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Inosin (Riboxin) is required not less than vitamins…

06 Jun 2016

Inosin is an antihypoxic drug, with metabolic and anti-arrhythmic action. With its admission raises the energy level at the level of the body's cells. I used it as a component of comprehensive treatment to combat the infringement of heart rhythm (arrythmia). There are a lot o indications for the reception of the drug - from myocardial infarction to stomach ulcers and 12 - duodenum. Inosin is suitable for usage even under intoxication. The drug is often used in infectious respiratory viral infections, especially in winter. I believe that Riboxin helps the body more easily endure such difficult state of the organism to infectious diseases. Riboxin (Inosin) tablets pack is inexpensive and available to anyone for the price.

The daily dose of Riboxin is ingestion of 0.6-2.4 in the first days of treatment daily dose is usually equal to 0.6-0.8 g (at 0.2 g 3-4 times a day). If the drug was well tolerated, no allergies and skin redness, the daily dose is increased (2-3 days) to 1.2 g, if necessary - up to 2.4 g / day. Duration of treatment continues from 4 weeks to 1.5-3 months.

I take Riboxin for months on 1t. x 3 times a day after meals, and very pleased with this drug. When infection my dose was increased to 2 x 3 tablets twice a day. Also I tried Riboxin (Inosin) for intravenous administration, and that it was painless introduction to the vein wall, I recommend to dissolve 10ml. Riboxin in solution in 10ml. 40% glucose solution and slowly inject bolus of 20ml. disposable syringe. On the day you can do 2 of the injection, the treatment course of 10-20 days. At the same time continue to take the tablets of Riboxin. Duration of treatment continues from 4 weeks to 1.5-3 months.

Buy Inosin (Riboxin), if you want to protect your body's cells to give them energy to restore the function of internal organs.


Inosin (Riboxin): Your body is charged with energy, and your heart will work like a clock

06 Jun 2016

I suffer from disruptions in heart rhythm. After the examination, the cardiologist prescribed me medication, but Inosin did not enter into this list. Disinfected been assigned courses autumn / spring, but I had to wait a long time for effect. The course includes Asparkam, vitamin E, Mildronate.

About Inosin I read in the Internet, I interested, studied the instructions and bought Inosin (Riboxin). In general, I consider a self-treatment as a bad thing, but about many positive words were said about Inosin (Riboxin).

The instructions recommended intake Inosin for arrhythmia, including myocardium distrafiyu after infarct and for athletes. The first 2 days one should be taken with caution Table 1 / 3p, if all is well, increase the dose to 2 tablets / 3p, the course of 4 weeks. Part of the Inosin is a part of the body cells. Therefore, entering the body, it quickly gets into cells and activates metabolic processes. Riboxin positively affects not only the heart muscle, and liver and gastrointestinal tract.

I felt immediately improvement in the self-state, shortness of breath passed and the rhythm was restored. I plan to complete a full course of Inosin, together with other drugs prescribed by the cardiologist.


Inosin (Riboxin): A good drug to maintain heart rhythm

06 Jun 2016

Advatages of Inosin (Riboxin) :helps Not bad with the complex treatment of coronary heart disease and to maintain heart rhythm.

With drug "Inosin" I am familiar for a long time, a couple of decades I guess, since that time, when I have got an irregular heart rhythm.

I take Inosin (Riboxin), not only by myself, but Inosin was prescribed to my son as well.

Assign it mainly in the complex treatment of coronary heart disease, myocardial, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, as well as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or fatty liver caused by alcohol or drugs, and other diseases.

There is no contraindications to usage of "Inosin", except hypersensitivity to the drug component.

Personally, I take Inosin due to the fact that I have almost constant tachycardia, myocardial degeneration, and for several years as I was diagnosed with "ischemic heart disease".

Son drunk Inosin (Riboxin) also due to problems with the heart, and he had a fatty liver.

I take "Inosin" tablets courses once or twice a year for two months, before a meal, usually 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Occasionally I took Inosin by intravenous injection or intravenous lines, but it is only in a hospital or in the treatment room of polyclinic.

I had no side effects in the form of urticaria, pruritus, or redness of the skin.

"Inosin” (Riboxin) does not cure by itself, but it only supports the heart rate, so it is usually given as part of a treatment in conjunction with other drugs of anti-arrhythmic action.

"Inosin" (Riboxin) is available in the form of tablets, coated tablets, in packs of 10,20,30,40 or 50 pieces, and Inosin 2% solution for injections in ampoules of 5 or 10 ml, in a cardboard package of 10 vials.

Inosin is good doping, it helps me, I take it for several years, but I can recommend it to others only after consultation with your doctor.


Inosin (Riboxin): It helps with arrhythmia and inexpensive!

06 Jun 2016

When I was very nervous, then I have periodically fibrillation (when the heart is reducing wrong). I feel arrhythmias while heart as if swaying in my chest. The feeling is not very pleasant.

Of course, I did an electrocardiogram (ECG). There I had just recorded rhythm disturbance - individual beats on scientific. Quite simply, this disruption in heart works.

A physician looked my ECG and appointed me to take a drug "Inosin" (Riboxin) two tablets three times a day for two weeks.

While I took Inosin, then every day I felt better and better, the number of interruptions in the heart decreased. I tested "Inosin" and consider it as a good drug, I have not noticed side effects from these tablets.

I drunk the whole course of "Inosin", and then again I made an electrocardiogram. There ware no longer extrasystoles in the ECG.

So, the drug "Inosin" (Riboxin) really helped me. It is inexpensive and effective. 


Inosin (Riboxin): Drug, that Helps

06 Jun 2016

Inosin (Riboxin) is a great and inexpensive, it was prescribed for my husband when he appeared unpleasant burning sensation in the heart.

Riboxinum (Inosin) is a drug of Russian production.

The main indications for usage of Inosin are coronary heart disease, cardiac arrhythmias (heart associated with taking drugs), and so on.

Inosin should be taken before meals and duration of reception from 4 weeks to 3 months. As there is a contraindication, should definitely familiarize yourself with them before taking.

There are not so many side effects - allergic reactions, itchy skin.

Tablets of Inosin (Riboxin) help fairly quickly, by the second, the third day of a burning sensation in the heart began to pass.

Of course without a doctor's appointment, I can not recommend you any medications, especially for the heart.

I wish you all health and ill less!


Good Old Inosin (Riboxin)

06 Jun 2016

Advatages of Inosin (Riboxin) :helps Not bad with the complex treatment of coronary heart disease and to maintain heart rhythm.

With drug "Inosin" I am familiar for a long time, a couple of decades I guess, since that time, when I have got an irregular heart rhythm.

I take Inosin (Riboxin), not only by myself, but Inosin was prescribed to my son as well.

Assign it mainly in the complex treatment of coronary heart disease, myocardial, myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, as well as hepatitis, cirrhosis, or fatty liver caused by alcohol or drugs, and other diseases.

There is no contraindications to usage of "Inosin", except hypersensitivity to the drug component.

Personally, I take Inosin due to the fact that I have almost constant tachycardia, myocardial degeneration, and for several years as I was diagnosed with "ischemic heart disease".

Son drunk Inosin (Riboxin) also due to problems with the heart, and he had a fatty liver.

I take "Inosin" tablets courses once or twice a year for two months, before a meal, usually 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Occasionally I took Inosin by intravenous injection or intravenous lines, but it is only in a hospital or in the treatment room of polyclinic.

I had no side effects in the form of urticaria, pruritus, or redness of the skin.

"Inosin” (Riboxin) does not cure by itself, but it only supports the heart rate, so it is usually given as part of a treatment in conjunction with other drugs of anti-arrhythmic action.

"Inosin" (Riboxin) is available in the form of tablets, coated tablets, in packs of 10,20,30,40 or 50 pieces, and Inosin 2% solution for injections in ampoules of 5 or 10 ml, in a cardboard package of 10 vials.

Inosin is good doping, it helps me, I take it for several years, but I can recommend it to others only after consultation with your doctor.


Mildronate Injections. Care and Heart support

05 Jun 2016

Pros of Meldonium: Significantly facilitates the work of the heart and the whole body.

I don’t take the drug "Mildronate" the last two years, and before that I took Mildronate for five years, twice a year, regularly I went to the intravenous injections of Mildronate at the clinic. On weekends, when the clinic does not work, I replaced it by the capsules of Mildronate 500mg twice daily.

I can say for sure: Meldonium is very effective to support a weak heart. Honestly, I do not know, how does it relate to doping, but after the complex treatment of Mildronate throughout the body as a whole, and in particular, the heart becomes significantly easier to work with, and heart attacks come less often. Moreover, the effect is noticeable almost immediately, after the first injection. Prolonged action of the drug, twice a year for 10-20 injections is enough for the normal functioning of the body and the heart.

Mildronate indicated at:

  • Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy dyshormonal;
  • Cerebral circulatory disorders;
  • Reduced working capacity;
  • Mental and physical stress;
  • Chronic alcoholism.

What is very important - Mildronate have almost no side effects, an allergic reaction can only be if you are hypersensitive. Personally, I never have any side effects happened, although I am a strong allergies.

There are contraindications, as well as interaction with other drugs. Before taking Mildronate injections or any form - I recommend carefully read the instructions, as well as to consult with your doctor. I wish you health!


Mildronate Just to Maintain Strength

05 Jun 2016

Pros of Meldonium: Improves overall condition.

It so happens that some time ago, my husband and I almost simultaneously recommended by two different doctor (cardiologist and therapist) to buy a course of well-known Latvian drug Grindex Mildronate.

Briefly repeat how exactly the drug works. Mildronate improves oxygenation of cells (as I understand), there is detox of body and improves metabolism. Hence purpose of mildronate is as in cardiology for improvement of cardiac and in the treatment to enhance body resistance to diseases. Also mildronate appoint to athletes at high loads, and yet there is the use of this drug as its reception in alcohol intoxication.

I noticed that is very helpful to drink a course Mildronate during periods of spread of viral diseases. Most likely will not be infected at all or suffer disease easily.

Also, doing fitness, you feel how fast improving its own sports uniforms, after a course of reception of this substance.

Thank you for attention.


Mildronate Essential for heart

05 Jun 2016

Pros of Meldonium: Improves heart and central nervous system, increases overall efficiency.

In the old days, when Meldonium (Mildronate) had not yet been banned and sold in any drugstore Russia, both in the form of capsules or ampoules for intravenous administration. It is an effective drug for the heart support, in combination with other drugs, it is great to have supported me in the most difficult period of life, when the heart is weakened so much that I could not have a whole year to get out of bed and live only on drugs.

Now, the state of health is much better, although many problems remain, but I have long since switched from Mildronate injections to Mildronate capsules that take a course twice a year, to support heart and a whole body.

Meldonium improves the functioning of the heart muscle, it normalizes myocardial metabolism and increases its contractility, reduces the frequency of angina attacks, ischemia restores the balance of oxygen delivery process and its consumption in the cells, to prevent violations of transport ATP, improves blood circulation in violation of cerebral circulation, Mildronate has a tonic effect central nervous system is indicated for patients in the postoperative period to accelerate the rehabilitation, as well as in alcohol syndrome.

Inside the package there are four blisters of 10 capsules. Normally, to support heart I take two capsules a day, enough for 20 days, then half a year break, then treatment again. I accept just two capsules in the morning, in the evening it is better not to take, because the drug acts on the nervous system stimulant, and it is difficult to fall asleep or even develop insomnia and morning reception just provides a charge of vivacity and a nice well-being for the whole day.

Meldonium incredibly increases the body's performance, not for nothing that it is constantly used by athletes, training overloaded, because of what the drug is now for them under the ban. One can only hope that it will not be banned entirely, or sick people have tight without such support.

Mildronate is a wonderful and very effective. Personally, I have all the time for taking the drug side effects has never been observed, as well as allergic, although I have strong allergies. But in any case, I highly recommend to use of the drug is required to consult with your doctor. I wish you health!


Riboxin: Light anabolic

04 Jun 2016

Riboxin also refers to anabolics. The drug helps the body quickly restores and thus to withstand heavy loads. For application of Riboxin one can be disqualified.

And on account of anabolic steroids - is too strong a word for Riboxin – nucleoside. One then can thrust out from the competition by injecting Cyanocobalamin (B12). Nothing but good on Riboxin I do not find out. Riboxin can recover muscle for 40-48 hours.

Riboxin is not anabolic, because it is the regulator of metabolic processes (spurs the synthesis of nucleotides, activates several enzymes of the Krebs cycle, increases energy level cells, and it strengthens the myocardium rather than causes cells divided at a breakneck speed of not recovered materials - feel the difference?)

Riboxin can be used by all athletes.

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