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How does the hypnosis?

14 Dec 2016

Physiologist Dr. Doping tells about the formation of emotions, positive effects of self-hypnosis and mind control.

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Hypnosis is the impact of one person or community of people on the state of the individual psyche. As a rule, we are talking about the impact on the emotional assessment of certain events, to the commitment to the different views. The mechanisms of this influence are not well understood. It is known that people tend to emotionally react to other people's experiences. There is even a term - empathy, that is, the capacity for empathy. All this has deep evolutionary roots. Neither animals nor primitive man could not survive without it, help another individual or a partner in many cases is absolutely necessary. Charles Darwin studied specifically the expression of emotions in animals. They can transmit their emotions through facial expressions and sounds: the dog may growl, wag his tail and, many argue, even smile. Man with his speech has a great potential to influence others for their views and emotions.

There is such a thing as hidden, repressed emotions. Of course, the civilized man must often refrain from emotional manifestations, not to put pressure on others by exploiting their capacity for empathy. But the repressed emotions deserve special attention. Sigmund Freud believed that negative emotional experiences, which we would like to forget, do not disappear completely, and penetrate into the subconscious and can be there in a latent state. These repressed emotions can cause discomfort and be the cause of the disease. In order to cure a person (which is the purpose of psychoanalysis), it is necessary to find this hidden emotion undercurrent experience: the patient could hurt a child or he lacked maternal affection. To cure the patient should be told about it. It is necessary that he is aware of this hidden feelings and got rid of it.

Higher centers of emotion and motivation are situated in the diencephalon, the so-called hypothalamus. It sends signals to the cortex itself undergoes regulatory influence on the part of the higher nerve centers. In general, the nervous system has an impact on the flow of all processes in the body including digestion, breathing, heart function, wound healing and others. To cope with stress – use Phenibut, Phenazepam, to awake brains – Picamilon, Noopept, Cogitum.

Hypnosis, not only outside, but also self-hypnosis, can have a serious impact on the physical condition of the people. PhD Maria Kiseleva of the Center for Cardiovascular Surgery conducted a study involving patients who were cardiac surgery. They were asked how they perceive the forthcoming operation and what their mood. It turns out that those who had a positive attitude to the operation and the belief that it will help, the postoperative period was much more successful, and not 20-30%, and in a few times. Interestingly, the optimism from "successful patients," combined with an understanding of the seriousness of the general situation and the difficulty of the operation. Frivolous attitude did not lead to a positive result. It is known that suggestion and positive attitude therapists are widely used for the treatment of many diseases. There is no doubt important role of suggestion in education and training.

But there is a suggestion of a different kind. This is the so-called manipulation of consciousness. This, for example, annoying ads ("call now"), the influence of various sects, which suppress the natural human emotions and sometimes just push people into crime. How can one resist such influences? It is necessary to cultivate the habit of thinking critically to hear, try to get acquainted with other, alternative points of view, and only then make a decision.

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