... A study from 8 am to 8 pm. When one learn all this information? Where to take power? Cut down already in the lectures themselves, what to say about the evening after dinner…

We came to the aid of the girl, who took Phenotropil before and know its properties. Thank them for the tip! Three years working with drugs at the pharmacy, and I had no idea how effective Phenylpiracetam is!

At the beginning I bought a box of 10 tablets of Phenotropil - as I was warned that not all approaches can cause dizziness and nausea. But I was lucky! The product does not cause any side effects, except that the appetite minimized ... Although, I admit that your appetite has fallen due to stress .... Looking at me, the box and got a girlfriend. She also was very helpful! Later, stamped and bought another on the box has 30 pieces of Phenotropil))

How we use Phenotropil? One tablet of per day during the lectures, and 2 tablets - during the workshop.

Phenotropil operates at once, with the first tablets, in contrast to the bulk of neuroprotective drugs!

What we got from taking Phenylpiracetam? What are the effects?

  • Memory. Most of the information I have learned in lectures. God, I do not really teach one of the issues from the ticket ... But I remembered the essence of which was given at the lecture! That was enough!
  • Concentration. In the lectures, we thought about the lectures)) It is not confused, thought easily formulated during the exam.
  • Vivacity. In spite of 4-5 hours of sleep a day - it's incredible! But the fact.
  • Self-confidence, tranquility)))))). There were no tantrums before the exam, hands aren’t shaking, tongue wasn’t slurred! I answered clearly and confidently, even remembering what you do not know)))))

In addition, once again, I noted a pleasant side effect .. With our "chocolate-nut" diet, we not only recovered, but even got rid of 3 kg. Of course, nerves ... But not only. I am so thrilled with the action of Phenotropil that I want all the advantages attributed to it!

I'm sure, that Phenylpiracetam is the best doping to date for students.


Phenotropil! Very Powerful Thing!

03 Jun 2016

Advantages of Phenotropil: improves memory, invigorates, acts quickly, really works!)), effective immediately, increases efficiency, improves mood, helps to quickly wake up, efficiency, mental clarity anti-stress.

I used to drink antidepressants, or whatever it is correctly called all sorts of soothing light tablets for nerves. Periodically trash is going in my life, and that has to adjust itself to I-don’t-care wave with the help of pharmaceutical drugs.

One day, I realized that my head at all "barely brews" mood - Complete Ass ... in life situation just wanted me to grow stronger, and even I gained the weight more than usual, the realization of which is also not the best way affected the my inner state. And so I found in the internet about the miracle Phenotropil (Phenylpiracetam).

Captivated by the reviews that there is no cumulative effect. There is a noticeable effect immediately.

According to the annotations and instructions on the Internet, this drug should have come to me perfectly. Well, all the evidence - and the stress and fatigue, the treatment of obesity and blah blah blah))

And the fact that these pills were developed for astronauts dispelled all doubts.

Now, some words about my feelings. The mood lifted immediately after taking the first pill. I have thirst for activities, chattering… And yes, absolutely do not any want for eating. But first things go first.

The most exciting topic – Phenotropil and food.

When I went to the pharmacy to buy Phenotropil, I was very hungry, and I pretend to be - what exactly bite on the way, since I do not whether wait to get home. I bought Phenotropil, I drank a tablet in a way and forgot something about that the brutal wanted to eat! And then I had not eaten all day, and even on the second, third day, I did not want to eat. I calmly approached the refrigerator, chose most light meal such as carrot, apple or cabbage leaf and snacks ignored. This is a big plus for me. The trick is that you do not want to eat, but if, for example, the feast (or any other situation in which can and should eat), the food does not cause disgust, eat with pleasure, just very moderately.

Phenotropil and sleep

Phenotropil is really bracingl. If, for example, work in the night, or some other things, then drank a pill, you can forget about sleep for at least for a couple of hours. On this point I also ready to put a definite plus, as I personally while it was easy to sleep when the opportunity presented (that is, has there been such that I could not sleep because of these tablets). In the morning, despite the late withdrawal to a dream, I flew out of bed like a lark, which has even managed to drink couple of cups of coffee))))

Phenotropil and work performance

For this parameter I score Phenotropil for A+. Agility and physical condition ready for work and defense. Personally, it was easy and pleasant to work under it. I must say that as a rule it was just a state of crystal clear mind, focus, everything really easily managed.

The only thing that - sometimes happened this strange state of, well, something like a tangled thoughts. I do not know whether it is possible to accept those who are constantly at the wheel.

Phenotropil and mood

Here is the most interesting point in this preparation. The point is that Phenotropil significantly lifts mood at first. If, for example, there are some constants in the life of the negative aspects, which are very infuriated, they were taken out and not allowed to live - becomes dramatically do not care. Absolutely DO-NOT-CARE. That is, in theory should be easier. But the catch is that after a week, I noticed a very frequent and uncharacteristically irritable in those moments, when, in fact, even not worth to pay attention. Bag rustling, a loud sound of TV and other such trifles could specifically to piss off. I wanted to cry, to be angry, etc. part of the bundle, by the way, I gave to a friend that after my praises about how not want to eat, too, started to drink a small package. And she also noted this bad effect, then we both decided that it is worth to stop taking.


You can use it temporarily during the session, hard work, etc.. Again, no more than one pill per day, directly before going to sit down for a job, etc. Phenotropil really strongly discourages appetite. 


Phenibut make sleep even upright. My experience.

02 Jun 2016

Advantages of Phenibut: Phenibut acts quickly, a strong hypnotic effect

Drawback of Phenibut: high price.

I want to share with you my impressions of buying the drug "Phenibut".

First, some specifics:

Packing of Phenibut - 20 tablets of 250 mg.

Phenibut is over-the-counter drug.


I'm an experienced psycho. Neither Corvalol no valerian can do anything to me) The therapist advised me to drink Phenibut, combining with an antidepressant. It is known that antidepressants have a long "build-up", so that would paint everyday and improve sleep, and I was appointed to this drug.

Suggested Use:

The list is big enough, Phenibut can be taken as a one-time fee, or regularly, but in any case - it is better to do it with a doctor's recommendation, it will select the correct dose and scheme of taking.

How I take Phenibut:

I took 2 tablets per day. But this scheme has been assigned to me with antidepressants. Therefore, it should be understood that it is not universal.

Side-effect of Phenibut:

The first day of taking my eyes ached, and I'm almost sure that the cause was just Phenibutum. I was as if they wanted to close because even the day of light "wounded." Then I noticed that the pupils have a very expanded. Frankly, not a pleasant feeling, and if it persists for a long time - the drug is not yours. It passed on the second day.

Effect of Phenibut:

I felt it clearly already on the fourth day of taking Phenibut.

First, I had a clear relaxation of the head, there was no sense of alarm, there was a little peace and braked in my body.

By the way, the manual clearly says that Phenibut affects the ability to drive motor vehicles. Do not ignore this point, it's true!

Secondly, the sleep. The effect is comparable to taking sleeping pills. Sleep is very strong until the morning. The problem is even to wake up. But what an enchanting dream. I have not seen such cartoons for a long time.

After a week of taking the drug, I got overly drowsy. I'm constantly thinking about how to quickly lie down and sleep on the go. In such cases it is better to lower the dose. With the doctor's permission, I lowered the dose, and all returned to normal.

My verdict: Phenibut is effective. It really eliminates the anxiety and normalizes sleep beyond praise.


Buy Phenylpiracetam! Down with sadness, melancholy and torpor! 18 effects from Phenotropil!

02 Jun 2016

Advantages of Phenylpiracetam: invigorates, increases efficiency, anti-stress, improves mood, helps to quickly wake up, helps with mental fatigue, improves concentration, improves cerebral blood circulation, improves memory, mental clarity

Today I talk about the final preparation of my long course of treatment at the neurologist. A total of 3 months of treatment was prescribed to me 10 (!) Different drugs of various orientation (vascular, nootropic, vitamins, for vision), and Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil) made the greatest impression on me. And to help you to understand, let's I'll describe my condition before treatment, and then what kind of results I achieved.

Before Treatment

Cerebral Angio Dystonia. What is it? It is a violation of the brain power and the eye due to narrowing of the blood vessels of the head. When I sleep longer, I have headaches on the weekends. Headaches as a reaction to changes in the weather, magnetic storms and other really has no direct bearing on my life crap. I have blurred vision, chronic fatigue. I reduced mental and physical performance. I suffer from lack of motivation, the deterioration of memory, both in short and in long term. I afflict from the absence of ideas, uncontrolled eating, craving for alcohol (shame, damn, how embarrassing ...). Irritability. Pessimism. Discouragement. Decreased libido.

My treatment

The drug complex was chosen jointly by the neurologist and ophthalmologist. It can be divided into 3 months:

1 month:

  • SuperOptik - Table 1. day ¹30
  • Semax - Drops
  • Neiromedin - tablets
  • Mildronate injections - 5 ml iv ¹10
  • Niacin - 2 ml intramuscularly ¹10
  • Vitamin B complex injections - intramuscularly every other day ¹5

2 month:

  • Pantogam 500mg – 50 tablets

3 month:

  • Phenylpiracetam Table 1. day ¹30
  • Taufon - eye drops 3 times a day ¹30

Most of all I remember the first stage of treatment, because of injections))))

The results of using Phenylpiracetam:

The first week of usage, I did not feel any noticeable changes. Some people took Phenylpiracetam and write that from the first day jumping like mountain goats, but I was not like this. The first results appeared in the second week.

Here are 18 effects of taking Phenylpiracetam (Phenotropil):

  • 1.Good mood. They say, "Pessimism – mood, optimism - will". I will say this: optimism is chemistry. Will, of course, means a lot, but you can at least imagine pounding fists on his chest, as if the brain cells are not working properly, if there is no produce of sufficient number of necessary hormones and neurotransmitters, you will not be optimistic. I became more positive look at the world, to smile and laugh. And it's worth it.
  • 2.2. A good, healthy, deep sleep. I, pah-pah-pah, have a good sleep and fall asleep quickly, but with the amount of power that I have after sleeping, not so good. With the acquisition Phenotropil I wake up vigorous, even sleep 5-6 hours provide enough power to operate normally during the day. As a bonus gone wacky dreams.
  • 3.Improving the mental activity. I have an intellectual work that requires decisions at times a challenge. With the acquisition Phenotropil I began to work much faster, I had more creative ideas, I began to quickly find and use the right information.
  • 4.Memory improvement. Previously, I had a very good memory, which then deteriorated. With Phenylpiracetam I, oddly enough, was the recall and use at work what I forgot, it would seem a long time ago. Short-term memory has also become better, disappeared silly jumps in place with the thought, "Do I turn off the stove?" "And I closed the door with a key?".
  • 5.The headaches have almost disappeared.
  • 6.I stopped react to changes in weather by bad mood, heaviness in the head and headaches.
  • 7.I can work much longer and more productively. Previously, I was actually out of steam for 15-16 hours, coming to work at 10, it is now normal not only have time to do more, but quietly work to 18. It is easier to focus, concentrate, less distracted by trivia.
  • 8.I have more energy. Both spiritual and physical. Because of this, I not only became a regular train (while at home, but really want and plan to from autumn to go to the gym), but also I can increases the workload without problems. With a laugh, I remember how ran my first lap and exhausted, as much in his chest went cold, despite the heat. Today, I put my small record - 4.5 laps! It means a lot to me, because I'm running just a month and a half, and before that did not run for 6 (!) years.
  • 9.I became easier to converge with people. Really I become more sociable. For the first time I went for a massage, and even the young masseur. I thought, all 60 minutes of the log will lie in painful silence. And now we can not ceasing bursting with him like two magpies, though the man himself is clearly not very sociable by nature) It has become easier to do business calls to strangers. I realized that courtesy and kindness - the golden keys that open all doors and many hearts.
  • 10.I better stand failure and bad luck. You know, earlier in the morning if I did not have time to stop the passing of the half-empty bus, and next came the almost complete, I was visited by the thought of "bad luck", "All day wait mustard", happened, tears welling. Now I clearly know that it absolutely does not mean anything. My day does not depend on the details.
  • 11.I became faster. I'm going to work faster, faster to perform tasks. I have more time for myself and my home, socializing with friends. Precisely because of this, I began to exercise more and do different caring procedures - favorite masks, wraps, bath with fragrant salt. And this is +100 for a good mood.
  • 12.It has become easier to forget the fact, that I can not change. You know, it happens that you just can not change something. And you start to turn it endlessly in his head, to gnaw myself to harass. This makes it difficult to focus, you can not switch to something else. Now - that's that. From left sister's husband, Putin signed a decree on the destruction of food - the guys, it's not my problem. My life goes on.
  • 13.I began to eat less. Actually, before I was horrified waited for PMS, because I have these days I'm almost out of control, and for 2-3 days to gorge on as much then throw off the rest of the month. Now my meal - that's what gives me life and not something for which I live. It became much easier to give up any nonsense type of chips, pancakes, sausages, etc. food debris. And I get more pleasure from the simple healthy food - fresh cottage cheese, boiled on the water lentils with butter, plain fresh tomato ... Mm-m ...
  • 14.Increase libido. Well, what can I say ... I have to say very simply, that it has become more and better) I think my man become happier)
  • 15.Improves vision. Its improvement before Phenotropil optometrist said, but it was during the reception Phenylpiracetam I began to notice itself that the colors are brighter and the world - even more beautiful. Also, it seems to me, and you can say about the other's feelings - it seems that even the sense of smell became sharper.
  • 16.I became braver. It was easier to follow the principles of hedonism. If I do not like something, I say this. If I do not want to go somewhere, I'm not going. If I come, and I do not like it, I'm leaving. It's my life, it is one, it is not some kind of draft to remake it later. No need to waste time on something that is not a pleasure.
  • 17.Increase pain threshold. The girls know what a painful time of the month. ... In the month of Phenotropil I again had such critical days, but I felt only the strength of spasms and pain disappeared after 1 Spazgan tablet.
  • 18.The lack of a hangover. Yes, It is bad to drink alcohol, and especially taking nootropics, but what happened - happened. But this feeling when you, a girl weighing 57 kg drank at least a Man weighing about 100, and he feels very dreadful, and you just enjoy your morning.

No side effects, I have not noticed.

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