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Growth hormone: influence on muscles

05 Dec 2016

Increase in muscle bulk in case of acceptance of hormone of growth depends on many factors, such as daily physical activity (trainings), genetic predisposition, a diet, age, qualities of a dream, conduct of life, use of steroids and also whether accepted growth hormone earlier. Usually expressed result is achieved at least in 2 months.

By a rough estimate, on condition of complete health and good physical training (a training 3-5 times a week), use of hormone of growth for the first time, a dream at least 7 hours a day, diets rich with a protein, it is possible to expect increase by 20 - 30% of dry muscle bulk within 4-5 months. If to enter growth hormone in 4ME dose in day, then it will promote to increase in growth of muscles by 20-30% in comparison with the previous a limit of muscle bulk.

Results of the first cycle of use of HGH always the most successful, no subsequent cycle will have such anabolic effect as the first. It can be for the following reasons:

  • Reaction of an organism to sharp increase in level of hormone of growth (and, therefore, IGF-Over time the capability of adaptation to sharp jumps of concentration of growth / IGF hormone develops
  • Increase in muscle fibers already happened for 20% - 30%. The body adapted to loadings and daily work, and bigger increase in muscles isn't required to it.
  • In case of growth hormone acceptance for building-up of muscle bulk finally everyone reaches the level (its personal record) during each cycle HGH, but in comparison with the first sharp increase in muscle bulk this growth is swept not so up therefore the result and doesn't impress.

Distinctions of influence on growth of muscles of steroids and growth hormone

Speed and intensity of growth of muscle bulk can increases due to application of steroids or hormone of human height. Steroids cause giperplasia of muscle cells while hormone of growth stimulates growth of new muscle cells in addition to a hypertrophy of already existing. You can also like Honluten.

Irrespective of the fact how muscle bulk by means of steroids, hormone of human height or only intense trainings has been reached, the body won't reduce it until muscles are loaded. If physical activity decreases, then and your muscles too regardless of how they have been received.

But due to existence of "muscle memory" even if muscle bulk will be reduced due to the lack of loading, then it will all the same quickly increase at restoration of necessary level of activity.

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