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How to increase the appetite

02 Nov 2016

First of all, the correct diet can increase appetite. Try to eat more often in the small portions, at the same time use products and dishes most of which of all are pleasant to you in food. Constantly update the diet that there was no disgust for a certain product. Even if the dish is pleasant to you, don't eat it constantly. Meal for the night will lead to lowering of the level of glucose for the morning and, as a result, to increase in appetite before a breakfast. Use a little more spices when cooking products.

Before food it is recommended to drink a glass of sour juice. A small amount of sugar causes rise in level of insulin which stimulates appetite while sour taste reflex stimulates mucous. It is also possible to accept couple of tablespoons of cabbage juice before food, to eat a piece of a fresh lemon or 50-100 mg of solution of ascorbic acid. It is possible to eat 1 small sour apple before food.

It is necessary to remember also that an important role in arousing appetite is played by our reaction to beautifully laid table. You can not taste any slice yet, but before well arranged dishes, beautiful table layout and aroma of food it will be difficult to resist.

Increases appetite physical activity and fresh air. Sometimes, to increase appetite, it is necessary to hold planned hunger strikes - 1 day a week not to eat food, at the same time it is necessary to consume enough liquid.

Bitterness for strengthening of appetite

Efficiency: moderate

Help to increase appetite bitterness. These are extracts of herbs, bitter on taste, they possess irritant action on mucous a stomach, thereby reflex increase appetite. Bitterness are safe for health and have practically no side effects. Bitterness can purchase in a drugstore without recipe.

Bitters (Tinctura amara)

Apply to appetite strengthening inside till 10-20 of drops on acceptance in 30 min. prior to food.

Collection appetizing (Species amarae)

Accept for strengthening of appetite in the form of infusion (a tablespoon on a glass of boiled water) on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour to food.

The rhizome of an acorus (RhizomaCalami) - contains essential oil (in the crude raw materials of 2%, in cleared 1,5%), bitter substance acorin, tannins.

Accept for strengthening of appetite in the form of infusion (10,0:200,0) 1/4 glasses 3 times a day for half an hour to food.

The grass of centaury (HerbaCentaurii) - contains bitter glycosides (gentsiopikrin, eritaurin, eritrotsentaurin), alkaloids (eritritsin, gentsiamin), flavonovy glycoside tsentaurein.

Accept in the form of infusion (10,0:200,0) on a tablespoon 3-4 times a day for half an hour to food. The centaury grass also is a part of medicine depuraflucs.

Montana house drops (Montanahomedrops)

Accept inside with a small amount of water 1-2 teaspoons after food; in case of reduced appetite - in 10-20 min. prior to food. In case of locks - to part 2 teaspoons in a glass with slightly warmed up water and to accept on an empty stomach till a breakfast.

The root of a dandelion (Radix Taraxaci) - contains a bitter glycoside (taraksatsin), pitches, inulin (to 40%) and other substances.

Accept in the form of infusion (a teaspoon on a glass of boiled water) 1/4 glasses for half an hour to food 3-4 times a day. A dandelion the root is also a part of the medicine Montana house drops.

Wormwood bitter the grass (Herba Absinthii) - contains bitter substances (absintin and anabsintin), essential oil (0,5-2%), tannins, flavonoid artemizetin, etc.

Accept for half an hour to food 3 times a day infusion (10,0:200,0) on a tablespoon or tincture till 15-20 of drops.

Wormwood the grass also is a part of medicines aristokhol, vitaon, tincture of a valerian, a wormwood, belladonna and a peppermint, a tablet belladonnas, gastric with extract.

Drugs increasing the appetite

Perneksin an elixir (Pernexin elixir)

Efficiency: moderate

The complex safe drug helping to increase appetite. Perneksin contains liver extract, cyancobalamine (B12 vitamin), Thiaminum a hydrochloride (B1 vitamin), Riboflavinum (B2 vitamin), a pyridoxine a hydrochloride (B6 vitamin), Niacinum (B3 or PP vitamin), a calcium a pantothenate (B5 vitamin), sodium Glycerophosphatum, gland gluconat. All components of drug of a natural parentage.


Efficiency: high

Synonyms: Periaktin, Tsiprogeptadin, Adekin, Tsipraktin, Tsiprodin, Istabin, Pariaktin, Supersanum, Vieldrinum, Vinoreks, Apetigen, Astonin,

Pharmacological action: Is an antagonist of a serotonin and Histaminum. These mediators, collecting in the center of hunger, quash feeling of appetite. Blocking action of these mediators, Peritolum helps to increase appetite.

Application instruction: For rising of appetite on 1/2-1 tablet 3-4 times a day or 1-2 tea spoons of syrup 3-4 times a day.

Contraindications: Glaucoma (the increased intraocular pressure), stomach ulcer, an attack of bronchial asthma, advanced age. Drug isn't prescribed to children up to 2 years.

Side effects: The headache, slight nausea, giddiness, alarm, spastic strictures, etc. meet quite seldom.


Efficiency: very high

Insulin of fast action on 5-10 PIECES before food. Substantial increase of appetite is observed in 20 minutes after introduction. Insulin is popular in bodybuilding as it possesses the expressed anabolic action. Before use consultation of the doctor and detailed acquaintance with pharmacological effect of drug is required.

Anabolic steroids

Efficiency: very high

Practically all anabolic steroids are capable to increase appetite, however in the best way it is done by Boldenon. The side effects inherent to all anabolic steroids are possible.

Peptides of GHRP

Efficiency: very high


GHRP-2 - is slightly more weak

The mechanism of action is bound to influence on grelin receptors and a metabolism of glucose.

Other agents increasing the appetite


Efficiency: moderate

If you want to increase the appetite, surely begin to accept complex vitamins. Especially well B12 vitamin and ascorbic acid increase appetite. It is necessary to notice that sometimes the vitamin deficiency leads to a loss of appetite.

Iron preparations

Efficiency: moderate

It is proved that iron preparations can increase appetite, for example Ferrum lek, Sorbifer, Fenyuls, etc. It is necessary to accept them during food. Iron preparations can cause a digestive disturbance.


Also in drugstores dietary supplements Limontar move ahead (structure: amber + citric acid) and Stimuvit (structure: a set of vitamins), however in practice their action is estimated as weak.

How to increase appetite in case of bodybuilding

If you want to increase appetite, you can follow an algorithm, having stopped at that step which will meet your requirements:

  • Follow the general recommendations about a diet listed in chapter 1 of this article. Use of medicines and strong means shall be approved with specialist.
  • Try to accept more calories in the form of liquid products: protein cocktails, cocktails from food, etc.
  • Begin to accept vitamins (complex, injection B12, ascorbic acid)
  • Accept bitterness
  • Peritol
  • Other medicines and means

Reasons of reduced appetite

It is necessary to pay attention that before resorting to medicines for appetite strengthening, it is necessary to exclude diseases which can serve as the reason of small appetite.

The most frequent diseases:

  • Gastritis, etc. diseases of a digestive tract
  • Liver diseases
  • Depression, etc. mental diseases
  • Infections
  • Oncological diseases
  • Besides, some medicines can reduce appetite: antibiotics, NPVP, and also smoking and abuse of alcohol.

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